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Glenda, I'm so glad to have you back..YIPPEE! I'm really sorry you fell..

you had better watch yourself girl... I worry about you. You know I'm in the

worry wart club. lol

Just so good to have you back..

love ya lots

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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon,

> I will send prayers for strength your way. I know

> what you mean about old

> age but I think RP has it share of it too!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda

Thank you much, ma'am! Love, Sharon



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Yes I know you are in the worry wart club because I am in it too!LOL Hope you had a great holiday! Know I missed you just as much as you missed me. Catch you soon!

Lots of love


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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon Did your husband watch the Duck game last

> night. Mike husband did

> and he keeps calling everybody asking, " Well what do

> you think about them

> Duck's now? " Kind of hard not to be partially when

> you live so close to

> the Oregon Duck stadium!LOL



Oh Glenda, my husband wouldn't miss a Duck game if I

were dying! He is a huge fan of football and of

course loves the Ducks. I hate it all! My sister and

brother in law went to Arizona for the game. They had

a ton of fun. Take care, Sharon



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Glenda!

You are right, we all cared for each other before we met, but now that we

have faces with names it is even more so! It is great to get to know all of

you better and I look forward to seeing everyone again on the west coast - 2

1/2 years and counting! Give love to your family too!

Patty B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW Glenda!

Sounds like you need to get some pointy shoes and kick the PCP's butt!!!!! While you're at it get his nurse too! Thank goodness your rhuemy is good. My rheumy is in Vancouver (4 hour trip) so I don't see him unless I'm flaring majorly. Hope you get over this infectionsoon. If the antibiotics don't wok get them to scan your neck. I had pain in my neck that they thought was a lymph infection but turned out to be my artery. They never said why it was inflammed but I think it was RP related. Tale care and be well,


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Hi ,

When my throat flares I lose my voice and my throat feels very tight. It also hurts.

Do you have sjogrens? It is very hard for me to tell sometimes what is causing my throat problems because I have RP. and Sjogrens. Oh, this does not sound very helpful, does it. LOL

Ewww, I'm having a bad ear flare, does this ever end?

Glad to hear you are back on the antibiotic and you hope can get the doc to refill it.

Hope you are having a great Jammy Day!



I'm on my way Glenda..... It is 11am here and I'm still in my PJ"s. Let's just have a jammy party today. I'm not feeling much better. My throat is the pits. Can't hardly talk. Am on Antibiotics hope it goes away soon. I have a question for you guys. When your throat is involved with RP. how does it feel. I have had hardly any voice for a few days, but don't feel sick. Any input? I have been lowering my pred and was wondering if this was maybe a flare. DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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In a message dated 2/2/02 1:49:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,

biglou5685@... writes:

<< Hope you are having a great Jammy Day!


Sandy, I did have a great jammy day. LOL Yes I do have Sjogrens also, but

never had no voice from it. I keep thinking it is just a bug,but I have

never in my whole life lost my voice. It's just squeaky and can't seem to

get the words out at all. It is sore somewhat tonight, but not like a sore

throat. See, I'm making a lot of sense too.

I TOLD you that you can't have any more flares Sandy... I'm so sorry to hear

that your ear is flaring. Please let me know how you are doing and know you

are in my thoughts and prayers.



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Sue, I'm glad you are going to get your eyes checked. It is very important

that we have a good opthomologist on our team. Do you think the swelling of

your feet could be due to the pred. I know I had terrible swelling when I

was on higher doses. Just a thought.

AND...... you had better start checking your blood!!!! Yes, this is the nag

and I won't give up til you start doing it. You don't need another

complication on top of everything else. We all worry about you Sue and we

will keep nudging you in the right direction. LOL Just bear with us. I

think we are all mother hens when it comes to each other.

Please take care and let us know what you find out.


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--- Ted Staniec wrote:

> I also have trouble with a hoarse voice. Some days

> it is better than others. It's very frustrating. I

> think it is a flare. My ears have also been

> bothering me, just sore. My rheumy thought it was a

> yeast infection in my vocal cords & put me on

> antibiotics but I'm still hoarse. I just take it a

> day at a time.


