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Thank you so very much for such kind words about the care I had

given you. I sometimes wonder if I ever helped anyone and it

reassuring that I chose this profession to hear it from you. I am

still not feeling well, but I slept better last night and didn't

have to take a ton of demerol. I worry about that drug as well.

You had mentioned the panc enzymes were elevated after the attack

and you were feeling better. I am not sure how it is with the

panc. but I know when a person has a MI, isoenzymes are collected

three times. CKMB and troponin are 2 that come to mind but they

will be elvated after a heart attack. These types of enzymes are

released after the heart muscle has been damaged and it can measure

the extent, some what, of the degree of damage. I know that the

panc will stop producing enzymes due to damage, but I dont know if

the initial damage will cause and extreme release of such enzymes as

the pancreatic muscle itself is damaged. I will have to look into

that. Thats funny that your husband remembered me too. Well I am

about 120 pounds lighter now then I was back then. Silver Lining to

having CP, but the malnutrition made me loose my hair, turned bright

orange too! I dont think you ramble in the least. I bet a month

later you could eat that waffle huh... the inconsistency of this

disease just drives me nuts. Every time I think I have it figured

out.. WHAAMMMO! I'm going to look into that dilaudid thing; could

you handle morhpine IV without problems? Demerol is all I can take

and had it PCA in the hospital. From what I understand the

anesthesiologist, a friend, went through hell and high water to get

it because it is so risky. I was told he and the pharmacist had a

bit of a tiff. I would have liked to see that. I dont like to take

it at home, and hold off as long as possible. But last friday night

and saturday I went by the clock, and didn't eat, trying to let the

panc rest a bit. I take ultram also, and only took 150mg of demerol

last night; so its getting better. Now looks who rambling on and


I'll get back with you on the vaso response.



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