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Re: New here and would love advice

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We are going through the same thing with my daughter who is 41/2 months. At her 2 month appointment the pedi did not mention anything and then at the 4 it was the first thing he said. She is in the same boat great sleeper and loves laying on her back to play and stretch out. When I first noticed a little flattening I tried repositioning some but she loved laying to the right. We went to CT and they said she qualifies for a helmet she has plagio and a little bracy. However, our insurance will only cover some of the CT cost because they are out of network. So I took her to Hanger who is in network. They told me to do some more repo with her and come back for another measurement. The person we met with at Hanger said that 9 millimeters asymmetrical is what insurance will cover (if that helps you at all). Since I had conflicting answers I have an app. with a

Cranial Facial expert to get his opinion and then plan to go to CT if he recommends it. There might be a cranial facial expert in your area I am in Connecticut otherwise I would give you our name.

I thought my daughter was "mild" and at her CT appointment they said they would place her in the high end of moderate I was surprised by that. In the mean time I have been doing more repo and trying to get her on her tummy more which I think is helping some. Also, I don't know if your son is still in your room or not but we found that our daughter would face the right to face us. So I flipped her in her bed so her head is where her feet where now when she faces us she lays on her left. This has worked and hopefully is helping the flatter right side round out some more.

From: Karisa <karisaf@...>Subject: New here and would love advicePlagiocephaly Date: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 3:47 PM

Hi there!I live in the Santa Cruz, CA are and I am new to this group. My son Garrett is a little over 3 months old (born Sept 30) and the back of his head is getting flat :( My older son (now 4) had a flat spot as well, but it was mainly on one side and we caught it early on and treated it with repo. I'm so bummed this is happening again, especially since I wear my son in a sling most of the time and just didn't expect for it to be a problem again. He does sleep all night on his back though and just LOVES to be on his back kicking his little legs, so I guess that is why the problem developed. My ped didn'tmention anything a month ago at his 2 month visit about a month ago (and he was the same one who caught it early on with my first) but my OBGYN made a comment about it the other day when I brought him with me to an appt. I've been trying to keep him off of his back during the day and my

plan is to be very aggressive with repositioning him and to see how it improves in the next few weeks (at his 4 month appt with the ped).Anyhow, I have already gotten such great info by reading the files in this group and searching through the messages. I uploaded several pictures of Garrett from all angles on the last page of the "F-G" album and I would really appreciate it if you could take a look and tell me how severe you think it is. I did some measuring of pictures and I keep getting 88 as the cephalic index. I'm confused though, if that would be considered "severe" or just borderline brachy and whether they would even treat it or not.Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated! Thanks,Karisa

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