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WTG Elaine, That is some good news so maybe there is hope for me and my

Cigna. I am trying to get up the money to have it and then have them

reimburse me too. (((Elaine))) and : )

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Just wanted to let everyone know that my insurance (CIGNA) has changed their

minds and is going to reimburse me for my surgery.

They changed their mind on the second appeal. I had surgery May 24.

I don't think you lose any leverage by being a self-pay. I was able to show

the insurance company the results---blood pressure down and a doctor that

believes my cholestrol will come down also.

Elaine in Indiana

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Congratulations, Elaine....that's wonderful news!!!

Tricin in iL

Elaine Enders-Long wrote:


> Just wanted to let everyone know that my insurance (CIGNA) has changed their

> minds and is going to reimburse me for my surgery.

> They changed their mind on the second appeal. I had surgery May 24.

> I don't think you lose any leverage by being a self-pay. I was able to show

> the insurance company the results---blood pressure down and a doctor that

> believes my cholestrol will come down also.

> Elaine in Indiana




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> WTG Elaine, That is some good news so maybe there is hope for me

and my

> Cigna. I am trying to get up the money to have it and then have


> reimburse me too. (((Elaine))) and : )

Hi. I'm Rhonda from Indiana. Elaine and I are friends (old diet

buddies too, ask her about the cottage cheese diet sometime)(sorry

Elaine, couldn't resist). We work at the same place, have the exact

same insurance (Cigna), I am still fighting them to get my surgery

done. I was so happy when I found out they had covered Elaine, I

thought I would have no trouble because I have a higher BMI and am

quite a bit heavier with more co-morbities than Elaine and I have

been turned down twice and am starting on the third time now. It is

so frustrating how the insurance companies do things. You really

can't base anything on what they have done for someone else. I went

and talked with our company division director to let him know the

problems I have been having with Cigna. He gave me two things to do

and told me if Cigna did not respond to let him know and he would

make some phone calls himself. He was very supportive of me. Cigna

wants me to give up and pay for it myself. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!

I may pay for it myself, but I am not going to give up on them paying

me back. This has probably been one of the hardest things I have had

to do. It has really forced me to look at me. Something I have

tried to avoid for years. I never realized how much I wanted this

surgery until they (Cigna) told me no. I don't want to sound like a

real downer, but I also know what it did to me when I thought I was a

shoe-in for approval because someone else got it. One day at a time

we will all get through this. Bye for now.


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hi rhonda, I will be with you trying to make it one day at a time. I hope

cigna starts dealing with us better. I think they want to keep the money for

as long as they can, and then in the end we either quit or they finally give

in.lol So I am not quiting they have more than me. lol keep me posted on what

happens. and maybe we can do the dance together. hugs marg

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