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Re: so confused...

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Dear Mandy, the same thing happened to me. My rheumatologist is convinced I

have PA and so am I. When I had my skin biopsy, it came back with a sun

damage condition and not psoriasis. My doctor told me being on predinsone

can affect the results and also all my other symptoms are exactly like PA.

I probably also have RA, but my rash or what ever it is called the guttate

form. It’s little circles, about the size of a cigarette burn. I’ve also

had the water type you were talking about once before. Those aren’t any fun


My bone scan was super reactive and I showed inflammation in all my joints.

So don’t let one little test throw you off your diagnosis completely.

Sometime they are just wrong, or sometimes they all don’t just match up. I

have the nail ridges from time to time; right now I have it on two nails.

So this isn’t any easy disease to name, but if you have enough of the

symptoms it’s a pretty good chance you’ve got it. Take care and I hope you

feel better soon. Love, Fran

I went back to the rheumatologist last week. My biopsy came back as


They kept saying to me over & over they didn't think that was


I have minor nail pitting, TERRIBLE heel & arch pain etc. I guess

it is going to be reexamined and I have to go for a bone scan 3/1.

I only get a water blister like rash on my knees & elbows, sometimes

inner arm & face (only minute). It doesn't look like the pics of

psoriasis I have seen but it definately is a pattern of some sort.

They tell me that I may be at the beginnings of Rhematoid arth.

They don't know. Does anyone have any opinions?

Thanks everyone!


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  • 3 years later...

there is also a tort group you might want to search for. a lot of

babies have tort, and that contributes to plagio. However the helmet

will only correct the plagio (headshape) and you'll still need PT to

work on the tort. It is pretty normal for it to take a long time to

resolve tort, but you should be seeing some improvemen in range of


Banding corrects the headshape by holding growth in the prominent areas

and directing it to the areas which are flat (the band has extra room

in those areas, and the brain/head will grow where there is the least

pressure on the head). So this will help even out the shape. Bands

range from about $1500 to $3500 depending where you live and which

provider you go to. They may be covered by your insurance, but this

varies widely. If you think you might need to band it would be a good

time to get an evaluation from a specialist such as a cranio facial

plastic surgeon. or if you are near a cranial tech office (docband

provider) they do free evaluations. YOu can also call other local band

providers and see how they handle evaluations.


sydney, 3 yrs, starband grad


> Hi! My son was diagnosed with torticollis at about 2 months. He is

> now 3 months old and I am going to see a specialist at the end of the

> month. He definitely turns his head to one side all the time and has

> his head at a tilt. We go to PT twice a week, but I guess it's not

> helping much. Does anyone else have a similar experience? I would

> like for him to be put in a helmet to prevent further measures, but I

> don't know anything about it....how does it help? how much does it

> cost? how long will he need it for? I am so worried that he'll have

> problems later in life b/c of this....my ped says its not too severe,

> but I don't know what to think. Thanks for all your help.


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  • 6 months later...

Anyone with allergies, such as ezcema could die after receiving live-virus

vaccines according to Merck's manual (such as the MMR). I don't know about you,

but I want my child to catch these diseases in childhood rather than later. My

son was injured by vaccines and we stopped at 6 months. Vaccines come with a

lengthy list of side effects - most permanent. Google HHS, package inserts to

read for yourself. They cause cancer, alter your DNA and impair your fertility

- lab animal testing has proven this. However, the long-term effects of

vaccines on humans are unknown and unstudied.


> Hi, I'm new here. My son is 16 months old and he has had all of his vaccines

that were scheduled up to 12 months old. Now we are coming up on the MMR and I

am scared. He does have side effects to the vaccines: fever, irritability,

diarrhea, soreness at the injection site and now I am so confused on what to

do...maybe that's the way the CDC wants it? He is very health and he is

breastfeeding. Except today, I think he has a cold...I hope it's not swine flu.

He has very sensitive skin and he is struggling with eczema. What vaccines are

really needed? I have read there are benefits to both vaccinating and not

vaccinating. I have done tons and tons of research and yet I am still so



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Scarey stuff. Looks like I have only touched the surface.

> >

> > Hi, I'm new here. My son is 16 months old and he has had all of his

vaccines that were scheduled up to 12 months old. Now we are coming up on the

MMR and I am scared. He does have side effects to the vaccines: fever,

irritability, diarrhea, soreness at the injection site and now I am so confused

on what to do...maybe that's the way the CDC wants it? He is very health and he

is breastfeeding. Except today, I think he has a cold...I hope it's not swine

flu. He has very sensitive skin and he is struggling with eczema. What

vaccines are really needed? I have read there are benefits to both vaccinating

and not vaccinating. I have done tons and tons of research and yet I am still

so confused.

