Guest guest Posted February 28, 2004 Report Share Posted February 28, 2004 P A G E 1 Information Pack " BRINGING IDEAS TO YOU FROM ALL OF US WITH PANCREATITIS " We are a registered charity (Number 102447) and as such have our costs to cover, we would appreciate a contribution of £2 for this information and this can be in the form of stamps. However, telephone advice is FREE. Just phone and leave your name and number on the answer machine and we will call you back. You have been sent this pack following your initial enquiry from the Pancreatitis Supporters Network. You may have either Acute Chronic or Cancer of the Pancreas You may have a partner with the condition or have a friend or general interest in the same. For this reason the information has been kept as general as possible. More specific information has been included in the set of THREE booklets on the aforementioned versions of this condition. O u r a d d r e s s i s : T h e P a n c r e a t i t i s S u p p o r t e r s N e t w o r k P O B o x 8 9 3 8 B i r m i n g h a m B 1 3 9 H S P L E A S E N O T E : T h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d w i t h i n i s n o t n e c e s s a r i l y t h e o p i n - i o n o f t h e N e t w o r k a n d A L L m e d - i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n s h o u l d b e d i s c u s s e d w i t h y o u r o w n G P o r C o n s u l t a n t b e f o r e e m b a r k i n g o n a n y c h a n g e s i n m e d i c a t i o n . Information Pack produced by the Pancreatitis Supporters Network. Tel. 0 P o s s i b l e D r u g s y o u m a y b e p r e s c r i b e d w h e n y o u h a v e b e e n d i a g n o s e d a s h a v i n g P a n c r e a t i t i s . T h e f o l l o w i n g i s b y n o m e a n s a n e x h a u s t i v e l i s t , r a t h e r a g u i d e t o w h a t y o u m a y b e p r e s c r i b e d . T h i s w i l l v a r y g r e a t l y f o r m i n d i v i d u a l t o i n d i v i d u a l . E N Z Y M E R E P L A C E M E N T D R U G S P a n c r e a s e C i l a g P a n c r e x V C a p s u l e s ' 1 2 5 ' P a n c r e x V F o r t e T a b l e t s P a n c r e x V T a b l e t s P a n c r e x V C a p s u l e s P a n c r e x V P o w d e r P a n c r e x G r a n u l e s C r e o n N u t r i z y m G R M e r c k N u t r i z y m 2 2 D R U G S F O R P A I N R E L I E F M S T C o n t i n u s N a p p O r o m o r p h P a r a c e t o m o l D i h y d r o c o d e i n e I b u p r o f e n D i s t a l g e s i c D i s t a P A M E R G A N P 1 0 0 C O L P E R M I N A c u p a n X Y L O P R O C T A s t r a . ( G r e a t f o r t h e r e l i e f o f t h e p a i n a n d d i s c o m f o r t f r o m p i l e s ! T o t a l l y n u m b s t h e a r e a a l l t o g e t h e r ) S y m p t o m s : PAIN N A U S E A A N D V O M I T I N G L O S S O F A P P E T I T E W E I G H T L O S S S T E A T O R R H O E A ( P a s s i n g o f loose, bulky, pale, smelly stools Which are hard to flush away.) M A L A I S E A N D L E T H A R G Y D i a g n o s i s : B L O O D T E S T S S T O O L S A M P L E S U L T R A S O U N D S C A N C T S C A N ( C O M P U T E R I S E D T O M O G R A P H Y S C A N ) E R C P ( E N D O S C O P I C R E T R O - G R A D E C H O L A N G I O - P A N C R E A T O - G R A M ) P E R C U T A N E O U S P A N C R E A T O - G R A M Treatment: M E D I C A L - A l l e v i a t e t h e p a i n a n d r e d u c e t h e w o r k l o a d o f t h e p a n c r e a s . S U R G I C A L - t h e r e a r e n o g u a r a n - tees about the success of the same. T h e p a n c r e a s i s a r e m a r k a b l e gland that secretes digestive juices into the duodenum - the first part of the intestine - to help us break down food into the small molecules that can be a b s o r b e d b y t h e b o d y . I t a l s o s e c r e t e s insulin into the bloodstream to keep the concentration of glucose in our blood at the right level. Once the inflammation starts, the digestive enzymes of the pancreas are not harmlessly contained within their proper ducts and may start to " digest " the pancreas itself causing further inf l a m m a t i o n . The agonising pain in the top of t h e a b d o m e n i s u s u a l l y a c c o m p a n i e d by vomiting and retching. The condition is so severe it really needs expert attention in hospital. Brief introduction to the condition: P A G E 2 ....Except being told to eat no fat where possible or keep it down to 2.0g in any product (or below) and no alcohol of any sort and dairy stuff to be skimmed or non-fat or none at all, I was not given any more advice. I have found out for myself, just recently, and often after such a lot of acute pain, that the following foods were obviously not helping me one bit and causing years of pain. This may be helpful news to other members if included in the Newsletter to come - I leave you to decide how to present it. 1) I cannot digest any salad food and have not eaten any this Summer (a few tomatoes if boiled and de-skinned) 2) I cannot