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My dentist & rheumy visits

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Sue... thanks for keeping us updated...Sounds like you have a great

dentist... Well you have at least ruled out the teeth. I know it doesn't

help to make you feel better. Hope someone will get to the bottom of this...

You are wise to rest when you can... I too have to use a cane at times and

also a wheelchair... I'm just to exhausted and my muscles are weak...Can't go

very far... Hurts my pride but at least I can get around... Have a great cane

collection now. LOL There are some really neat ones in the antique stores...

and flea markets. LOL

Guess I just started a new hobby. LOL

also think goint to your reg ENT is a great idea.. You sure got that right

when you said pass it off to someone else... They tend to do alot of that.

Please don't be too hard on yourself... You can't be positive all the time...

i find that the shower is a wonderful place to just let loose and cry... No

one can hear or see me...lOL (not a pretty site)

I have gained 40 pounds and boy is my face ever round.... I am embarassed to

go out for fear that someone will see me and not recognize me.. it has

happened all too often... I know I shouldn't feel that way but I do... Trying

to get over it.... I just have to take one obstacle at a time.

I'm so glad you did find us.... Wish you could have been at the reunion...

Yes...not a one felt embarassed or out of place.. We were just a big group of

round smiling faces...LOL We all can relate and understand each other...

Please don't hesitate to vent. We all need that and that is why we are all


Rest as much as possible and keep us updated....


PS... I would check with another dr about starting the Imuran while you are

so sick...maybe someone in the group knows.

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Well I went to the rheumy & dentist today. Stil lhave the lump. Told the rheumy about Lu's problem with her submandibular gland & he said he didn't understand why it was removed. Still can't figure out why I'm still swelled & tender, although the swelling has subsided a little. He said to finish the antibiotics & come back in 2 weeks & will try to put me on Imuran.

Then I went to the dentist. He did some x-rays & compared them to ones he did a year ago. There was no change. He was very thorough. There is no abcess. He called the rheumy & told him of his findings. He wants me to talk to my PCP & get a referral for an oral surgeon & have a panaramic x-ray done. I've been going to this dentist office for 30 years. Saw his dad & then have had the son for at least 20 years so they know me & my mouth very well.

I told the rheumy I am having a flare, I have a small pimple like spot at the top of my left ear. I am also exhausted. The pred is keeping things from getting worse I am sure. I am so disgusted & depressed. I did nothing all day yesterday but I knew today was going to be busy, & I'm going to do nothing tomorrow. Will have dinner with a friend tomorrow night, but Ted is going with so I don't have to drive. I had all I could do to get up into my truck today.

As far as the falling goes, they want me to use a cane so if I get these spells I will have something to hold onto. They think it might be from the scar tissue on my right ear from when I had the major flare in September. I will see my regular ENT, I was not too crazy about the one that was on call when I was in the hospital. I think he just didn't want to be bothered so he passed it off as tooth.

This is just one vicious circle. Pass it off to the next guy. How can they start me on Imuran in 2 weeks if I still have this problem?

The dentist & his sister said if they saw me on the street they would not recognize me because of the swelling in my face. I know it is from the pred but it still doesn't make it any easier. I have put on 20 lbs since the end of Sept.

Oh well, I guess I have to try to take it one day at a time but it is getting so hard to do. I try to keep a positive outlook. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have all of you to talk to. You've all been a really big help.



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Hi Susiecue,

They had to remove my gland, because even though the infection had cleared, they said it would probably come back and it was due to RP? Go figure? I did have an article on this, can't find it. Dang it. They need to be taking your swollen gland seriously before it gets out of hand. I have been there and done that. I wish I could help,I will search for the papers? Please take care,



Well I went to the rheumy & dentist today. Stil lhave the lump. Told the rheumy about Lu's problem with her submandibular gland & he said he didn't understand why it was removed. Still can't figure out why I'm still swell

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That would be great, because I could use the reference also, as my

Rheumatologist couldn't find anything about it. Thanks!

> Hi Susiecue,

> They had to remove my gland, because even though the infection had


> they said it would probably come back and it was due to RP? Go

figure? I did

> have an article on this, can't find it. Dang it. They need to be

taking your

> swollen gland seriously before it gets out of hand. I have been

there and

> done that. I wish I could help,I will search for the papers? Please

take care,

> Love

> Lu


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