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Update on Glenda

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Good Evening all!

Well I thought I would post you all and tell you I am still out here!LOL Also I hope you are all doing well. Thanks everyone for the wonderful jokes and uplifting things that you all send!

Now for my news. I called the rheumy today and told him I am holding my own with the RP flare. It is now at a dull roar. I told the rheumy's nurse what was going on with my mouth. Thought I might have thrush from the darn antibiotics I took last week for the swollen lymph's. Well it wasn't thrush or anything of that nature.

Dr. took a culture and said that my tongue was definitely coated but there was nothing unusual there.LOL I guess that is good to know. Anyway he thinks it maybe due to the flare being so close to the tissue in my mouth that is causing the irritation.

Now for the fun news...NOT!! My BP was 140/100 again. I surrender. All that work I went through getting it down was for naught. I am on 25mg of pred today and go to 20 tomorrow. Pred is the reason BP went up in the first place. Anyway he told me to exercise, and watch diet. Doesn't want to add another med right now because the BP problem maybe due to the flare. So I am at square one.

The Dr. then sent me over to the medical imaging place because I complained about having nights sweats and never having a problem until I started the atenolol for the BP problem. He said it didn't sound like the change of life and didn't go into why he wanted a chest x-ray done but wanted the information faxed to their office. It got late so I will have to call them tomorrow to see what they found out. Anyway at least you can't say I haven't been through the mill today!LOL

Know I think of you all often and please don't worry about me. I am doing fine really just can't get the BP where it belongs.LOL Flare is under control so that is the main thing. Now and Dawn wont be mad at me for not posting to let them know how I am doing! :o)

Lots of love


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