digest any citrus fruits or had any fruits - apples etc. and just occasionally raspberries, strawberries etc. 3) All vegetables are OK so long as they are cooked (never raw) and I eat a lot of every kind. 4) I buy tinned soft fruit (mangoes are super) and find this I can cope with - supermarkets selections are not too expensive and it is all fruit and no peel, skin and pips - which are no good to me! ....I am OK with all meats, fowl and fish cooked any way and even bacon grilled and the odd oven chip! I am taking in a bit more fat like biscuits, cake, chocolates, semiskimmed milk and yoghurt etc. (but only once a week). I think Sanatogen powder, Glucose powder and Luctulose are doing me a lot of good! _________________________ Yes, I cannot eat any Dairy food only perhaps once a month, very little, check when weekly shopping you do not buy any food containing cheese sauce, or sauces of any kind (very fat). I always read labels on the back of packets etc., if it contains more than 4g fat put it back. Make your own soups, hot or cold with lots of Pasta, Veg, sometimes fruit. No cakes or goodies from sweet shelf, but in-between have a go at different cakes as a filler. _____________________ Yes! This is me also! Have for 7 years been on non-fat or low-fat food: Skimmed milk Low-fat yoghurt No cheese, biscuits, cakes, chocolate, fat meat, suet etc. Had to be brain washed to read every label on everything and if it was above 2.0g fat content, don't buy it or eat it! ___________________ I thought the enclosed might be of interest to your members who, like me, have to limit their fat intake from all sources. to no more than 50g per week (see next section - Editor). I tried them and found they enlivened a salad and they contain 1g per 100g instead of the normal 24-30g. I wrote to the manufacturers to get to know more about other items in their low fat range, also supplies. (Response to above letter below - Editor) THE LOW FAT SNACK CO 1A Standard Road London NW10 6EX Tel 0 Thank you for your recent letter regarding our low fat snacks. ........The 99% Low Fat Potato Waffles were launched by SAFEWAY. ......The BOOTS stores will be launching two new products in the middle of October which are called 'Shapers Very Low Fat Pizza Pieces' and 'Shapers Very Low Fat American Waffles'. .......Another product is called 'Pasta Snacks' (which is 50% lower in fat than normal crisps) and we currently supply to some of the SAINSBURY'S stores. ......WAITROSE have a similar product called 'Spicy Tomato Pasta Crisps' and 'Garlic and Herb Pasta Crisps' and ASDA also have a similar product called 'Italian Style Snacks' - which are under their own respective labels. ....Unfortunately we cannot supply direct to the public. _______________________ ___ Members Letters on the subject of DIET. Names withheld. How can I modify my diet and daily activities to help treat Pancreatitis? Submitted by The Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The single most important change that any sufferer from chronic pancreatitis can make is to stop drinking alcohol. Even if your pancreatitis is not directly caused by alcohol, it is likely that drinking alcohol will harm the pancreas because it stimulates the production of a thick, sticky pancreatic juice which tends to clog the pancreatic ducts. This adds to the drainage already taking place in the pancreas. It is probably also helpful to stop smoking, because smoking stresses the body's natural defence mechanisms against inflammation and may contribute to the damage occurring in the pancreas. A well balanced diet is probably helpful. You need not restrict fatty food and in fact an adequate intake of fat may help to prevent weight loss. If you have access to a dietician, you should ask for advice on how to maintain an intake of 100 grams of fat and 100 grams of protein each day. If this diet causes symptoms such as diarrhoea or looseness of stools it is better to begin or increase the dose of pancreatic enzyme supplements rather than to cut down the amount you are eating. Can vitamin supplements help? There is some evidence that antioxidants help to protect against inflammation in a wide variety of diseases. There are many vitamin preparations with added antioxidants available from chemists and Health Food shops. These preparations will certainly do no harm, and some patients find their pain is less severe or less frequent when they are taking them. Look out for formulations which contain vitamin C, vitamin E and Selenium. P A G E 3 Written by D Broadfoot FISTC, MCIM [Heavily edited by the Editor!] The author is a Fellow of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators and is also a Chartered Consultant who is working alongside two Bristol based doctors (AJR Mac- and TW Coates) to help them introduce a new method of pain relief known as Transcutanous Spinal Electroanalgesia (TSE for short), which is now available at a Recommended