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> I'm not sure what it exactly is. The order states KUB to check


> stent. If anyone else out there knows please any info is


> Patty

A KUB is a " Kidney Ureter and Bladder " X-Ray. It will also show your

Intestines, and will also show if the stent is still in the duct or

not. If it is still there, they can go in via endoscopy and get it


I had this done with one of my last ERCP, and the X-Ray showed the

stent was still in, so three days later they went to get it out and

in that time, it had fallen out. They don't quite do an ERCP when

they go in after it, so don't worry about that.

Email me with any questions.


Pancreatitis since 1/12/1995

Sphincteroplasty 9/25/2001

Whipple 7/8/2003

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Hi Robin,

thanks for your response. What I am worried about is that when I had the

procedure done on 12/9/03 I was in the hospital for 5day due to an attack. If

the stent is still there will the procedure to retrieve it cause another attack?

I am sick of seeing doctors, hospitals, and pain meds.


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If I may butt-in here...

I had a stent that migrated up the duct and took THREE HOURS to remove. My

doc had to literally " lasso " the thing with a fine wire. I had the mother of

all pancreatitis attacks after that one.

If all they are doing is removing the stent from the head of the duct,

that's easy and quick and shouldn't cause a problem, unless the duct goes

into spasm.

Believe me, I am with you on being sick of hospitals, docs, & pain meds.




> Hi Robin,

> thanks for your response. What I am worried about is that when I had the

> procedure done on 12/9/03 I was in the hospital for 5day due to an attack.


> the stent is still there will the procedure to retrieve it cause another


> I am sick of seeing doctors, hospitals, and pain meds.

> Patty

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I have to say that I never had a stent when my oddi monemetry was done

and they cut the oddi sphincter. So no KUB done then. Nor any of the

ERCP's I have had while a stent WAS in place in the pancreatic duct.

On the other hand, the only time I dind't have a pancreatic attack was

when they went in and pulled the stent the last time. I went home the

same day.

So many doctors do things so differently. Wish there was only 1 way o

do it so we all had the same routine, same amount of down time, pain

etc...so we could share all this info with each other.


TJENSEN7@... wrote:

> Hi Robin,

> thanks for your response. What I am worried about is that when I had the

> procedure done on 12/9/03 I was in the hospital for 5day due to an attack. If

> the stent is still there will the procedure to retrieve it cause another


> I am sick of seeing doctors, hospitals, and pain meds.

> Patty




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> I got a copy of my D/c summary from the hospital. I was curious to

> see exactly what my doctor did. It says I had a dual

> sphincterotomy. My liver enzymes Ast were somewhat abnormal at 639

> and Alt of 541. He determined that in his words " It was presumed

> that ampullary edema after sphincterotomy resulted in obstruction. "


> All I know was I was out of it for 5 days.


> Has this complication happened to anyone else?

> Just curious...

> Patty

> Louisville, KY


Has the complication of Pancreatitis happened after an ERCP to

anyone? For me, yes. Everytime I had an ERCP (I've had four or

five), I was in the hospital. In fact, it was the cause of my first

attack. I was ill for over a month with nausea and vomiting, along

with elevated liver enzymes. The only thing left to do was an ERCP,

so I was sent to the GI I am seeing to this day (Jan. 1995 is when I

first saw him). He did the ERCP about five days after my initial

appt. I ended up in the hospital for five weeks, home for two weeks,

and back in for four more weeks. I was discharged on TPN. I was

also taking Viokase, but it made me so ill, it took IV Phenergan to

get it under control. I was on TPN at home for six months (but spent

a total of nine months on it (Jan. thru Sept.).

Well, that was more than you wanted to hear, eh?? :)


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I've had an attack of pancreatitis after every ERCP I've had, which

is about 12 of them in the past 18 months. Since my last

sphincterotomy, everything has settled down. My mother had an ERCP a

few days ago, and she also had a pancreatitis attack, even though

they didn't go near her pancreas. It appears that they pulled out

quite a few polyps from her duodenum (they grow due to a hereditary

illness we have) and apparently a small blood clot was sucked back

up into the duct, causing a blockage. She got out of hospital


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