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Support system at home

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Hi all,

Thought I best post about the support system I have at home before I get in trouble.LOL Also thought I had best post before you all thought I had left you.

I have been having a rough time of it lately and my way of getting better is laying low. My BP is still not going down like it should last time it was checked it was 150/100. If my calculations are right that isn't good because the numbers are getting closer together.

As for the hormone or lack of hormones, hot flashes they are getting better. I am taking healthy women vitamins with soy and drinking soy. It is working so I am not going to complain well not too much anyway!

My sister is the one having the rough time of it now. She is to go in for her third surgery on the artery to her legs. Last time the dr. stated that he didn't know if he could save her legs a third time. We all know this group can create miracles so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

As for my support here at home ..... I guess I am pretty lucky. When I was first diagnosed with RP my rheumy requested that I bring my hubbie along for my next visit. My next visit we went together not knowing what was in store. It was one of the best office visits I have ever had with a dr.

Dr. wanted hubby to come to explain to him my illness. Dr. proceeded to fill Mikie in on everything. He told him that between the RP and the meds that I was taking I would have good days and bad days. Bad days maybe really bad and that I would need to be left to my own to deal with them. Dr. told him I would be in really bad moods at times and that Mikie would know when that was. Of course he didn't put it exactly that way....think he used the B word!LOL Anyway he then looked at me and said... when you are having a bad day make sure you tell hubbie. That way he can know when to avoid being a pain or help you do what you need to do.

Needless to say it was and has been a great help. Mikie has always been there for me. He is my soul mate. He can be a pain don't get me wrong but he has always understood. He has been around me and this darn RP for so long that he knows when I am having a time of it. Mikie will come in and take the broom or mop away and will finish the job. He never complains when I tell him I am not feeling well and I need to go lay down. Well not to much anyway!LOL

I have had this darn ole RP for over 8 years now so he has gotten pretty used to it. We sometimes have to plan our lives around the RP but at least we have our lives to plan around. The hardest part for me is giving into the RP. I get upset more by not being able to do something's I think I should be able to do. I have always been one to do things myself and not wait for others. Well RP turned my whole way of thinking around that is for sure. LOL

As for my grown children they know I am sick and have even seen and lived here when I was at my worst. I don't think that they want to understand that Mom is really sick at times. It is hard I guess to admit your parent has an illness that runs their life for them. In other words they are no help!

My older sister is very understanding too. We have always been close. She especially understands now that she has been ill herself. She is always telling me if I need a hide away come on over and she will hide me out!LOL

Well enough on me now some others need to tell their support stories.

Take care all and know I am with you in thought even when I am not here.

Lots of love



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