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Suesiecue + Kathrine

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Guten Morgen !!!

I just thought I give you Don's site of Rp once more.When Don got RP we thought the same

way as you are now. BUT please understand there is hope you hear. The trick is to find the right meds. Now that is the hard part because everyone is different with this. And it will take time.Plus a good attitude is a most !!! When Don first started on the Prednison he took it at night. Well dud no one told us you cant sleep with that stuff. But soon we learnt.The only thing we where told he might get a moon face.

Well heck no big deal he is still the same person in side.The other part he was told he might Gain weight LOL Wow he did. He went from a pants Size 29 to a 36!!!! But guess what he is now already back down to a 33.As of yesterday he is OFF the pred. Doing good too.

But he was on it for 7 years and it took 1 year to finally get him off altogether.So don't rush it please it will work better for you in the long run to come off it VERY slow.Yes we know there might come a time he has to go back on it, but that's Ok.You all will get better too just

got to believe that.At beginning it is the hardest part. But you will learn.Yes Don is

leading a normal Life again.But he NEVER missed any of his meds either and he always takes it on time too. The only BIG problem

that RP did for him is he got spoiled rotten because we did not know much about RP

and thought that was the end for us. Boy how wrong we where !!!! He has the greatest Support group here and at Home.Yes we do have a rule here NO ONE COMES OVER

WHEN THE ARE SICK !!!!!We told our kids and Friends all about RP and the now know why that has to be that way.So you see in time you will get better too just please have Patient.And

know we are here for you to lean on.We love you and care for you very much and understand your pains.Remember take your Vitamins and Medicine ON TIME everyday

so you can get the RP back in a sleeping mood.Don't every think you are alone we are here for you OK .

Sending you all a gentle Hug from Okieland


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