> Started my Imuran on Weds. & so far so good. Going

> to the ophthalmologist tomorrow for an eye exam. I

> have had uveitis & iritis in my eyes. Have any of

> you had blurred vision where there is like shadows

> around letters. I have a hard time reading any

> material. I could not see the phone # of the

> pharmacy or the prescription # this morning & that's

> with my glasses on. I don't know if it's the pred,

> the disease or possibly my sugars. When I was in

> the hospital after Christmas my sugar at one point

> was 190, it then came down to 112 -115. No I

> haven't been checking it but I guess I should, but

> I'm in an I don't care mood.


> Went to a wedding last night & a gal I've known for

> close to 20 years came up to me and asked if I was

> Sue. How depressing. Then another gal that I know

> fairly well, Play Bunco with her, came up to me &

> said she didn't recognize me at the shower which I

> suspected. My face is so blown up & I'm so

> embarrassed. I just keep wondering why me. My feet

> are so bad, they are mega swollen & sore. I wore

> sandals to the wedding that lace because I cannot

> get my feet into any shoes except my gym shoes.


> Take care everyone,



> Susiecue


Oh, Susie, I do so feel for you. Believe that it

can get better, and you can lower the pred, then you

will be able to lose some weight. I know how

miserable it is. But please, please, please start

checking your blood sugars on a regular basis. It

does help control them, and personally ,I get a great

sense of achievement when I have it under reasonable

control. It is especially important to check when you

are on pred. My doctor gave me Xenical to help lose

weight, and I have been taking it for ages, I have

lost weight, but if I go off it I start putting it

back on. But apparently there are no systemic effects,

just unpleasant side effects. Anyway that helps me

keep my fat intake down!! Also, plan treats for

yourself, like have fruit and nonfat yoghurt for a

dessert. I actually now prefer this to cheesecake

which now gives me indigestion, and a runny tummy!!!

I bought Diabetes for Dummies, which has got lots of

helpful information. Knowledge is power!!

When I started being ill I was on 80mg of pred daily;

now I haven't been above 5mg a day for over a year.

People who meet me now don't believe I have anything

wrong, I have energy, my skin is clear, I firmly

believe the healthier eating helps. I do fall off the

wagon from time to time, but I get right back on

again! Hang in there, and take care of yourself. We

only have one body, so we have top look after it.

Also try doing a little extra walking, 5 minutes pwer

day to start with, then add in another five minutes,

and so on. If the weather is bad, do it round your

livving room!! This helps with mood control and blooed

sugar control. Good luck, love Liz


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi glenda

now thats a very good girl for letting us know whats up. I also wanted to tell you when i was on the atenolol i had night sweats too, Still do sometimes but not as bad. Also the whole time i was on pred, i had a high bp, usually as high as 180/100, to 110, had fast heart rate too. So hang in there and know that this too will pass.

take care

love ya


Glenda McClennen wrote:

Good Evening all!

Well I thought I would post you all and tell you I am still out here!LOL Also I hope you are all doing well. Thanks everyone for the wonderful jokes and uplifting things that you all send!

Now for my news. I called the rheumy today and told him I am holding my own with the RP flare. It is now at a dull roar. I told the rheumy's nurse what was going on with my mouth. Thought I might have thrush from the darn antibiotics I took last week for the swollen lymph's. Well it wasn't thrush or anything of that nature.

Dr. took a culture and said that my tongue was definitely coated but there was nothing unusual there.LOL I guess that is good to know. Anyway he thinks it maybe due to the flare being so close to the tissue in my mouth that is causing the irritation.

Now for the fun news...NOT!! My BP was 140/100 again. I surrender. All that work I went through getting it down was for naught. I am on 25mg of pred today and go to 20 tomorrow. Pred is the reason BP went up in the first place. Anyway he told me to exercise, and watch diet. Doesn't want to add another med right now because the BP problem maybe due to the flare. So I am at square one.

