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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

Yes ma'am, you do need to call the doctor. Especially

with another holiday weekend coming up. Let us know

what he/she says. Take care, Sharon

> Hi Sharon,

> I'm trying to hang in here. I am at the point that I

> think I will have to

> call the doctor. dang! I hate when this happens, but

> like someone in the

> group says, This too shall pass.

> You take care,

> Love

> Lu



> > Hey Lu, take care of yourself and get well soon.

> > Love, Sharon

> >

> > > Hey Everyone,

> > > I'm sorry I haven't posted much in a while, I've

> had

> > > a lot of stress on me,

> > > and I have been having a flare with my ears like

> it

> > > did when I first got d/x.

> > > OUCH! That pain is bad, isn't it?

> > >

> > > Anyway, sorry I have let you guys down and not

> been

> > > here for you. To all of

> > > the newbies, I would like to welcome you to this

> > > wonderful caring group of

> > > folks. I hope you can find all the answers you

> need

> > > here. I know it will take

> > > me a little while to get caught up. But I look

> > > forward to getting to know you

> > > better.

> > >

> > > To all who had a birthday and I missed it,

> Please

> > > forgive. Happy Belated

> > > Birthday! Even though I may not be posting

> sometime,

> > > I always pray for this

> > > group and everyone in it. I think of you often

> and

> > > still want to win the

> > > battle for a cure or a solution for remission.

> > >

> > > Please take care,

> > > Love you lots

> > > Lu

> > >

> >

> >

> > =====

> >

> >

> >






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Yes ma'am, you do need to call the doctor. Especially

with another holiday weekend coming up. Let us know

what he/she says. Take care, Sharon

I know Sharon, but I don't think any of my doctors would be reachable this weekend. I guess I will wait until Monday. How are you doing?



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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> In a message dated 12/28/2001 9:53:00 AM Central



> I know Sharon, but I don't think any of my doctors

> would be reachable this

> weekend. I guess I will wait until Monday. How are

> you doing?

> Love

> Lu


O.K. Lu, you get a pass until Monday! Please call

then though. I'm not doing so well, and yes, I have

been in touch with my doctor. Remicade got approved

by our HMO and I am scheduled for my first infusion on

the 4th---if I am over this blasted

cold/virus/whatever. How are you this morning? Ears

any better? Take care, Sharon



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Hi Sharon,

I'll be praying the remicade will be the answer for you. My insurance would not cover the drug for me, because I couldn't tolerate the metho any longer. They would have paid for it if I had been on the metho. Crazy insurance.

Please keep me informed on how you are. I will let you know what the doctor says as soon as I can find one. lol You take care,



O.K. Lu, you get a pass until Monday! Please call

then though. I'm not doing so well, and yes, I have

been in touch with my doctor. Remicade got approved

by our HMO and I am scheduled for my first infusion on

the 4th---if I am over this blasted

cold/virus/whatever. How are you this morning? Ears

any better? Take care, Sharon

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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

Stupid, dang insurance companies--especially HMO's!

Sorry you couldn't get coverage. I'm not on MTX

anymore either. Called our HMO to see what our co-pay

will be and the lady said just the regular pharmace

co-pay. Hope she knows what she is talking about. I

told her it was in the infusion center at the

hospital, and she said it is still just the pharmacy

co-pay. Thanks for the prayers. How are you today?

Ears any better? Take care, and call that doc

tomorrow. Love, Sharon

> Hi Sharon,

> I'll be praying the remicade will be the answer for

> you. My insurance would

> not cover the drug for me, because I couldn't

> tolerate the metho any longer.

> They would have paid for it if I had been on the

> metho. Crazy insurance.

> Please keep me informed on how you are. I will let

> you know what the doctor

> says as soon as I can find one. lol

> You take care,

> Love

> Lu



> > O.K. Lu, you get a pass until Monday! Please call

> > then though. I'm not doing so well, and yes, I

> have

> > been in touch with my doctor. Remicade got

> approved

> > by our HMO and I am scheduled for my first

> infusion on

> > the 4th---if I am over this blasted

> > cold/virus/whatever. How are you this morning?

> Ears

> > any better? Take care, Sharon

> >

> >






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Thanks for the prayers. How are you today? Ears any better? Take care, and call that doc

tomorrow. Love, Sharon

NO, I'm really sick, sicker than I have been in a long time.

I hope your insurance does pay for it because Remicade costs a fortune. I'm praying it will work wonders on you.

