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Afternoon All

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Good Afternoon All,

Gosh this must be the stressful time of year. I thought Christmas was suppose to be that way. Well we all made it through the Holidays and we are stressing ourselves out after. We all have to stop you hear! Yes me included. I wont had my heart aches now but I am right there with you. But....I am telling myself not to flare. So far I am listening!LOL

Dawn I am sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers you and your families way. Keep your chin up or try to. It will get better! Love you bunches!

Heidi & Don sorry to hear that you are having a time with the paperwork. Both of you try not to get stressed over it. Wow I am so glad that he will be down to zero on the pred. We will all have to do a happy dance!

Sandy N. it sure sounds like you push yourself about as much as I push myself. Oh the weekends I just crash sometimes. At least I do know my limits after having RP for this long I do know when I have to stop. Most of the people who know me understand when I fail to meet an appt. due to resting. Friends even call and tell me not to come over when they are sick so that I don't get sick too. We just have to learn to prioritize and rearrange our lives sometimes. Try to rest! :o)

Liz so glad you are back how was your trip(s)? You never told us about the last few or maybe I missed them when my computer crashed. Love hearing from you where ever you are.

Judee thanks for the picture of your Dad in the cart. Wow I bet he really gets around in that. I'd love to have one of those.LOL can you imagine the fun we would have!LOL

Sharon I am with you the snow can stay in the foot hills all it wants. I don't want it back on the valley floor for a while. It sure is pretty up there. I love snow but hate it here!LOL

Dan so sorry to hear that you are having a time of it with the Chemo. I am with you sometimes the cure is worse than the cause. I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Try to keep your spirits up!

Lu thanks for sending us the updates. Glad that you are back on line with us again.

Well if I have missed anyone I am sorry. I tried to keep it to one post so everyone wouldn't be inundated with posts from eyeoreluv!LOL You know me I have to answer or at least let you all know I am thinking of you.

Lots of Love


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