Retail Price of £169 + VAT from the manufacturers: Advanced Pain Management Ltd Suite 2, Saturn Centre Challenge Way Blackburn Lancashire BB1 5QB Telephone 01254 661431 Fax/answerphone 01254 611429 Customer Support and Advice Line 01254 611430 The X-Pain machine is fundamentally different to the well established 'TENS' machine and indeed has more in common with the surgical technique known as Spinal Cord (Dorsal Column) Stimulation which has been practised since 1967 to provide sufferers of acute pain with measure of relief. Over a 28 year period there has been no indications of any possible side effects related to the transmission of electricity to this area. In a major scientific breakthrough it was discovered that when injury was caused to any part of the body, spinal cord interneurones (nerve cells) exhibit a dramatic behavioural change which is manifest by the production of c-FOS protein. Once spinal cord interneurones have been triggered by news of an injury it would appear that these nerve cells can subsequently remain active for decades - and certainly long after the injured part has healed completely. As a result - and for reasons which remain obscure - spinal cord interneurones continue to send warning messages to the brain which results in millions of people suffering completely unnecessary pain for much of their lives. Since electricity was first generated and harnessed for use; its pain relieving properties have been noted and applied. Transcutanous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) devices use electrical stimulation to excite AB [Editors note: the B here is the Greek symbol] fibres in the area where pain is experienced. They are arguably the modern equivalent of applying a hot water bottle or ice pack (or healers hands) to the apparent seat of the pain. All these methods have an indirect effect on the mechanism of the spinal cord interneurones. However they have to be applied to the correct place [My italics, Editor], and therefore considerable skill is required by the practitioner. When pain is felt in the elbow, for example, the tender region which requires treatment may well be in the neck. If the patient has two elbows in trouble and a knee as well, several regions require simultaneous treatment [rather like acupuncture: Editor]. The only way to do this was to aim for the spinal cord itself. The key to success, the two Bristol doctors discovered, was to determine the precise intensity, frequency and pulse width of electrical input to the spinal area which would cause the spinal cord interneurones to become dormant. To achieve this they placed two electrodes at the top and base of the spine. Obviously, electrical energy takes the most direct route and will therefore flow parallel to the spine. The electrical energy which reaches the spinal cord is minute in terms of duration so there is no stimulation of the peripheral nerves in the area - in other words, no localised pain. The doctors then developed a simple portable pulse generator which the patient adjusts until a slight warming sensation is felt. There is no discomfort. One patient who was treated by doctors using this device suffered recurring spasms of pain for over 40 years since being struck in the stomach by a rifle butt during the Korean War. Other patients using the X-Pain device have experienced almost immediate relief where the original cause of the injury has long healed or is 'on the mend'. This is particularly true of neck and back sufferers who have sufferers an injury to their spine sometime previously. The same is true to people who suffer from painful limbs, stress aches, migraines, headaches, postoperative pains, arthritis, menstrual pains, and 'modern living' complaints such as repetitive stress injury and M.E. The X-Pain method of pain relief is not an anaesthetic. It will not provide relief for patients suffering from any pain generating condition. Equally, it will not hide the symptoms of heart attacks, or angina, or where there is inflammation to any organ brought about by disease. Such pains are ongoing and the signals will continue to be sent to the brain regardless of any TSE treatment. People who have a medical condition which requires the use of a Pacemaker or other implanted electrical stimulator would not use the TSE method - nor should pregnant women, without first seeking medical advice. The closest competitor to the TSE method is the widely practised method of the 'TENS' machine. TSE offers five distinct advantages when compared to this form of treatment:- An Answer to Pancreatitis Pain? Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Information A request came in for information concerning HRT and Pancreatitis and this was a response to this question when I wrote to Professor Neoptolemos (Please NOTE this has been paraphrased): " I know of no correlation between HRT and Pancreatitis. I am surprised to hear the women on HRT are being advised not to take it if they have had attacks of acute pancreatitis ........On balance, HRT is to recommended for the majority, if not all, of post menopausal women. " BENEFITS 1) Disability Living Allowance We recommend you read CLAIMING DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE available from Disability Alliance, 88-94 Wentworth Street, London E1 7SA. This costs £4 per copy. £2.50 if individual on benefit. 2)ALL BENEFITS ALSO they do a more comprehensive book for ALL UK Benefits DISABILITY RIGHTS HANDBOOK at a cost of £11.50 postage free. Telphone 0171 247 8776 (minicom also available) P A G E 4 .. Mr Neoptolemos MA MD FRCS then arrived and introduced himself. He described the various medical bodies associated with pancreatitis: Pancreatic Society of Britain and Northern Ireland British Society of Gastro Enterology European Pancreatic Club International Association of Pancreatology. What are the various names and forms of pancreatitis? Described that there were two main forms of pancreatitis those of ACUTE and CHRONIC. The acute tended to be a one off situation which were generally caused by a particular agent such as gallstones and the removal of the cause removed the occurrence of another attack except where people ignored the cause of the attacks which then triggered another acute attack of pancreatitis. The Chronic was a continuous occurrence of pancreatitis. The pancreas tended to be diseased in some way and the situation does not improve but gets steadily worse over the years. What is Pancreas Divisum? This he described as being caused during the foetal development of the pancreas which develops in a front to back manner. The front bit which develops towards the front of the foetus is called ventral and the part that develops towards the back of the foetus is called dorsal. As the child develops in the womb the other organs opus these bits together so it folds in the middle and joins up. Sometimes this does not happen correctly and this is called pancreas divisum. There then could develop a stricture and this can cause acute or chronic pancreatitis. What is a pseudo cyst? The pancreas is formed of lots of little sacs of fluid each draining into a bigger and bigger duct until they reach the main duct for drainage. When this fluid reached the duodenum it then becomes activated. Sometimes due to a blockage these can be activated within the ducts of the pancreas which then starts to eat at the tissue inside the pancreas, rupturing or bleeding may also occur. These usually heal on their own. Why do they (pseudo cysts) keep filling up? Sometimes they do not heal up on their own and hence the reason they then fill up again. This could be due to a stricture developing later on for example. Does alternative medicine help? No. Though a lack of vitamins in the diet of poorly fed individuals could be helped with vitamin supplements. Can diet help the prevention of pseudo cysts? No. though it should be noted that small regular meals are better than starving for the day and then bingeing on a large meal in the evening as this can bring on an acute attack. Extract of questions from the AGM of The Pancreatitis Supporters Network April 1994 Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Advice for Patients If in the UNITED KINGDOM go to our WEB ADDRESS: and follow the link to The Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Iceland where you can download ALL the UK specialists, Including one in Egypt. The Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland is willing to help pancreatitis sufferers who are having difficulty in obtaining specialist advice. If any pancreatitis sufferer is having difficulty obtaining specialist advice, and they would like information about pancreatic specialists to whom they could be referred by their present general practitioner or hospital consultant write to: Mr Charnley Consultant Surgeon Secretary to the PSGBI Department of Surgery Freeman Hospital High Heaton Newcastle-upon Tyne NE7 7DN The Secretary will supply the names of specialists in an appropriate geographical area, but will not be able to enter into correspondence about specific general conditions. The specialists recommended will not necessarily be members of the Society. Please expect at least a two to three month delay before reply arrives. Please note: There is Internet access in all UK Librarys a) TSE provides longer lasting relief from pain (possibly even permanent relief in some cases). The pain relieving benefits do not diminish the more you use the TSE machine. c) TSE takes less time to use (4 hours per week as opposed to 40 hours) and provides relief from pain much sooner (8-20 minutes as opposed to 40-60 minutes). d) TSE provides simultaneous relief of pain across the entire body rather than one place. e) TSE does not require anatomical knowledge to site the electrodes correctly. In summary, TSE