Love u


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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> NO, I'm really sick, sicker than I have been in a

> long time.

> I hope your insurance does pay for it because

> Remicade costs a fortune. I'm

> praying it will work wonders on you.

> Love u

> Lu


Oh Lu, I am so sorry that you are so sick! Did you

call that doctor yesterday? What did you find out?

Did you start your prednisone? Sounds as if you need

to. Please take care of yourself!

My Remicade is going to cost $2,500.00 per infusion.

How can any drug cost that much? At that price it had

better work!

Let us know if you called your doctor yesterday, and

take some drugs girl!

Love, Sharon



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I love my new computer. I wish I could hav afforded one a long time ago. This one has all the new bells and whistles I tell you!LOL

My puter is acting crazy????? help! Please don't crash! lol


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Please take care of yourself. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Please go to the Dr. or at least call one tomorrow.

I love my new computer. I wish I could hav afforded one a long time ago. This one has all the new bells and whistles I tell you!LOL

Lots of Love


Yes Glenda, I have been on two dose packs of pred. at different times. I settled for that than to take it everyday. But my rheumy knows nothing. He never believes a word I say anyway. I am going to go to him in a couple of weeks but I think this will be my last visit with him. I will start searching for a new one soon. The tumor on the foot? I have no idea? All the doctors around here are not open until after tomorrow. But I will call then. Hey how are you feeling? Do you like your new computer? Happy New Year!!!!! Love you Lu

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  • 2 weeks later...

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Thank you Sharon, I need all the prayers I can get

> right now. I am getting

> too old to fall. lol

> love u

> Lu

So, how are you today? Hope you are feeling a bit

less pain. How did you know that I love inspirational

trivia? Thank you, my friend. Love, Sharon



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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Hi Sharon,

> I'm praying you made it just fine. Wish I could have

> been there to help you

> play with the little ones. I can't wait to have a

> grandchild one day.

> When they rest, you rest, hope your day will be

> great!

> love you

> Lu

If I can get them down at the same time, that is just

what I intend to do. First day will be hard-a

learning experience for all of us.

I hope you do get your grandchild some day. They are

absolutely the most wonderous creatures God ever

creates. Is it your daughter who is having problems

in that area?

Treat yourself like a queen today! Love, Sharon



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I hope you do get your grandchild some day. They are

absolutely the most wonderous creatures God ever

creates. Is it your daughter who is having problems

in that area?

Yes, Sharon she is, I would feel like a queen with a grandchild. Poor kid would be spoiled to death. lol Enjoy Yours !

Take care,



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Thanks Sharon,

I know would appreciate all the prayers she can get. I pray it gets easier for you to keep your grand children. Hey it would be one way to get in shape. lol Run, run, run, all day. lol

Well, I'm off to the bone doctor today. Hoping something has healed, and to find out what to do about the rib cage pain. You take care,



Oh Lu, while I am praying for you, I will have to add

your daughter in also. I'm sure you would be a

fantastic gramma! It is so easy to do!!! I love my

grandchildren so much. I hope that you are feeling

better today. Take care of yourself! Love, Sharon

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--- Lu1953@... wrote:



> Yes, Sharon she is, I would feel like a queen with a

> grandchild. Poor kid

> would be spoiled to death. lol Enjoy Yours !

> Take care,

> Love

> Lu


Oh Lu, while I am praying for you, I will have to add

your daughter in also. I'm sure you would be a

fantastic gramma! It is so easy to do!!! I love my

grandchildren so much. I hope that you are feeling

better today. Take care of yourself! Love, Sharon



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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Thanks Sharon,

> I know would appreciate all the prayers she

> can get. I pray it gets

> easier for you to keep your grand children. Hey it

> would be one way to get in

> shape. lol Run, run, run, all day. lol

> Well, I'm off to the bone doctor today. Hoping

> something has healed, and to

> find out what to do about the rib cage pain. You

> take care,

> Love

> Lu


Hi Lu,

Oh good, a name to add to my prayer for your daughter.

I think maybe that calendar will come to good use as

a prayer reminder. Get to feeling better. Love, Sharon



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Thanks so much for they prayers, my family and I appreciate them and need

them! I know that is what's going to carry me through this mess.

We'll have to come up with a pajama party date! and I thought we

could meet up with at least Sandy half-way to Cleveland! Now half way to

Alabama might take us out of the Great Lakes Region! :)

You are welcome up here any ol' time your heart desires!!

