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1 month exactly!!!

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Well, today is my 1 month exact date. Tomorrow I have my oficial 1 month

appt., but this morning I got on the scale . .and I have lost 30.5 lbs!!!! I

beat the avg. by half a lb! WOOOO!!!! I am soooo ahppy - - I can't wait to be

in size 16s You are not even in plus sizes in some stores now! YEAH!!!

I also scrap book - I LOVE IT! I have been doing it for 2 1/2 years and I

love it! I haven't done ANY since IS tarted thje mgb stuff. My spare time has

been right here on the computer. I really need to pick up my slack. I think

at the picnic we shoudl have a cropping night in someones hotel! That would

be fun . .and we could all make weight loss pages! : ) Then we could give

them to to scan in! : ) We could do a scrap-off!!!! Let me know if

anyone is interested

I am feeling great . . I still get a little rtired int he afternoons and I go

back to work tomorrow after havign the summer off! Some long time post-oppers

when do they sleep afternoons go away? What do you do to avoid being worn out

at the end of the day? I have tried protien shakes in the afternoona dn have

not noticed too much of a change in energy.(?)

Kim, you are looking good!!!! I am so scared to see what pics you gave

to post! AHHH! , be sure to let me have sneak peek when you get them

posted! PLEASE!!!! Although, like you said, who cares what we look like in

them, nobody will recognize us soon anyway! : )

Well, 1 month and I am doing great - pre-oppers feel free to e-mail me with

any questions : )


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