The Dr. then sent me over to the medical imaging place because I complained about having nights sweats and never having a problem until I started the atenolol for the BP problem. He said it didn't sound like the change of life and didn't go into why he wanted a chest x-ray done but wanted the information faxed to their office. It got late so I will have to call them tomorrow to see what they found out. Anyway at least you can't say I haven't been through the mill today!LOL

Know I think of you all often and please don't worry about me. I am doing fine really just can't get the BP where it belongs.LOL Flare is under control so that is the main thing. Now and Dawn wont be mad at me for not posting to let them know how I am doing! :o)

Lots of love



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> What a great idea about the pred. The masseuse

> sounds the best. Don't know whether Mike would

> appreciate it though!LOL


That would probably depend on who was getting the

massage! Hope you are feeling better, Glenda. Love, Sharon



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> Sharon- Okay I have sit back and watched the posts

> about the books. Now I have to put in my two cents

> worth. During the summer months I go to yard sales

> and buy books for 10 cents all the way to 25 cents.

> I get enough to last me and then read them all.

> After that I swap with a lady from work and read

> hers. Yes books can be lots of fun! Hope you are

> still doing well. You sure deserve it!

> all next time! Know I think of you all often and so

> much enjoy reading posts from each and everyone of

> you!


> Take care!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Good going, Glenda, both of feeling a bit better and

on being a book junkie. I buy lots at garage sales

too, then take them to the used book store and get

more credit. Yes, I am still doing well, just need

more energy! You are right about our weather!

Haven't we been having the most gorgeous days? I

didn't mind the rain at all today. Just rode my

exercise bike and worked with my hand weights. I sure

do like walking outside better, but it is too hard to

manage the puppy and an umbrella. When she gets older

it will be o.k. (I hope) Keep getting better! Love, Sharon



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

> Sharon - Hurray for you! 3 weeks is almost to much

> to believe for you! I bet you are on cloud nine.

> Yes I am a happy camper. Snow went on it's merry

> way and didn't stay here! I sure was some strange

> weather especially after having such terrific

> weather the last few weeks. I was just wondering

> about you and was tickled to see your post.

Good Morning Glenda,

How are you doing now? Are you totally over your

flare? Sure hope so.

Yes, three weeks is a very long time for me to go

without a flare. I am so happy. Had a bit more pain

in my hands and ears this morning, but nothing

horrible. I guess the old TNF is building up again.

Take care and enjoy the coming weekend. I'm going to

be painting my bedroom while I still feel good. That

is if the workmen ever get here to texturize the wall.

Talk to you later. Love, Sharon



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon,

> I don't have the redness or any scar tissue per say

> that I can see but my ears peel or slough off skin

> most of the time. Kind of like healing from a bad

> sunburn. Does this make sense?

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Makes sense to me, Glenda. Mine is kinda' like that,

but only in that one spot. It has now developed into

a new lesion, so glad today was Remicade day. After I

finally sleep off the Benadryl I am hoping for another

month of good days.

Ugh! This weather is disgusting, isn't it? At least

we got no snow over our way today, and what we got

earlier this month did'nt stick. Just so there is no

white stuff on the ground in the morning.

has to be at church at 7 a.m. for rehearsal. He is

playing in all three services tomorrow.

Take care, Glenda. Love, Sharon



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

So see

> you don't need to worry about me for awhile yet!LOL


> Everyone take care and have a great Tuesday!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Hey Glenda, you forgot to enclose the recipe for NOT

worrying! Of course we have to worry about you!

We're just getting a head-start.

Love, Sharon



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hey glenda

what i want to know is if it is urgent enough for us to see a specialist why do we have to wait so long to see one.

when i quit breathing, i had to waiting 3 months to see an ent, geez, could have been dead and gone by then. talk about canceling an appt.

hope all is going well,

love ya


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  • 5 weeks later...
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ok girlfriend thats about enough of that. I guess I am going to have to come with susan and heidi and bring all the meds. so we can get you all better. You were doing so well, I was really happy for you and now things are not doing so good. Listen you hang in there ok, thing will get brighter and better. Those clouds will leave and the sun will come out. Oh yuck, sounds like a song doesn't it.

oh well feel better ok.

hugs dawn

Glenda McClennen wrote:

Hi All,

Thought I should let you know what is going on in my world. A few of you already know and are keeping tabs on me!LOL

I am still having a time of it. I am hoping all is unrelated to the RP. Most of my problems are caused from the meds I have taken or the side effects.

