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Laryngeal Article

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Carol, thanks for the site and I'm glad that you got to talk to your dr.

Hope you get some good results tomorrow.

I think I'll do the same thing as you and go crawl into bed with my book and

I KNOW I will fall asleep for sure today. Still dragging. I think I have

the viral bug that is going around too. My voice is almost normal and my ear

is calming down. Just feels like a cold now.

enjoy your rest and let us know what you find out tomorrow.


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For anyone who is interested in reading a kind of involved article about laryngeal involvement and RP, here is a link. So many of us are having it in our throat. And according to this, my ENT was right- - I asked him if this stuff can take out your voice box, and he said yes - GOOD LORD save us.

I'm realizing with each passing hour how I can't play around with any of this. Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me to get on it and call today. I did talk to my Rheumy, who, after playing 20 questions determined not only are my eyes infected, but I have some other infection, probably viral, coming on too. I have been feeling cRaPpier as the day has been going on, but I didn't understand why my temp is staying down. He said the Pred could be doing that. I just have that over all fluey feeling, and am coughing again, along with this eye thing. He said he hates to keep bouncing me around, but he wants my PCP to stay up on everything's that's going on, so he asked me to go to him, I have an appt for early tomorrow morning. the Rheumy is checking on my pulm. func. results from last week, and is going to call me back.

I will bring up the idea about seeing the ophtho tomorrow with my PCP, cause I know the right equipment is important.

I'll let you all know how it goes. Right now, I think I'll crawl into bed with a mindless magazine and hope to fall asleep.

I'll save my list of questions for a day when my mind is a little clearer. Thanks, guys!

Carol G


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