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Re: Further stuff about exercising /update on knees

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You are so right about everything you said. You are the experienced one that knows her stuff, and has proven that this CAN be overcome. You are such an inspiration to me, and I'm sure all the others!

The only thing I want to add is for everyone to think about adding some core muscle training for abs and back, so that when you are into your aerobic work (walking, etc,) you will have the strength and support you need to not have back and hip pain. Also, doing upper (quad & hamstring) and lower (calf, soleus and anterior muscles) conditioning will help with your stamina and keep away the soreness. These can be done in a chair. If anyone needs suggestions, let me know.

This is so great for everyone!!!!!

Carol G

Further stuff about exercising /update on knees

Hello all, this morning I went to see my rheumy to getmy last shot in the knees of Hyalgan. I am alreadybeginning to feel benefits, my knees are MUCH LESSpainful than they were, and the swelling has gonedown. I have been slowly increasing the amount Iexercise, because I know from experience it helpseverything (except perhaps joint pain!!!) I haveexercised regularly for years with interruptions byrp. Right now, I feel better than I have in the last15 years!! This might be in part due to my rheumytelling me that he thinks I am doing remarkably well,and that he is proud of me. I said in part it was dueto him, because he got me on all the meds andstabilised. Ahh, he said, I can only tell you what todo, but you have to do it!! That includes exercise,which he has always encouraged me to do.So all you people who are relatively new to RP,believe that you can, and will, feel better, even ifit takes a long time to achieve. When I started I wasso ill, and couldn't breathe (all the time!!!) Ithought I was not long for this world, and so did alot of my friends!! However we all think differentlynow!!!, so glad you manage to exercise despite yourtrach and stent, way to go. I firmly believe thatexercise helps get all that stuff up from your lungs,it does in my case.Low impact stuff like swing walkers and ellipticalmachines are much better to start off with for anyone,or walking on grass (rather than concrete,) alsotreadmills are easier. Plus wear GOOD walking shoes,which minimises shock. Bicycling of course is lowimpact, but can be hard on the knees, low resistanceis fine. And don't try to do too much too quickly,listen to your body!! I wish all my fellow exercisers good moving and goodendurance!!Good luck and love, Liz__________________________________________________

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