would appear to represent a major advance in pain ther apy. (Editor in this article refers to The Pancreatitis Supporters Network) FOOTNOTE: The Pancreatitis Supporters Network operates a long term loan scheme to members who have joined of these devices so that you can try before you buy. For your membership we will send a unit to you and the only expense you have is the cost of the pads and batteries. We will not ask for it back but would hope that people will return these if they do not work or if they have enough money to purchase one for themselves. The cost of return of the machines is borne by the charity as is the delivery. As well as the TSE X-Pain 2000 machines we are able to offer use of a Medisense blood meter to those who are diabetic, again only to joined members. We would ask that you only request one or other of these devices and not both as at the moment we do not have the resources to cope with X-Pain Continued: P A G E 5 (This information has been summaried from TWO articles and vastly edited and changed for ease of reading and describes a new form of treatment developed by Manchester Royal Infirmary. It has NOTHING to do with the Pancreatitis Supporters Network, we are only including this for information. ALL inquiries should be made in the first instance to Margaret O'Brien, Chairman of the MRI Support Group) Causes of pancreatitis There is accumulating evidence that oxidant stress resulting from an excess of pro-oxidant over anti-oxidant has a key role in acute oedematous pancreatitis as well as painful exacerbation's of chronic disease. Cytokines like platelet activation factor (PAF) have also been shown to be involved with development of the acute disease in animal models, but it is likely that the prime insult which triggers pancreatitis is oxidant stress. DEVELOPMENT OF ANTIOXIDANT THERAPY Background: There is increasing evidence that habitually poor diets render body organs vulnerable to oxidative stress, and hence tissue injury, when free radical load exceeds antioxidant defence capability. In general terms this load may derive from such dissimilar sources as ultraviolet light, substance abuse (for example alcohol or cigarettes), and, above all, environmental pollutants. Antioxidant therapy? From this, it would seem likely that therapy with antioxidants should help prevent pancreatitis. A randomised, controlled, double-blind, double dummy, crossover study from the Manchester Royal Infirmary has shown this to be the case. Twenty patients with chronic pancreatitis (8 idiopathic, 7 alcoholic and 5 idiopathic acute) entered the study in which micro nutrients antioxidant therapy was compared with placebo, each for a 20 week period. Patients took six tablets of selenium beta-CE (Wassen International) and eight tablets of methionine ( Medical Ltd) in divided doses, giving a daily total of: 600mg organic selenium 9000 IU beta-carotene 0.54g vitamin C 270 IU vitamin E 2g methionine Results: This was a thorough and detailed study. The bare-boned results were that while six patients had an attack while on placebo, not one had an attack while on active medication. Pain scores were significantly lower on active treatment (than) on placebo and at baseline. Benefits and costs:Treatment would entail a maximum cost of 15 pounds a month a month (1990 prices), with possibly a 50 percent reduction after six months. This financial outlay is small compared with the cost in terms of the mortality, morbidity, narcotic use, malnutrition and brittle diabetes of near-total pancreatectomy. Adverse effects and precautions: Long-term observations have not shown significant adverse effects in a clinical experience of some 500 patients. One subject developed symptoms of schizophrenia two years after starting on a dose of 4g methionine per day in conjunction with other antioxidants. In the light of a published review which had exonerated methionine from side-effects, unless given to patients with chronic schizophrenia, it was of interest to discover that the patient's mother had committed suicide against a background of schizophrenia and that two maternal aunts had suffered chronic depressive illness. There has been no such problem at MRI before or since. Hypercarotenaemia has been a predictable biochemical outcome in patients treated with bio-antox because the of extremely high bio availability of beta-carote from this formulation compared to the commercial " over the counter " preparations with which the clinical trials were done, and which were used at the MRI until Bio-antox became available. Hypercarotenaemia has no clinical implications, Except for possible cosmetic embarrassment, and the preparation has now undergone reformulation to avoid this. Careful monitoring is advisable in patients with organic brain syndromes, haemachromatosis, renal failure and glucose- 6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency. ANTIOXIDANT THERAPY FOR