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Trip to ER

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Hi Everyone

Sure glad the board is back. Well told you all I was sick over the

weekend and by early Monday Morning I was " really " sick. Couldn't

breath, flet like I was trying to swollow a big piece of meat and

both my ears clogged up and felt like I was getting an ear

infection. Could hardly talk so got up and drove out to the ER. Got

there about 4am. Boy..I thought for sure I was going to choak to

death. The put me on a breathing machine to open up my broncial

<sp> tubes...was sorta asmatic. Then put an IV in me and pumped in

antibiotics and gave me another steriod shot. Took blood out from

both my hands and made a mess of them. Looks like I've been in a

fight. Well sure felt better after that and will be on antibiotics

for about another week. Have an inhailer now which I do need still.

Not sure what happened to me. I was never one to get sick like

that, but I guess this is what I will have to live with now.

Is this normal? I guess it is, but it sure is the pits. I see my

Rheumy tomorrow and will find out what next.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I just plan on heading for

the ER when ever I get a cold or sick or what. I just hate doing

that unless it's absolutly necessary. Guess the Rheumy will tell me

what to do.

Other than that I sure feel a lot better.

Hope all of you are doing okay too.


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