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In a message dated 12/29/01 8:43:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,

sisterslk@... writes:

<< Remicade got approved

by our HMO and I am scheduled for my first infusion on

the 4th---if I am over this blasted >>

Sharon, I'm so glad to hear that your insurance is paying for the Remicade.

You know you are in my thoughts and prayers and wish you good health by th



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LOL That was a good one! Trip and trip. I didn't think of that one!LOL

I will sure be sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Glad that the kids are working again but sorry that you have to take care of them. Especially when you don't feel good. It all seems to work out and God sure does give us patience especailly with the RP.

Lots of Love


Hi Glenda,Yea for your trip to the coast, not your trip at thecoast. I've done that before and it is NOT fun! Gladyour antibiotic seems to be working this time. Hopeyou get totally over this thing!Did you hear that I am going back to taking care ofthat babies? YIKES! I am scared to death. Had themfor three hours yesterday and didn't think I was goingto make it--what will I do with them for 13 1/2 hoursa day? Say a prayer for me, please.Take care and I'll talk to you later. Love, Sharon=====__________________________________________________

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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon,

> LOL That was a good one! Trip and trip. I didn't

> think of that one!LOL

> I will sure be sending good thoughts and prayers

> your way. Glad that the

> kids are working again but sorry that you have to

> take care of them.

> Especially when you don't feel good. It all seems

> to work out and God sure

> does give us patience especailly with the RP.

> Lots of Love

> Glenda

Hi again Glenda, it's not the patience that I'm

worried about--old age has made me patient. It's the

strength that I traded for the patience! I need

strength and I have a very short supply of that. Have

fun today and enjoy your day off! Love, Sharon

> __________________________________________________


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I will send prayers for strength your way. I know what you mean about old age but I think RP has it share of it too!

Lots of Love

GlendaHi again Glenda, it's not the patience that I'mworried about--old age has made me patient. It's thestrength that I traded for the patience! I needstrength and I have a very short supply of that. Havefun today and enjoy your day off! Love, Sharon

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omg,,, I am sooo glad to see someone else who gets tired like that... : ) I thought i was going nuts. And no it isnt easy when you are a parent and a caregiver. sometimes even my mom doesn't understand why I get sooo tired. She is the one I take care of besides my 2 girls. Before Christmas I was going nonstop for about a month and as long as I kept going and didn't think about me at all I would be ok for awhile. But right after Christmas It all caught up with me and all I wanted to do was sleep. I would sleep almost 10 hrs, wake up and be tired within an hour. This past 2 yrs have been hell on me. My oldest daughter had knee surgery, my mom had knee surgery then a knee replacement, then she had her hips scraped 2 different times, then ended up in ER and ICU for one week due to colon bleeding then 3 weeks later went up had surgery lasted 5 hrs to remove sigmoid colon (no cancer). All this while my husband was in Alaska. he came back my brother passed a way (one of them). My nephew passed away. My mom went into anaphylactic shock almost lost her. then i got stage 3 cervical cancer and me without a cervix... go fig. had to go through chemo cream. then to top it all of my husband leaves me during chemo therapy and am now going through a divorce am not sure where i will get medical that i desperately need and all I know is raising kids and keeping house. have never worked. my mind gets fuzzy at times and i think i am losing it. lost my eyesight 4 mths ago in my left eye due to some infection that they never could figure out so my eldest who has her permit missed some school to take me to docs and ers. then some of her teachers balled her out for it. which got me in there with my eye and me feeling like .... and they didn't want to mess with me and my child at that point. eye is better but still gets blurry at times. So those of you that prayer please send prayers this way because now every time I turn around i have to keep myself from crying. Cannot burden my mom, she has panic attacks, high blood pressure and Fibro. and my kids have had to deal with enough. thanks for letting me vent... hope ;you all are going well. my prayers are with each and everyone of you... Barbara aka bj Re: Sharon Sharon You hang in there and don't ever feel bad about blowing off steam! If you need me I am only a few miles away. Maybe I can help you in some way. Please call if you need me! I will feel bad if you don't! It is hard to be a parent/caregiver when you are not used to it and with RP it is no fun either. Let me tell you from expience! Your family will just have to understand things are different now. I know they know it is different but sometimes we have to lay down the rules or how we really are feeling. I know it is hard cause I am the type that has to do it myself. Yesterday I helped the little one clean her room and I have to stop after about a half hour of work and rest. I am the type of person who likes to get it done and see the job to the end. Well RP has slowed me down.... It took me 3 hours and I was worn out after that.LOL I was talking to Mike after and he said I know it is hard for you cause you used to work circles around me. (I would go non stop until I was done and he would have to stop and take breaks!) Take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers! Hope the blood work is all okay! Lots of Love Glenda O.K. I'll shut up for now. Sorry I spewed this allover!Hope you are feeling better this morning. I'm off toget my blood work just as soon as I get finished here.Just the regular stuff.Love you, Sharon ____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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Dear Barbara, you do have a lot to deal with...more than most of us...

