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Update on Glenda

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Hello all

I went to the rheumy today. I was suppose to go to the PCP today but I had both appointments set for the same time. Guess which one I decided was more important?LOL I have been having a time of it the last few weeks. I tried to talk to the PCP's nurse on Tuesday and they never called me back. Imagine that. Then on Wed. hubby called to get me an appt. and they couldn't see me until this afternoon. Well that was when I remember I had a rheumy appt. today also.

I went to the rheumy and had a great visit. I really love my rheumy and am glad that he takes the time to explain things to me. I can ask him anything.

Well he asked me how I was doing? I told him that I think I am doing great as far as the RP goes but.... I have had swelling and tenderness in my neck and my left ear has been hurting off and on deep inside. I told him it didn't feel like RP but..... last night the ear got red hot... the red hot part is like RP but the rest of me doesn't feel like the RP is acting up. (Yah that made a lot of sense)

Well the rheumy checked every joint in my body and then went to the ear. Touched probed and the whole bit but found nothing wrong as far as the RP goes. Hurray!!!! Then he started in on my neck...OUCH! Well he determined that it wasn't the cartilage but the lympths were swollen on that one side. He said it appears that you have an infection starting and he put me on antibiotics. He said that sometimes infections will irritate the lympths.

We talked about the Imuran and he reassured me that he was making sure that all was going well with it. He said that Imuran isn't the greatest to have to be on but there are worse things. He said a lot of people who have kidney transplants are on Imuran forever. He also said that if I keep doing as well as I am that someday we will try to go down on the dose and even attempt going off it completely. Boy that will be a day of rejoicing. He knows how much I really hate meds.!LOL He is one Dr. who understands that I would never abuse my meds.

I definately left his office feeling better. Just wish my PCP had my best interests in mind. It is ashame that Dr.'s don't say what they really think. I was pretty upset when I went in there. For one when you take meds that say at the first sign of infection call your Dr. I do and then they don't take me serious. I hate going to the Dr. about as much as I hate the meds. I don't call unless I am sick. Guess it is time to find a new PCP.

Sorry to go on and on like this but just thought I would fill you in on what was going on with me.

Take care and know I think of you all often!

Lots of Love


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