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Re: RP Soldiers

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, be careful what you ask for. I know when I ask now, I am incredibly specific. I leave no open-ended questions hanging out there. Who knows how He will answer them? I worked up until one year ago (2/14/01 to be exact), but the combination of the results of my third stroke and the RP and the arthritis, and....finally made it impossible, and I have been on disability ever since. Miss working, but do NOT miss the stress of having to make it in to the office when I feel horrible, so now if I feel horrible, I just turn over and go back to sleep and Hope it will be better when I wake up. Remember, to those who love you, you are never useless. Love, Judy RP Soldiers I admire each and everyone of you who have this awful disease and arestill able to hold down a job outside your homes. God must sendspecial strength to each of you because I can hardly just keep up myhouse and walk around it some days.I have been fortunate (so theytell me) that I havent had to work outside our home. But some days Ifeel useless and unfulfilled. You can do some much volunteer work andbeing the koolade mom in the neighboorhood all those years have comeand gone. I guess since I was complaining about being bored, God saidI'll show you and gave me something to keep my mind occupied. Oh wellif somebody has to have this I guess I will do my part proud.HAHAHASO everyday I say an extra prayer for all of you RP soldiers that goout into this cruel world and face the public ,then go home and stillwork some more.You are all angels in my book!!!!!! Luv and Hugs toeach of you,

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