I'm not a preacher by anymeans, but you must be a very strong person because

God said he will only give you as much as you can handle.

Read a book a couple years ago that said the woman got on her knees and

prayed and said " why me Lord " and the Lord looked down apun her and said

" because sometimes you really piss me off. " I laughed and laughed.

All you can do is live day by day, know we're here for you and keep pluggin


Your Pal...Sue M

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--- grandm4@... wrote:

> Dear Barbara, you do have a lot to deal with...more

> than most of us...

> I'm not a preacher by anymeans, but you must be a

> very strong person because

> God said he will only give you as much as you can

> handle.

> Read a book a couple years ago that said the woman

> got on her knees and

> prayed and said " why me Lord " and the Lord looked

> down apun her and said

> " because sometimes you really piss me off. " I

> laughed and laughed.

> All you can do is live day by day, know we're here

> for you and keep pluggin

> away.

> Your Pal...Sue M


Hi Sue, Your subject says " Sharon " and the note is

addressed to " Barbara " , so it has to be at least half

mine, huh? Anyway, that is really cute, and I get the

feeling sometimes that I must be pissing HIM off!

Nah, I know God does love me! Thanks for the

encouragement. Love, Sharon



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon

> You hang in there and don't ever feel bad about

> blowing off steam! If you

> need me I am only a few miles away. Maybe I can

> help you in some way.

> Please call if you need me! I will feel bad if you

> don't! It is hard to be

> a parent/caregiver when you are not used to it and

> with RP it is no fun

> either. Let me tell you from expience! Your family

> will just have to

> understand things are different now. I know they

> know it is different but

> sometimes we have to lay down the rules or how we

> really are feeling.


> I know it is hard cause I am the type that has to do

> it myself. Yesterday I

> helped the little one clean her room and I have to

> stop after about a half

> hour of work and rest. I am the type of person who

> likes to get it done

> and see the job to the end. Well RP has slowed me

> down.... It took me 3

> hours and I was worn out after that.LOL I was

> talking to Mike after and he

> said I know it is hard for you cause you used to

> work circles around me. (I

> would go non stop until I was done and he would have

> to stop and take

> breaks!)


> Take care and know you are in my thoughts and

> prayers! Hope the blood work

> is all okay!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda


Thanks for the encouragement, Glenda. I really do

appreciate it. I've been having plenty of problems

with fatigue for years now, and it just seems to get

worse. Even when the meds are helping my ears, I am

still just so tired constantly, so I know exactly what

you are talking about. In fact, I think I need to go

take a little rest right now. It was " sister's day "

today, and I am pooped. Talk to you later. Love,




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Feel free to vent when you need to. Sorry to hear you have had so much to deal with. Sending prayers and hugs your way.