My BP is still high. It is 150/100. Tomorrow I am calling around for a new PCP. Have finally had it!

This week everything has taken a back seat to my tooth or lack of it now. I had a tooth pulled. It was a perfectly good tooth but the jaw bone deteriorated and an infection set in. I went to the dentist and they pulled the tooth but didn't put me on an antibiotic. I was one sick puppy.LOL I went back in yesterday to get the antibiotic and already starting to feel better but think it is the ibeprohin that is helping me.

The reason I fired my PCP for sure this time was that I had called into get an antibiotic to go to the dentist and couldn't even get past the receptionist. She said the dr. has nothing to do with the teeth. So guess who I called next...my rheumy.

Rheumy prescribed the antibiotic to go see the dentist. Just enough to take before and after like I normally do. This is one of the reasons I quit seeing the dentist so often because it was such a hassle to get antibiotic.

Needless to say rheumy was a little upset and very concerned. I asked if they could recommend a good PCP. I now have three names to check out.

The rheumy's nurse called me back yesterday to give me the names and see how I was doing. Had a fit when I told her no antibiotics and how bad the infection was. She said to get back in there to the dentist and make sure they stay on top of it.

Sometimes a suppressed immune system can be a pain in the b...

I know what should and shouldn't be done because I have been on these meds for so long. Explaining it to a dentist or a doctor can really be difficult to say the least. At least I am on the mend for the tooth episode.

Lets see my other problems...on yah the hormone thing has settled down too. Soy and the healthy woman vitamins really help. I can sleep all night and not have night sweats! Hurrah!

I actually don't feel like Dr. Jeykl and Mr. Hyde anymore.LOL Bet my hubby is glad for that.

At the end of this month I am going to see a urologist. It seems that my PCP found blood in the urine. I asked him well haven't you found this before? He said I have? He then looked at the chart and said yes you had it in 2000. And yes another good reason to fire him!LOL I have been reading posts and am hoping that the kidney thing is just kidney stones due to the amount of calcium that I take. I know wishful thinking.

At any rate I am doing better now that they found part of the problem. (tooth) I think that the tooth may have been causing problems for sometime. Might even have been what was making me so tired. My body was attempting to fight an infection. Sad thing is I have been to the PCP so much lately I am surprised they didn't find something sooner. I had been so tired I was coming home from work and going right to bed practically.

Well I am off today to find a new PCP. Wish me luck! I will try to stay in better touch with the group now that I am feeling a little better and hope to be up to speed real soon. Can't keep me down for long that is for sure. I wont have it!

BTW for those of you who keep up with me....sister goes in Monday for the ultrasound on her legs. She is going to have a third surgery on same. The new artery that they put in last July has now plugged up twice. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. The last time the surgeon said he didn't know if he could save her legs.

Know I think of you all often and have missed you all by not being able to post like I should.

Take care

Lots of love



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In a message dated 4/19/02 2:22:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dmorgan26347@... writes:

<< Those clouds will leave and the sun will come out. Oh yuck, sounds like

a song doesn't it.

oh well feel better ok.

hugs >>

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow......LOL I LOVE it Dawn. LOL

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Good luck finding a PCP who knows anything about RP.

I don't think there is such a thing around here. I

can give you the name of my PCP. Like I say, he

doesn't know about RP but maybe between the two of us

we could educate him. Sometimes he seems willing to

learn and other times not. I still don't know if I

like him or not. He seems good in all other area's

tho'. I'm just waiting and giving him a chance cause

I've only been seeing him for about a year and a half.

If you find a good doc...holler! Love, squeek

(I can give you the name of my ex doc...a good one NOT

to go to)

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> I haven't found a PCP. Amazingly enough they all

> have waiting lists for new patients. What happens

> to people who don't have a dr.? I know I have got

> to get a better one or this one might just do me

> in.LOL I am not going give up. I have got to find

> a dr. who cares or at least knows or wants to know

> about RP. You would think as big as an area that we

> live in there would be a dr. or two that knows about

> RP.

> Lots of love

> Glenda






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