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strangest thing?

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Subject: strangest thing?

A Jewish father was concerned about his son who was

about a year away from his Bar Mitzvah, but was

sorely lacking in his knowledge of the Jewish faith.

To remedy this, he sent his son to Israel to

experience his heritage firsthand.

A year later, the young man returned home, saying,

" Father, thank you for sending me to the land of our

Fathers, " the son said. " It was a wonderful and

enlightening experience, however, I must confess

that while in Israel I converted to Christianity. "

" Oi vey, " replied the old man, " what have I done? "

So, in the tradition of the patriarchs, he went to

his best friend and sought his advice and solace.

" It is amazing that you should come to me, " said his

friend. " I, too, sent my son to Israel, and he

returned a Christian. "

So, in the traditions of the Patriarchs, they went

to see the Rabbi. " It is amazing that you should

come to me, " said the Rabbi. " I, too, sent my son to

Israel and he returned as a Christian. What is

happening to our sons? Brothers, we must take this

to the Lord, " said the Rabbi. So, they fell to their

knees and began to wail and pour out their hearts to

the Almighty.

As they prayed, the clouds above opened and a mighty

voice boomed out, " Amazing that you should come to

me with this problem. I, too, sent My Son to Israel...

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