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Re: No biopsy

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I know you've been suffering so much lately, and I think of you throughout each

day, hoping you'll get some good news soon. Maybe not having the biopsy will be

a turning point for you, and soon your life will start to return to normal. I

agree, this all sucks big time! Please know that I say a special prayer for you

each day.

Take care,

No biopsy

Re: Well went to the hospital today for the biopsy. The Dr. had me lie on my

right side since the mass was on the left & did some preliminary cat scans. He

told me that because of where it was located he might knick the lung & as long

as it didn't deflate more than a certain degree it would be okay but if it went

more they would have to put a chest tube in & I'd have to stay a couple of days.

He came into the room after taking the pictures & said he had good news he did

not have to do the biopsy.


Re: Just talked to my PCP & she told me that he assured her last week that it

was easy to get at & wouldn't be a problem. Then today he said it was small &

stuck between the ribs & would be very difficult to do. She was very

disappointed although I am relieved. The chances of it being cancer are very

slim. They are going to repeat a cat scan in 3 months to see if it's grown.


Re: Now we just have to figure out what to do about my breathing. I am so short

of breath & my breathing is so labored. I know there are no blood clots but the

PCP is wondering if it is a type of pneumonia although I am not running a fever.

She was going to have an echo done to see if it is heart related but I just had

one done in Sept. & it was okay. She is considering breathing tests but I had

some about a year ago. She really hates to put me through more tests since I've

been through so much. She will talk to the rheumy & I will see him on Thurs &

talk to her on Friday. The weight gain is playing a big part in the breathing

but as long as I'm on the high dose steroids there is nothing I can do. I do

not eat anything different & the Dr. said it is a difficult thing to go through.

I was not a size 10 to begin with so it makes it even harder. Like I said the

other day you all look so slim & trim.


Re: This sucks big time. I just want to feel somewhat normal. I am so sick of

sitting in the chair but it's such a challenge to do anything since I can't walk

far because of my legs & back & the shortness of breath. I don't even care if I

feel as good as I did in October. I would take even feeling half as good.


Re: Well, will keep you posted as to what they are going to do with me. My

right arm looks like a pin cusion. I've had blood drawn twice, cat scan with IV

contrast, the fluroseen angiogram with contrast yesterday & the iv today. I

have terrible veins so I usually try to get them to use the vein for blood

drawing for everything.


Re: Thanks for listening.


Re: Susiecue



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