PANCREATITIS - BIO-ANTOX For further information, please contact the following: Margaret O'Brien MRI Pancreatic Patients Support Group Chairman, 01457 873859 PLEASE remember, this is a HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER and have due consideration at the time when you call. Please Note: The Pancreatitis Supporters Network DOES NOT promote any one form of treatment over another and all information in this Newsletter is for consultation with your GP, Consultant or Specialist. NEWS FLASH There is no doubt this Information Pack will become dated. We try to update as soon as possible but for all the latest news please Join. See last two pages for Membership Forms. All the latest news will appear in the Newsletters FIRST then get posted on the web at: P A G E 6 MANUFACTURER: Manufactured in Denmark by Pharma Nord and distributed by Pharma Nord (UK) Ltd Spital Hall Mitford Morpeth NE16 3PN PRESENTATION: Tablets (150 in a box) typically containing: selenium (organic) 75 mg methionine 400 mg beta-carotene 3 mg vitamin C 150 mg vitamin E 47 mg LICENSED INDICATIONS: None CURRENT STATUS: Pharma-Nord have given Pancreato- Biliary Consultants an undertaking that Bio-Antox, the formulation of which is based entirely on the work of the Manchester group, will not be available " over-the-counter " . The same company markets a range of food supplements, one of which is called Bio-Antioxidant, but this should not be confused with Bio-Antox. Both contain micronutrients and vitamins but the formulations of each markedly differ. DOSAGE OF Bio-Antox in PANCREATITIS The usual dose is four tablets daily, adjusted at intervals according to the results of blood and urine analyses. For most patients the initial dosage is required for ten weeks and a few will require supplementary methionine (250 mg four times daily). Thereafter a proportion will continue to need a similar dose, with or without methionine, for a further 10 weeks with a 25 per cent reduction in dosage for the next six months or so. During the following six months 50per cent of the initial dose is given, reducing to 25 per cent as a maintenance dose indefinitely thereafter. Ordinarily, blood antioxidant and free radical marker profiles are checked at ten weeks and 20 weeks, then six months later and then annually via the MRI PBS. Reference: S Uden et al. Antioxidant therapy for recurrent pancreatitis: placebo controlled trial. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1 - 4: 357-71 QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED Q: What need is met by this therapy? A: Treatment of patients with chronic or recurrent acute pancreatitis Q: What happens now? A: Patients are treated with analgesics, or may go on to near-total pancreatectomy resulting in malabsorption and diabetes. Q: Is quality improved? A: Yes - patients on this treatment do not have pain. Q: What does the treatment cost? A: Less than 15 pounds per month per patient. Q: Can cost savings be made? A: Yes - though not quantified, the cost of treatment with antioxidants is likely to be much less than present treatments. Advice to Health Authorities and GP's Will increase quality and effectiveness. May result in reduced costs. Worth considering in specification. WARNING: Do not self dose with these ingredients as without proper monitoring some of these ingredients are POISONOUS! Contact MARGARET O'BRIEN in the first instance! She is the Chairman of the Manchester Patient Support Group for the Bioantox Treatment. TRANS FATTY ACIDS - CONTINUED Specific TFA Free Foods: Krusteze brand cake and muffin mix, Certain Pringles Potato chips, Smart Balance spread (new and patented for not containing TFA's, and for being able to help balance fat metabolism), Kraft or Henry's no fat salad dressing, These specifics were included because in these food categories it's hard to find any products that are TFA free. If anyone finds more please let me know and I'll add them to the list. If the theory holds and the condition of the pancreas improves, small amounts of other natural fats, such as monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated, may be beneficial. Some research indicates that a balanced fat diet is very important to the overall health of an individual. A Final Thought:: Human evolution has been taking place for some 4 or 5 million years. During that long span our digestive systems slowly adapted to the foods that were consumed. Now we have been introduced to hydrogenated oils. It is killing or making sick those who cannot adapt to it. Given a few thousands years we won't have to worry about hydrogenated oil because those not able to adapt to it will be gone. TRANS FATTY ACIDS > First, a little about trans fat. I would like to climb up on the soapbox, but I'll save that for another time. Trans Fatty Acid's (TFA's) main use is to extend the shelf life of a product. Foods containing trans fat have a much longer