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I do remember both snow storms, and one in Jan of '86. I remember

very clearly because I was pregnant with my eldest and on absolute

bed rest. I was watching the shuttle launch on TV and looking out

the window at the snow blowing off the green leaves of the old

oaks. I saw the shuttle explode; pretty vivid memory. My goodness

ton closes at even so much as a dusting of snow sticking.

But I have never seen " real " snow. The kind that doesn't melt in a

day and falls in drifts by windows edge that clings in glistening

clumps to the fine needles of a loblolly pine. No I have never seen

real snow; have always had this fantasy of being snowed in for a

long weekend in a cozy cabin on an isolated moutain side, with all

the ammentities of course.

I have rested well last night and took it easy today. My pain is

much worse and I was laying with a heating pad until that got too

uncomfortable, so changed the position to the chair at my desk. I

dont want to take any demerol, but I may have to. I have taken

100mg each night for the last week after having gone so long without

it. I dont want to take it if I have to work the next day. I just

dont want to take it at all.

I have declared it a fun and " no fussing' weekend and am really

looking forward to the oysters, doubt I will be able to knock back a

half bushel on my own any more, but will enjoy it. I know i wont

have a hot dog, but they are so good cooked on a stick in a fire. I

can have marshmellow though, no fat in those. The weather should be

perfect tomorrow too.

Yes my daughter goes to BE, her gpa on the last report card was 3.9;

she is working so hard and wants to try for scholarships. She is

such a hard working and determined young lady. I dont worry about

her, for the time being. I also have a boy 13 and a girl 8 so I

stay fairly busy and finding enough time to rest now that I am back

at work is difficult.

I hope your doing well Henry and look forward to reading more of

your post you have such a comforting tone.


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