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me again

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Wow it is me again here .LOL Are you all ready to send me to my corner yet ?? LOL Been

playing catch up here. Had a lot of work first for the Foundation and the books. Yup it is almost Tax time again. Yeeksss !!! Now I been catching up her to this wonderful group. You

guys are so special to me. You are all Angel in my book. Barbara my heart goes out to you.

Yes your plate is full, but we will stand beside you and be here for you always. You are not alone. If you need any of us just holler OK.

Let us know if there is anything we might can help you with . Hey we love you .

Ann yes you can have inner ear problems.

Hope you have a good ENT.Dr. Don has lost

some of his hearing due to Rp. Most of his loss

was before he got diagnosed. The most important thing we learn from this group is STOP THE FLARES ASAP !!! Don has done really great even now when we had all the stress here. Next month he be 1 year free

of any Flares. Next week we are lowering the Prednison to 1 mg. per day. He will stay on

it for at least 1 month then we try zero mg.

He will keep taking all his other Medicine so he

will stay flare free we hope. But as you know Prednison is the one that has bad side affect.

So we just hope it will work for him this time.

He also knows if he starts a flare he needs to go right back on the Prednison. Yes he had gain a lot of weight with this, he went from a size 29 waist to a 36 in nothing flat.

But now he also lost quit a bit of it. It just all takes time. So please don't worry to much about the weight your are still the beautiful

Person inside OK. Looks are only skin deep.

The other thing we are very careful about here is we do not allowing anyone to come over when the are sick. Because with his problems he can catch thing a little easier then someone with out RP. Of course he his lucky because all our Family and friends have great understanding

about his RP. I wish and hope everyone here has a good family support to. Yup, it is not easy at first but we all had to learn real fast on how to help him.The only BIG problem he has now is, he good spoiled rotten along the line. LOL The one thing that has helped him the most is that he never misses any of his medicine. Yes he does take it on time every day like he should. Well that does it for one day from me. I promise I wont to any more posting tonight. LOL

So Please everyone remember take your Medicine and Vitamins on time everyday and you just might get the RP back in a sleeping mood too. Sending you all a gentle Hug from

Cold Okla.

Love you all


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