Love Ya,

Patty B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy, happy anniversary, Lu, and congrats on 30

years! Think it will last??? Love you, Sharon

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Hi Everyone,

> This is just a short note to tell you, I am going to

> be leaving town tomorrow

> and not coming back until the end of the week or

> Monday? Who knows When? lol

> Our anniversary is the 12th so we are going to

> celebrate all week. lol 30

> years, wow and I don't have him anything. I couldn't

> think of anything to get

> him. That I could afford. lol

> Anyway, I will keep you all in my thoughts and

> prayers, you all keep growing,

> I'm lost. lol You are all so wonderful in this

> group. I appreciate and love

> you all. Have a great and blessed week. Take care,

> Love,

> Lu

> ps. I will be going no mail tonight but if you need

> me just e-mail me at

> Lu1953@...





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  • 2 weeks later...

--- mmjw3 wrote:

> Yeah! I wonder if we should start another web site

> for support! :)



> > Hey you guys! I am a book junkie too!

> > Lu

> >

> >



Welcome, book junkie! Maybe we should just plan a

" field trip " to s during the reunion in

Portland. Love, Sharon



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Yep, that would be fun! As if we could all keep up. lol but a book support would be fun! Great idea.

Love you


mmjw3 wrote:

> Yeah! I wonder if we should start another web site

> for support! :)

> >

> > Hey you guys! I am a book junkie too!

> > Lu

> > > >

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  • 2 weeks later...

OUCH! That Heidi is something, but I bet you

will soon feel the benefits of working out. Now nudge ne :)

Love you



That was a VERY hard fly swatter she was beating me with. She gave me the cream puff before she sprung it on me that I had to get on her stupid swing walker. She's RUTHLESS!!

Keep me in you prayers. Surviving RP is a breeze compared to dealing with Heidi. LOL

Love you,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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HI Sharon,

I'm so glad you are doing great! I think I bombarded the mail today with articles. I just kept finding stuff I wanted to share. lol

No, my problems aren't over, I still will have to have surgery soon. They had to take me off the chemo because my biopsy site wouldn't heal. Finally It is started to heal somewhat. I really dread the surgery but its got to be done.

I'm just praying RP will stay at bay because I can't have the steroids either. My immune system is so screwed up. lol

You take care, its so good to hear from you.

Love you


Hey Lu,

Are your problems all taken care of now? Are you all

better? Hope so! I've missed you too! Thanks for

all the great articles that you sent today. I've

moved them all to my RP folder so I can read them

later, at my leisure.

I'm doing really well! Yeah!

Take care, Love, Sharon

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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Hi Everyone,


> I have missed you all so much!!!!!! I know it will

> take me a little while to

> get caught up.


> I'm sorry that I had to go no mail for a while but

> just had some problems too

> big to handle. Still having them, nothing to do with

> RP but health problems.


> Please someone feel me in on what's up? I pray each

> of you are flare free and

> feeling good.

> Take care,

> love you....

> Lu



Hey Lu,

Are your problems all taken care of now? Are you all

better? Hope so! I've missed you too! Thanks for

all the great articles that you sent today. I've

moved them all to my RP folder so I can read them

later, at my leisure.

I'm doing really well! Yeah!

Take care, Love, Sharon



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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> HI Sharon,

> I'm so glad you are doing great! I think I bombarded

> the mail today with

> articles. I just kept finding stuff I wanted to

> share. lol


> No, my problems aren't over, I still will have to

> have surgery soon. They

> had to take me off the chemo because my biopsy site

> wouldn't heal. Finally It

> is started to heal somewhat. I really dread the

> surgery but its got to be

> done.


> I'm just praying RP will stay at bay because I can't

> have the steroids

> either. My immune system is so screwed up. lol


> You take care, its so good to hear from you.

> Love you

> Lu


Hi Lu,

Hey, haven't you had enough to deal with already this

year? What's going on? Sorry to hear that you are

going to have to have surgery. The thought of coming

off all your meds must be pretty scary. I know it

would surely scare me! I don't mean to be nosy, but

is your surgery scheduled yet? Please keep us

informed. I need someone else to worry about!!! At

least I can be praying for you.

Take good care of yourself, Lu. Love you, Sharon



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hey lu how about a millon dollars worth of nickels wrapped up in hundred dollars bills. dawn


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  • 2 weeks later...
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What did you find out at the Dr.? Gish are you trying to leave us in suspense? Please let us know soon!

Sorry that you are having such a time of it!

Lots of love


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