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Hi Everyone

My name is Sharyn Noakes and I live in Keystone Heights Florida.

I'll be 54 next month and have been suffering from may illnesses for

a very long time.

It wasn't until two weeks ago when I just happen to have had an

appointment with my Rheumy when I asked him about about the

cartilage of both my ears hurting. They were very red, almost

purple and hurt so bad I could hardly hold a phone to them. This

was not the first time this had happend to me. About 5 years ago

had it happen, but I wasn't one to go running to the doctor.

I guess I was lucky...or not...that day since he knew right off what

it was. Relapsing Polychondritis. I was quickly sent to an ENT

doctor then the following day had a biopocy <sp> done. I was kinda

in the dark so I went home after the surgery and started looking up

RP. The more I read the sicker I got.

They started me on prednisone and the following week was back in my

Rheumy's office. He explained to me about this disase being rare

and an autoimmune disorder of connective tissue. He also put me on

azathioprine an immune suppressent.

When he said autoimmune disorder of connective tissue this did not

surprise me.

I hope you all will not think I am nuts, but I am sure many of you

have heard all the news about silicone breast implants and the

claims of autoimmune disorder etc.

You see 27 years ago I got implants. Silicone implants and from

that day on I started to become ill. Mainly with joint problems

which progress through out the years. It took me 6 years to finally

convince doctors that not only was I in severe pain from them, but I

was getting sicker and sicker. Well, they finally removed them

three years ago after being in my body for 24 years. I had had one

rupture about 8 months after I firt got these implants and was


What the doctor found one would not have dreamed. My implants were

ruptured. The scare tissue and silicone had crystilized and

embedded into my chest muscles. It was a very difficult surgery,

but they were finally removed.

Some of my health problems did get better, but my health over all

did not. My joints hurt, I've had rashes and I have lost all the

cartilage in my right hip. I will need a hip replacement soon.

I have tried to keep an open mind with this implants stuff, but I

belong to several support groups and we all have a lot in common. FM

and I'll try to spell it but I'm sure it won't be correct.

Fibromyligia is the one factor that " all " of us do have. We are all

sick and in my heart I feel that the silicone has much to do with it.

I feel also in my heart that this RP I have been diagonised with has

a lot to do with the chemicals used in silicone.

So here is my question. Are there any of you who have had silicone

implants of any kind? I know it sounds like I am grasping at

straws, but my family history...five generations back have never had

any of the illnesses that I have. I am also a diabetic which is

making it difficult taking the prednisone since it has made my blood

sugar go up high.

I want you all to know that I am a very strong woman, but I will

admit I'm scared to death. Not so much for me, but for my family

and most of all my daughter who is 24. The other thing that has

affected me is all that I have read has shown me that many of the

problems I went to see doctors about is covered with this RP. And

the doctors missed it. Some even treated me like I was nuts too.

Now this makes me mad because if they had been good doctors they

would have not brushed my health problems off.

My Rheumy new because he happened to see a case when he was in

medical school.

Are there any suggestions anyone can offer me regarding this RP? I

am still working, but I am slowing going down hill and do not know

if working the way I do is healthy for me.

Thank you all for allowing me to join this group.


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