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Post from Marilyn/ Walk for a Cure

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Hi everyone, I am including a post from Marilyn K. She came up with a

wonderful idea!!!! She helps with the MS walk in her area. Her local

chapter raised over $17,000 last year in the walk. I think this is a great

idea. Her is her post:

Hi all.

Now that we have this great group's attention about the benefits of some

form of exercise, lets put this new found energy into raising money to

find a cure for RP. How about each time you go for a walk, or do some

form of exercise each day that you put a quarter or your small change

into a jar, and at the end of each " 3 " months count up what you have,

and send a check to for research into finding a cure for RP.

For those of you who don't exercise, maybe you can put your change from

the grocery store into a jar or when you find money in your hubby's

pockets when you wash clothes, put it in the RP jar. Let's see just how

much we can raise!!! Pennies make a difference, after all, look what

Oprah's Angel Network has accomplished with jars of pennies. Think of

what a quarter a day will do in 3 months time. The reason I am saying

we should do this for 3 months at a time is because we are going to have

SO much money in that jar we might be tempted to spend it on a new

outfit, but what better gift can we give ourselves than to find a cure.

Let me know what you all think.

Love, Marilyn

Marilyn wrote me and she has put in 4 quarters today already. I have put in

2. See it is adding up already. Even if you walk up the stairs and down, it

is exercise. For those who can't, maybe you could have your hubby or someone

else do it for you. Just raising your arms over your head twice a day is as

much exercise as some can do, but it all counts. Marilyn, thank you so much

for the wonderful idea. I am going to do it and see how much I can save in 3

months. I have already made a coffee can to put it in. Marilyn may not post

much, but she reads the mail every day. It's people like her that will make

the difference to find a cure! If anyone else has any ideas, please post

them. We are open to all suggestions.


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