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Good doctors, Bad Bosses

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Hi everyone

Had several doctor appointments this week. The first was with my

new primary...She's rather young, but seems to be really sharp.

Knew all about RP which shocked me. She was kind of funny since she

stated she sure would like to see me in a flair...then said.. " Oh, I

mean I don't want you to have one, but I have never see a person

having one. " She uped my Diabetes medication...and filled out all

the other meds I needed filled since changing primary doctors and

not that I can have them filled out at the local military base.

I found that if I make a list of my medications I can alway have

them handly when the doctors ask what meds you are taking. So here

I have this neatly typed list and color coded...She laughed and told

me I was a " A " personality...real organized..yep...that's me :)

Then I had my appointment with my Rheumy...Will tell you right now

every time I see the man he impresses me more and more. So if any

of you are ever in need of a really good Rheumy in northern Florida

I have just the one for you.

I told him what has been going on in my office and how my boss

thinks there is not a thing wrong with me..and that the VP thinks I

need a second opinion. I starte this conversation by telling him

that I was going to ask him a question and that I wanted him to know

that there was a reason and not because I had any doubt about him or

his profession. I asked him is he was absolutly certian I had RP.

He looked strangly at me and said yes that the test on my ear

confirmed it as well as the ENT doctor. I then proceeded to tell

him what all was said to me by my boss. He said " what? " ...then I

told him about the conversation with the VP who more or less gave me

the impression that he doubted my doctors DX about me. My doctor

said " What? " I told him that I wanted him to know that I had all

the faith in the world in him and that I trusted him and that there

had to be this type of relationship between a patient and doctor. I

then told him that I was really an intelligent person and that I

really hated ignorant and stupid people and that is exactly who I

was working for. I told him the stress was really bad. I mean I

told him everyting thing. Now keep in mind this is a very mild

mannered man...very easy to talk to, not cold..he just could not

beleive these people and then he stopped and shook his head and

said, " that really pisses me off " . You all would have love to have

been there. Then he said, " hold on a minute " . He came back with

his little hand held recorder and began recording a letter to my VP

regarding my condition...explaining what he was

doing..blah..blah...blah..and then ended it up with the fact that

stress was something that I did not need to have since it can and

will cause my RP to worsen...he then finished and said...will that

do Sharyn...I said....perfect...thank you. He then told me he would

do anything to help me and all I had to do was ask.

Now tell me...is that a caring doctor???? Gosh...that made me feel

so good too. All these years of putting up with jerk doctors..and

finally I found one who listens, who cares, and knows what the hell

he is doing. Oh, I've checked his background and he's a very smart

man. Clean record...holds another license I think in Mo besides

Florida...Attended part of his medical training at Hopkins...He

also has 4 daughters and 1 son. I mean a man that can live with 5

females must be a saint <grin>

I just wonder what will happen when the VP gets that letter...either

they will try their best to find a way to get rid of me or they will

all stay as far away from me as possible. At this point in my life

they can do what ever they want. I've given them the past 5 1/2

years of my life and given more than 100 percent since I've been

working there. Maybe now I can try and cut back on the hour I am

working since it is becoming more and more difficult for me.

He's going to keep me on my 15 mg of Pred...and so far the MTX isn't

causing any problems. Tonight was only my third dose and Dr.

told me it would take a couple of months before we would know if it

was doing any good.

Well what's ya think of my doctor?


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