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Re: Sharyn

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Wow a lot of questions and all at once. I am so glad you jumped right in there. Let me see where to start....

I am 45 I have had RP for over 8 yrs. I was sooooo sick when first diagnosed and I don't know how I got through those rough times. I lead a fairly normal life now. I work a forty hours a week and some times more. This is work not the stuff I have to do at home. We are raising our 6 yr. old granddaughter so she keeps us busy! :o) So far RP has been good to me.

Since getting RP I have had a hysterectomy. Funny I was going through the change early too! They had such a time getting the meds straightened out and my system that it was decided after fight a year with the insurance that I needed the hysterectomy. After that my whole system settled down. I am not saying the flares have completely stopped but at least now they are bearable. I take Imuran 100 mg. a day and pred only when I flare.

The bad thing about RP is that it affects each of us so differently. What some can do others can't. What meds work on some doesn't work for others.

As for your daughter getting RP who knows? As for my family I am the only one that has it that we know of.

Keep posting and this great group will help you all they can. It will be so much fun to get to know you!

Lots of love


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Glad to hear that your friend has found a rheumy and will be praying that the new/old rheumy will know what RP is or be will to learn. Now you can stop worrying for the moment! :o)

Sorry to hear that you are struggling so to keep up with day to day life so. I too have kept on working no matter how sick I was. I too know what you are going through. Know I am here sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Sometimes when day to day gets hard take it an hour by hour or minute by minute.

Life is hard as it is and with the darn RP on top of it...it sure don't make it easy. I usually rest up on the weekends and get ready for the week coming. :o) I just know I am not going to let the RP run my life so I just change the way I do things to get me through the things I need or want to do. I too know what it is like to get up at 5 am and try to make it until 930pm to go to bed. Some days I come home wishing it was time for bed.LOL With a 6 yr. old to keep you busy I just have to keep plugging until she winds down or it is her bed time!LOL

Take care and remember you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Lots of love


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  • 5 weeks later...
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Marilyn, I have problems with the nausea too. I thought I had tried everything. Dr said have a really good breakfast before I take the pills...and, guess what? No nausea! Love, Judy Sharyn Thanks for the article. Makes me feel a little better about takingthat stuff. I started on metho last July. It still makes me reallytired the day after and some times I get sick to my stomach, but Iam not having near the problems now that I was having before Istarted on it. Saw my rheumatologist in Spokane last week and he isimpressed that I haven't had any major flare ups since I started onthe metho. Before taking it I was in constant flares and had severevasculitis on my legs and feet. This will be the first summer inseveral years that I just may be able to wear a pair of shorts. Inthe past I couldn't because my legs were such a mess.Love, Marilyn K.

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