omg,,, I am sooo glad to see someone else who gets tired like that... : ) I thought i was going nuts. And no it isnt easy when you are a parent and a caregiver. sometimes even my mom doesn't understand why I get sooo tired. She is the one I take care of besides my 2 girls. Before Christmas I was going nonstop for about a month and as long as I kept going and didn't think about me at all I would be ok for awhile. But right after Christmas It all caught up with me and all I wanted to do was sleep. I would sleep almost 10 hrs, wake up and be tired within an hour. This past 2 yrs have been hell on me. My oldest daughter had knee surgery, my mom had knee surgery then a knee replacement, then she had her hips scraped 2 different times, then ended up in ER and ICU for one week due to colon bleeding then 3 weeks later went up had surgery lasted 5 hrs to remove sigmoid colon (no cancer). All this while my husband was in Alaska. he came back my brother passed a way (one of them). My nephew passed away. My mom went into anaphylactic shock almost lost her. then i got stage 3 cervical cancer and me without a cervix... go fig. had to go through chemo cream. then to top it all of my husband leaves me during chemo therapy and am now going through a divorce am not sure where i will get medical that i desperately need and all I know is raising kids and keeping house. have never worked. my mind gets fuzzy at times and i think i am losing it. lost my eyesight 4 mths ago in my left eye due to some infection that they never could figure out so my eldest who has her permit missed some school to take me to docs and ers. then some of her teachers balled her out for it. which got me in there with my eye and me feeling like .... and they didn't want to mess with me and my child at that point. eye is better but still gets blurry at times. So those of you that prayer please send prayers this way because now ever! y time I turn around i have to keep myself from crying. Cannot burden my mom, she has panic attacks, high blood pressure and Fibro. and my kids have had to deal with enough. thanks for letting me vent... hope ;you all are going well. my prayers are with each and everyone of you... Barbara aka bj

Re: Sharon


You hang in there and don't ever feel bad about blowing ! off steam! If you need me I am only a few miles away. Maybe I can help you in some way. Please call if you need me! I will feel bad if you don't! It is hard to be a parent/caregiver when you are not used to it and with RP it is no fun either. Let me tell you from expience! Your family will just have to understand things are different now. I know they know it is different but sometimes we have to lay down the rules or how we really are feeling.

I know it is hard cause I am the type that has to do it myself. Yesterday I helped the little one clean her room and I have to stop after about a half hour of work and rest. I am the type of person who likes to get it done and see the job to the end. Well RP has slowed me down.... It took me 3 hours and I was worn out after that.LOL I was talking to Mike after and he said I know it is hard for you cause you used to work circles around me. (I would go non stop until I was done and he would have to stop and take breaks!)

Take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers! Hope the blood work is all okay!

Lots of Love


O.K. I'll shut up for now. Sorry I spewed this allover!Hope you are feeling better this morning. I'm off toget my blood work just as soon as I get finished here.Just the regular stuff.Love you, Sharon


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sharon, I will be praying as hard as I can. Please, oh PLEase don't over

do. I know how hard it is to say no when regarding grandchildren, but we can

only do so much. I admire your courage to take on this challenge.


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The Dr. thinks my daughter-in-laws thyroid bottomed out. He did blood work

and will let her know. He's not ruling out mono. until he gets the results


It was quite tiring watching the boys the 18 month old wants to climb to the

moon. I had to keep getting him out of something or other. I have a hard

time lifting them because of my back. needless to say I was worn out by the

end of the day. Came home and hit the couch and was out like a light.

But I love them so much and want to be there when they need me. Just can't

do it as much as I would like.


Re: Re: Ann



> > Sharon my grandsons are 3 and 18 months

Hi Ann, did your daughter in law find out anything at

the doctor yesterday? Hope she is o.k. How did you

fare watching your grandchildren? Let us know,

please. Love, Sharon


> > >

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--- Ann McClintock wrote:

> Sharon,

> The Dr. thinks my daughter-in-laws thyroid bottomed

> out. He did blood work

> and will let her know. He's not ruling out mono.

> until he gets the results

> back.

> It was quite tiring watching the boys the 18 month

> old wants to climb to the

> moon. I had to keep getting him out of something or

> other. I have a hard

> time lifting them because of my back. needless to

> say I was worn out by the

> end of the day. Came home and hit the couch and was

> out like a light.

> But I love them so much and want to be there when

> they need me. Just can't

> do it as much as I would like.

> Ann

I hope your daughter in law is feeling better, and

hope you have recovered from the day of childcare!

Like I say, I adore my grandchildren, but that doesn't

keep them from wearing me totally out. Good news on

your tests also. Keep up the good work. Love,


> > > >

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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Gosh are you taking lessons from and Me!LOL

> I am doing okay really

> I am. I have had a cold that has held on forever it

> seems just the typical

> stuff with a suppressed immune system. Mike is not

> taking any typical

> medications as you know. None worked due to the

> liver problems that they

> caused. He has been taking grapefruit pectin that

> comes in the pill or

> powder forms from the health food store. I don't

> know whether or not it is

> helping him because he hasn't been to see the heart

> specialist for awhile

> but I do know it is really made a difference for

> another lady that I know

> who is taking it.


