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Good Evening All,

I haven't been on line much and am just now getting done with reading all the posts from the last few days. Gosh we are growing in leaps and bounds. Sorry that you have RP but glad that you were able to find us.

I will make one big post this time so that I don't bombard you all with 100 posts. You are all breathing a sigh of relief I am sure.LOL Well here goes and hope I don't forget anyone. If I do I am so sorry.

- Sorry to hear that you are having a rough time of it. So glad that you have Dr. Buckner to fall back on and things are starting to settle down for you. Things will get better! It is just hard at first to see this because we hurt so bad from the RP.

Sharon- Sorry to hear that you had such a rough time with your grandkids. It is always hard to have to admit you can't do something that you think you should be able to. It is sometimes even harder for our kids to understand too. They don't see much wrong with us so they don't understand. Know you are in my thoughts and if you need me I am just a call away.

Ann- Sorry to hear that your daughter is having problems. Will be thinking of you both. Hoping for a speedy recovery and that they will find the cause of the problem.

Lu- So good to see posts from you again. Hope you are on the mend and can stay with us this time. We need you here!

- Thanks for worrying about me.LOL Like I taught you to!LOL Also thanks for the site and you are right we need to be aware that not all Dr. know which drugs work or don't work with others.

Kathleen(TX) Flaring and rash on the scalp ring a bell with me. I think it might have something to do with Vasculitis. I don't have Vasculitis but know others in the group do so maybe you will hear from them.

BJ- So Glad that they didn't find cancer. That is always good news! Keep up the good work.

Pam- So good to see a post from you. I was wondering about you two the other day...thinking I haven't seen a post from you for awhile. I love the outings you and Bev have. Sounds like you have so much fun. Post when you can I do miss you.

Janet- It is so good to see posts from you. I know what you mean about this group being the greatest. It is growing so fast and I have only been here for a year and a half. I don't know what I did without all of you.

Heidi- Don't know what we would do without you. So glad you are here to try and keep us all in line.

Dawn- How are you doing? Haven't hear much from you. Hope all is well and work is treating you right.

For all of those out there that haven't posted for awhile please post once in awhile and let us know how you are. We do miss you. I wont name, names so you think I am picking on you but you know who you are.LOL Know I love you and think of you often.

For all those that send the jokes, inspirations, etc. thanks so much you make my day. Everybody needs a laugh, encouragement, and just to know someone is out there thinking of them.

Okay I will go back to my corner now and see what else has come in while I was doing this. Again know I think of you and don't know what I would do without you. I am so proud of you all helping each other like you do. Even the newbies are trying to help! You are all wonderful.

Lots of Love


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