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hi a steange story [clean ]

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hi pam here

i know i Havant posted for a long time but have been reading the post but

when you here my story you will all understand. well here goes first a bit of

back ground

when i was 5 years old both my mother and father walk out on 6 kids the

oldest 2 went to live with grandparents us 4 were put into children's homes

then split up into different foster homes. 16 years ago i found out that on

my mothers side i was 1 of 11 kids and on my fathers 1 of 9 [4of us having

the same mother and father], so i went on a mission to find the rest of them.

up till Christmas this year i had found 8 of them. now ruffle were 4 are, but

still missing 3

well 3 weeks ago now i got a phone cull from one of the sis why i was at work

saying ring me when u get home important so at 2-30 i did and she told me

that kilroy [t.v.chat show] had rung her saying that a lady had rung in with

her story she was put up for adoption at the age of 6 weeks and would they

trace her mother and the older sis she now she had [the show was about

abandoned baby's] they traced my older sis who then told them about 4 other

sis and a brother kilroy asked if we could get to london on the monday as

they were doing the show on the tuesday so off we all went they didn't tell

the new sis about us at all she told her story hoping the someone would ring

in and say that they think that they are her family, then right at the end of

the show they told her that they couldn't find her mother but have found 5

sisters and a brother and we all walked down. the strangest thing of all is

that she lives 9 miles away from me and we didn't even know so now were all

getting to know a nether new sister my house is like a boarding house as they

all keep coming to stay so they can go and visit the new sis which is why i

ant been able to post so now theirs only 2 more to find and ive got all my

family back

i hope you like my happy story you see there is still some good in the world

well got to go mow

keep happy and pain free

luv pam/bev

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