> Sorry that you are unable to care for the kids but I

> am sure it will be for

> the best. You need to take care of you first then

> the kids and it will all

> work out in the end. It would be fun to get

> together again. I just wish I

> could get the photos off my digital camera. My

> cable to it is at my sisters

> so I still haven't been able to down load even with

> the brand new computer.


> Oh yah my Sister is back to visiting the Doctor's

> again. Surgery she had in

> August didn't last. Back for tests to see if there

> is anything they can do

> or if they are going to have to start all over

> again. Please keep her in

> your prayers.


> Stop worrying and I do enough for the whole

> group!LOL

> Lots of Love

> Glenda

Sorry, but I took all the worry lessons I ever needed

from my dad! He was the world's best at worrying.

So, you and have to let me in the club--I'm so

good at it.

Thanks for info about Mike. I knew he couldn't take

prescription med for his cholesterol, but knew you had

mentioned him taking something. If we can't find a

generic that Jim can take, we'll try the grapefruit


I'm really disappointed that I cannot take care of my

grandkids full time anymore either. It feels like one

more failure, but I am trying hard not to think of it

that way. It's just that Cassandra has been such a

huge part of my life since she was three months old.

It does hurt! I keep telling myself that I will be

here for them longer by not killing myself taking care

of them.

Sorry your sister is having more problems. Surgery

didn't last very long did it? That is really too bad

and she must be discouraged about it. Hope you are

over your cold someday soon. Wow! How'd you like the

weather on Wed. I think our high was 38! BRRRRR!!!

Take care of yourself. Time for me to go get ready

for the hospital for my Remicade this morning. Sure

hope the dang stuff has some effect this time!

Talk to you later, Love, Sharon



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon,

> Just because you can't do some of the things you

> think you should do doesn't

> mean you are failing or a failure. We just have to

> learn our priorities.

> First you have to get you under control and then the

> rest will fall back

> into place.


> I was talking to at Chat the other day and

> she said she goes to

> Portland to see her family often. Maybe we

> will/could make a trip up there

> to see Dagny and . Wouldn't that be fun.

> Well maybe after the

> weather gets better.


> My sister goes to see her surgeon on Monday. I

> don't know what is the hold

> up but she has blood clots plugging the artery and

> causing it to colapse.

> Hope they don't put it off too long. She is on the

> Oregon Health plan so I

> imagine that is why there no rush. I will keep you

> updated. Please keep

> her in your prayers.


> Take care and try not to worry too much.

> Lots of love

> Glenda

Hi Glenda and thanks for the encouragement. I know

that I am not a failure, but I did fail at taking care

of my grandchildren, and that is really hard for me to

deal with. Especially with my daughter so mad at me

right now! Anyway, I will survive, and I know that I

did what was best. Maybe when and if the Remicade

ever kicks in I can try again.

Yeah, lets plan that trip for after the weather gets

better. My son said he heard that we are supposed to

get snow on the valley floor tonight or tomorrow.

YUCK! I only like snow in the mountains where it


I will pray for your sister. She has been through a

lot! Hope you are over your cold now.

Take care and don't work too hard. Love, Sharon



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Dagny, good to hear from you. Hope you are getting your rest now. I feel

the same way about my 4 1/2 yr old grandaughter. I love her to pieces, but

can't keep up with her and that makes me sad and TIRED.

I notice that my ribs are flaring for the next few days after I see her.

Finally figured out it was from all the lifting. At first thought it was

just sore, but it didn't go away til I upped my pred. Have to be careful how

much I lift her. I just can't stop doing it. LOL Guess us granny's will do

anything for our grandbabies. ( to a point) LOL

Good to have you back... Get alot of rest.


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  • 2 weeks later...


If I could figure out why I wasn't sleeping I would!LOL I know it is not the pred. because I don't take it. I don't know if it is the BP meds that have upset my system or what but have woken up in sweats every night it seems since I have started it. Gosh if it is not one thing it is ten others. My sister thinks it might be the infection in my system too. I am hoping the antibiotic kick in soon and it all goes away.LOL My luck I will have to go see that darn PCP again!LOL

Take care and glad to hear you are feeling better!