> >


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You need to STOP until you are NOT confused and be sure of which way to go.

we won't pressure you to go either way but we will also not lie and say

vaccines are safe and good. we'll tell the butt-ugly truth: vaccines do harm

and it's a crapshoot if your kid will or will not be damaged and you can't

ever undo it.

Those are facts. Not opinions. They do harm. No one can say for sure how

your child will react and you can't take it out once it's in.

So, now, what will happen if your kid gets the disease? You'll treat them,

you'll take care of them, they'll get over it and have lifelong immunity.

Could a vaccine have prevented that? they'll tell you yes (that is why they

coined the term 'vaccine preventable " ) but the truth is, that they have no

idea and that, yes, indeed the disease could have gotten you anyway. then

they came up with " well, it was a less severe case " .. how in the hell can

they come up with that one?? they don't know what sort of case it would have

been since it didn't happen!! that's just to make parents feel better about

" but you said they wouldn't get it " ..and obviously kids WERE getting the

diseases, even 100% vaxxed.

Keep learning. keep researching. Your baby will be healthier for it. keep

them needle free and unpoisoned for as long as you can. if he's well, avoid

the well baby checks. Don't let them falter your determination while you are

so likely to be swayed.

Once you fear the vaccine more than you fear the disease, then you'll be

safe and you can let loose on them~!.. while you still fear the disease more

than the vaccine, I think you're too open to letting the shots come.

Promise your child you will not hurt them until you have all of the facts,

from sources not making any money on the information. Look them in the eye

and promise. Those eyes. those eyes will be the best defense your baby has.

Stand strong for the ones that don't have a voice!

I have an 8 y.o, an 4 y.o. and a 18 month old completely unvaxxed. They're

very healthy, even with the 4 y.o. having a complete crap diet!

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 16, Jon 14, 12, 10,

7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 1

http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/> for not

necessarily current pictures


Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

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Why are you scared of the MMR?


So confused...


> Hi, I'm new here. My son is 16 months old and he has had all of

> his vaccines that were scheduled up to 12 months old. Now we

> are coming up on the MMR and I am scared. He does have side

> effects to the vaccines: fever, irritability, diarrhea, soreness

> at the injection site and now I am so confused on what to

> do...maybe that's the way the CDC wants it? He is very health

> and he is breastfeeding. Except today, I think he has a

> cold...I hope it's not swine flu. He has very sensitive skin

> and he is struggling with eczema. What vaccines are really

> needed? I have read there are benefits to both vaccinating and

> not vaccinating. I have done tons and tons of research and yet

> I am still so confused.



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Hey, how is your dog doing? I have a seven year old boxer and she is begining

to show her age- lumps and bumps, limping, spots on her eye, leaking anal

glands...I'm interested to know the homeopathic remedies your were talking


> > > > >

> > > > > Why are you scared of the MMR?

> > > > >

> > > > > Winnie

> > > > >

> > > > > So confused...

> > > > > Vaccinations

> > > > >

> > > > > > Hi, I'm new here. My son is 16 months old and he has had

> > all

> > > > of

> > > > > > his vaccines that were scheduled up to 12 months old.

> > Now we

> > > > > > are coming up on the MMR and I am scared. He does have

> > side

> > > > > > effects to the vaccines: fever, irritability, diarrhea,

> > > > soreness

> > > > > > at the injection site and now I am so confused on what

> > to

> > > > > > do...maybe that's the way the CDC wants it? He is very

> > > > health

> > > > > > and he is breastfeeding. Except today, I think he has a

> > > > > > cold...I hope it's not swine flu. He has very sensitive

> > skin

> > > > > > and he is struggling with eczema. What vaccines are

> > really

> > > > > > needed? I have read there are benefits to both

> > vaccinating

> > > > and

> > > > > > not vaccinating. I have done tons and tons of research

> > and

> > > > yet

> > > > > > I am still so confused.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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If you don't mind my asking, what was your son's vaccine injury?

> >

> > Hi, I'm new here. My son is 16 months old and he has had all of his

vaccines that were scheduled up to 12 months old. Now we are coming up on the

MMR and I am scared. He does have side effects to the vaccines: fever,

irritability, diarrhea, soreness at the injection site and now I am so confused

on what to do...maybe that's the way the CDC wants it? He is very health and he

is breastfeeding. Except today, I think he has a cold...I hope it's not swine

flu. He has very sensitive skin and he is struggling with eczema. What

vaccines are really needed? I have read there are benefits to both vaccinating

and not vaccinating. I have done tons and tons of research and yet I am still

so confused.

> >


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