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Hi Carol,

I was a good girl and went to bed right after I emailed you! Today was the easiest first day on the job I've ever had. They thought they were over loading me but it was great.

We also went to the bank and they approved the mortgage already. Wow that was fast. Went in at 2pm and was approved by 5pm. Gotta love that Internet!!! Our closing date isn't until February 27th, which is good because then I can get settled into the job and have a few pay checks before we move.

I know how you feel about the pace of life. I found it very difficult at first, especially when I could hardly get off the couch for 4 months. Drove me buggy. The brain was willing but the body wasn't. Even the prednisone buzz wasn't getting the body going. The metho was very difficult to handle. When I got used to it I went back to work too soon and was sick again. Now it's at a level that I can tolerate, the prenisone is down to 9mgs and I feel much better. My life is almost back to normal, or as normal as can be expected. I must say that it has been extremely better since I decided not to deal with the ex. I didn't think that him or his family were affecting me that much but I guess they did. So work on getting some of that stress reduce it really does make a difference. Take care and talk to you soon.


Re: Carol G's Story

Hi Elaine,

Shouldn't you be in bed , aren't you starting a new job tomorrow? You need your rest! I was glad to read the inspection went well, hope the bank does too! When do you expect to close and move in?

I'm not mentally ready to downshift yet. It's partly the pred, which keeps me wired, but I loved the pace of my life, though I know I overdid it at times. The only thing I have found about having to slow down is that it is making me realize how important it is for me to take the time to connect with the people I care about. For me and for them. To sit, and talk (when my voice is strong), and listen, to know how much we care. I know I have some big changes to adjust to, and I hope I'll be like you and learn to enjoy the quiet time. Right now it's still too quiet, and I have too much time to think. I know my questions will be answered, and I am so grateful to know I have friends who know how this feels, inside and out.

It's good to know you are doing well on the metho. I'm not looking forward to it, but reading how you're doing helps. I wouldn't even mind feeling tired right now. I did yawn for the first time today in I don't know when. Isn't it weird, you notice little things like that now?

Good Luck with everything coming up. Keep your strength up so you can handle it like a champ!!

Talk to you soon,

Carol G

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  • 3 weeks later...

Marilyn, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. You rest this weekend and

feel better. Thanks for keeping track of all the people who are joining the

exercise club. LOL

Yes we do have 2 Carols. Carol Applin and Carol Giordano. Both of these

ladies are just wonderful. (Just like the rest of us. LOL )

Curl up and read this weekend Marilyn and take care. It is soooo foggy here

I can't see across the street. Plan on staying home this weekend.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thankyou for the Emails on wishing me a Happy Birthday

You are all so nice and am so glad I found this site.......

Hope everyone is Flare free!!!!!!!!

Carol Applin

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Susiecue, we can all relate to yours and Carol's frustration. I did the same thing, when my rheumy told me that Dr. Trentham wouldn't do anything different for me, I still had to go to Boston to see him. It was worth the trip, too, just for the simple fact of him telling my family (who were sure I was going to keel over), that while RP can't be cured, it can be managed. It's all a matter of finding what medications work for each person - because we are all different! He was right, that was the same thing my rheumy told me, but we all felt better when Dr. T. said it! For that alone, I think the trip to Mayo would be worth it. You NEED to feel like they are doing SOMETHING! Even now, when knock on wood, it has been almost a year since my last flare, I still wonder if everything is working as it should. The rheumy said if I start to flare again, something stopped working, wel, duh! I could have figured that out! Then my hubby says, what did you want him to say? I don't know, I guess I want a miracle, just like the rest of us! Who knows, maybe they WILL find a cure in time to help us, we can only pray. Love, Judy O Carol I know how you feel. It is so frustrating. My heart goes out to you. The Dr's tell you to lessen the stress in your life & they are the ones that are causing much of it. Talked to quite a few of the Dr's today because they didn't send back the paperwork for disability to social security. The eye Dr. told me I don't qualify with my eyes although everything is blurred & I can't read well or use the computer. Go figure. I am becoming a recluse because it's just so difficult to get out. Talked to the rheumy briefly & he didn't have much to say. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. I told him we would discuss it more on Thursday. We are going to address the Mayo issue on Thursday. What right does he have to say that they'll just do what he is doing. All I'm asking is help to feel a little better. I know it takes patience but it is so hard after feeling crappy for so many months. Keep your chin up & I'm sure we will get through this. It helps to know there are all of our wonderful friends on the board to help us through these tough times. Luv ya, SusiecueDISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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