shelf life because it doesn't spoil. It's secondary purpose is to change a liquid oil into a solid. This is why shortening is white and solid, but pure corn oil is a liquid. The following list contains the most common foods containing TFA's. It is by no means complete. It will identify some of the obvious foods to watch out for. Trans Fat List:: Margarine, vegetable shortening , pastries, peanut butter, French fries (except those made at home from fresh potato's, fried in pure vegetable oil), most fast food, most cookies (Internet cookies are OK), most frozen dinners (low fat included), most snack foods, most cakes (prepared and boxed, I would . like to give the Dough Boy an extra hard poke in the belly), most potato chips, most crackers, most restaurant food (because it is usually prepared with shortening), some candies, some ice creams, some pizza (depends on ingredients used), most vending machine foods. TFA Free Foods: All fat free foods, Meats, Eggs, Milk, Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Most candy, Soft drinks, Coffee, Tea, Vegetable oil, Chocolate, Grilled foods, Most cheeses, Yogurt, Most breads, No fat mayonnaise, Ketchup's, Mustard. Bio-Antox, Continued: THE PANCREATITIS SUPPORTERS NETWORK MEMBERSHIP FORM (Internet Sourced) Name .............................. Address ................................ .............................. .............................. Date of Birth ......... Telephone ........... Payment Method: CHEQUE POSTAL ORDER STANDING ORDER (PLEASE RING) Brief Medical History (Continue overleaf if needed) ............................... ................................ .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. Please return the completed form to: (NOTE: All information used in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act) Mr Duerden Membership Secretary The PSN 24 Ada Road Camberwell London SE5 7RW Membership April - April: Individual £5.00 Family £8.00 Registered Charity Number 1027443 STANDING ORDER MANDATE To ......................Bank Address .................... .......................... .......................... BANK BRANCH TITLE (NOT ADDRESS) SORTING CODE NO. Please Pay UNITY TRUST BANK PLC BIRMINGHAM 08 - 60 - 01 BENEFICIARY NAME ACCOUNT NUMBER & TYPE For the THE PANCREATITIS SUPPORTERS NETWORK 5 4 0 0 0 7 9 7 0 0 credit of AMOUNT IN FIGURES AMOUNT IN WORDS t The sum of £ DATE AND AMOUNT OF FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE AND FREQUENCY 1ST APRIL 1ST APRIL - YEARLY Commencing £ and thereafter every *Now DATE AND AMOUNT OF LAST PAYMENT *Until UNTIL FURTHER £ NOTICE *Until you receive further notice from me/us in writing. Quoting the PSN MEMBERSHIP FEE and debit my/our account accordingly reference Please cancel any previous standing order or direct debit in favour of the beneficiary named above under this reference. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ACCOUNT TO BE DEBITED ACCOUNT NUMBER Signature(s) ........................ Date ................... ........................ Note: The Bank will not undertake to: (i) make any reference to Value Added Tax or other indeterminate element. (ii) advise payer's address to beneficiary. (iii) advise beneficiary of inability to pay. (iv) request beneficiary's banker to advise beneficiary or receipt. * Delete if not applicable t If the amounts of the periodic payments vary they should be incorporated in a schedule overleaf. SO154 (3/90) ________________________________________________________________________________\ __________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COMPLETION OF ABOVE FORM PLEASE FILL IN: YOUR BANK'S NAME AND ADDRESS WHERE IT SAYS TO.........BANK YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEE (EITHER £5 0R £8 IN FIGURES AND WORDS) YOUR ACCOUNT NAME WHERE IT SAYS ACCOUNT TO BE DEBITED YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER WHERE IT SAYS ACCOUNT NUMBER SIGN THE FORM WHERE IT SAYS SIGNATURE(S) DATE THE FORM WHERE IT SAYS DATE PLEASE RETURN THE WHOLE FORM TO: Mr Duerden, Membership Secretary, The Pancreatitis Supporters Network, 24 Ada Road Camberwell London SE5 7RW Note: With Standing Orders I cannot request any money from your account and you can stop this at any time by writing to your Bank. All information will be kept confidential and under the terms of the Data Protection Act. Pancreatitis Booklets Thank you for downloading this information pack. We hope you find it useful. You may also be interested in a set of three booklets dealing with all types of pancreatitis: acute l chronic l cancer of the pancreas l These booklets have been prepared by Salvay Healthcare and written by Professor Neoptolemos. If you would also like to receive these booklets, please send £2 to: Pancreatitis Supporters Network PO Box 8938 Birmingham B13 9FW Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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