Lots of Love


Geesh! Why aren't you sleeping? That is not fun atall. Is the neck/ear thing any better? Hope so. Iseem to be having a pretty good day so far today. (knock on wood or something) Trying to be lazy andfor once not overdo just because I feel o.k. You takecare and get some rest too. Love, Sharon

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  • 1 month later...
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I am doing great! Flare is gone and now just trying to lose the weight from the pred. Love the pred! NOT! Doctor wasn't too worried about it today so I guess he knows I am trying.

Went into day for my annual check up! Oh boy! All is well but they are checking on what might be causing the night sweats. I go in Tuesday to get my mammogram and blood work. They are going to check my cholesterol, hormone level and thyroid. I guess he is trying the process of elimination. LOL He said otherwise I looked great! Yah for me! LOL Wish I was that lucky with the RP. I am lucky because I don't have flares very often and that is a big plus!

Take care and stay well you hear!

Lots of love


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I will be praying for both you and your granddaughter.

Love, squeek

--- Lee27a@... wrote:

> On the side where my left ear had flared my face

> began looking distorted. My

> ear went down but the left side of my face (by my

> temple) a blue vein was

> bulging out and I noticed, along with my husband who

> kept bringing it up, my

> face is kind of caving in on the left side. It's

> starts at the temple and

> goes down to the left side of my cheek (very

> noticeable) and I am having a

> very bad time. It is very painful. I saw the

> Rheumy yesterday after I

> waited in the office for three hours with my other

> granddaughter. He looked

> and tested and thinks it might be called

> (left partial 7th cranial neuropathy)--maybe. I go

> in tomorrow morning for

> an MRI of the brain and soft tissue of the face.

> They have to rule out

> tumors and other " things' " Has anyone experienced

> this? Does anyone know

> what can cause this. I am too freightened to look

> it up on the internet.

> Please let me know and please, can I ask that you

> Pray for me also.



> A very

> afraid, Sharon




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--- Lee27a@... wrote:

> Does anybody get pain inside of their ear? Also,

> what about getting red and

> chapped on the outside of the ear--I mean almost

> pealing. Can the pressure

> be removed from the inside of the ear. I see the

> Neurologist today at 4:00

> aboutthe side of my face. Could RP cause this too?

> Sorry for all the

> questions just very anxious.




> Love, Sharon


I get pain inside and outside of my ears and have had

the inside pain for years. Doctors never " see "

anything! Outside I form bleeding sores on the

cartilage. My ears are a pain in the, well not the

butt, but most certainly the head I guess. I have one

area of cartilage that just stays red constantly.

Don't know what that is all about. Hope your

neurologist has some good answers for you today.

Love, squeek



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Sharon, I get pain on the inside of my ear, kind of like an earache, but it's intermitent, like a jab and then it's gone. I've assumed it was the delightful RP causing it, so it it's something else, I would like to know too. Love, Judy Re: Sharon --- Lee27a@... wrote:> Does anybody get pain inside of their ear? Also,> what about getting red and> chapped on the outside of the ear--I mean almost> pealing. Can the pressure> be removed from the inside of the ear. I see the> Neurologist today at 4:00> aboutthe side of my face. Could RP cause this too?> Sorry for all the> questions just very anxious.>>>> Love, Sharon>I get pain inside and outside of my ears and have hadthe inside pain for years. Doctors never "see"anything! Outside I form bleeding sores on thecartilage. My ears are a pain in the, well not thebutt, but most certainly the head I guess. I have onearea of cartilage that just stays red constantly.Don't know what that is all about. Hope yourneurologist has some good answers for you today.Love, squeek=====__________________________________________________

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dear sharon

i don't have rp but my best friend buse i log on to the group for her as she didn't have a pc herself i read most of the mail that goes into the group and pass it on to her

sorry to here that your having a bad time at the moment with the loss of your father and the rp this group is great for your naggs and they will help you all they can even if its only to Lisbon and say pares for you so keep hart it will get better in the end and know that we are thinking of you at this time


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