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Re: Hi Every one

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In a message dated 3/26/02 6:31:55 PM Pacific Standard Time,

sharynn@... writes:

<< Did some reading on this medication

and wow...wonder how long I will have to take it. Anyone know?


Sharyn, I don't know about anyone else, but when I was on metho,my doctors

rule of thumb was that once you were completely off the pred and flare free

for one year, then he would start to lower the metho. I guess every doctor

is different. I only took it for a year and unfortunately it didn't help me

much. But for most people it does. sounds like you are going to tolerate it

very well.

My hands just started doing that same thing about 8months ago. I don't have

a clue. They snag everything. If you find a healer, let me know.

I hope your new doctor is just WONDERFUL!!! we need more of them. Be sure to

let us know.

About your boss, have you tried to take her Dr. T article and let her read

that. If that doesn't open her eyes, I don't know what will. i'm so sorry

you have to put up with this.

I'm going to go to the site and look at all the new pictures. I have some I

will be sending to Carol to post. Keep checking daily, bet you will see new



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In a message dated 3/26/02 10:55:08 PM Pacific Standard Time,

starangel688_@... writes:

<< new Baby oil gel that johnsons and johnsons came out with and at night

especially i have been pu >>

Barbara, thank you for the helpful hint. I'm going to go buy some tomorrow.


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sharyn,, had to chuckle with your ? on dry hands.... i asked that here a while back. got many replies to it also. but since then i have been trying the new Baby oil gel that johnsons and johnsons came out with and at night especially i have been putting it on lathering) and then putting on these little mittens that i got from linens and things along with feet mittens and it is helping alot they are no longer as bad and my heels look almost normal instead of the dry cracked deserts... hope everything else works out for you, i know what it is like to say you are ok.. but aren't. just know we all understand and are here for you.... May God Bless You.. Barbara Hi Every one Hi Every oneBeen out of the picture these past few days. Have been very tiredand haven't had much time to do any posting.First, I want to send my deepest sympathy to Amber and her familyfor the loss of her mother. I never met her mother, but she musthave been a wonderful person. I know so much how difficult it is toloose a mother and your post was so touching.Next, I started the methotrexate last Friday and so far no sideaffects, but it's still early. Did some reading on this medicationand wow...wonder how long I will have to take it. Anyone know?I'm still having really bad hot flashes and lots of sweating too.Can be 68 degrees in my house and I feel like I'm burning up. Theringing or buzzing in my ears is loud and still there too.Have a question out there. I have something that really bothersme. It's my hands. They are so dry and they are cracking too.Doesn't matter how much I put cream on them. I've gone as far as todip my entire hands into heavy hand cream and put glove on and sleepwith them on, but it doesn't seem to help. They look as though Ihave been working on engines and the dryness is starting to hurt.Do any of you have this problem?Will be seeing my new primary doctor this coming Tuesday. Sure hopeI like her and she not like the one doctor I had who when I ask aquestion would smile and just act like she didn't know what the heckI was talking about. For the most part Dr. was okay, butbelow my idea of a good doctor. Sure hope this one is better orI'll be looking for another one.Anyway am just about the same...hope this new medication works, butsince it is still early don't know. Just hate feeling like I'mburning up all the time. It's even worse at work since the airconditioner there doesn't cool down my office and the other galsseem to be freezing their fannys off so they keep turning the tempup so my office gets to about 80 degrees. I have two fansgoing..one that blows out of the office..just trying to blow thesmoke from my boss who smokes like a train. It's really starting toget to me, but cannot say anything to her or she'll jump my case.She just cannot understand how I can be fine one day and then havean illness that I could die from...this is just how stupid thiswoman is. I tried to explain about the immune system..but shedoesn't get it. That day I had to go to the ER because my throatwas closing up and my ears too and I couldn't breath she cannotunderstand how after being in the ER I was fine. Doesn't matterthat they had to put me on a breathing machine to clear up mybronchi tubes or put an IV in me forcing antibiotics into me or giveme another steroid shot for the inflammation of my throat...afterthree hours I was 100 percent better. Go figure on that one.Does anyone know exactly how I can explain all of this to her so shewill understand? I just get so frustrated..this is why I lovehaving you all here as support because you all understand.I know I am not as bad as some of you all here...but I feel at lastI can stop pretending that there is nothing wrong with me now. WhenI hurt I don't feel like I have to hide it again. Maybe with me nothiding behind my hurt and illness is confusing to people, but Isure would like to know what I can say or what I can give this womanto make her understand what is going on with me.Well, it's late and I'm loosing ground right now. Again thanks toall of you.Oh..in case you missed it I put some family picture up of me, myhusband (he's really not that unhappy..but he looks like thatin the pictures)and my pride and joy daughter Theresa...we call herTree for short. She just got over being sick by passing some kidneystones. The kid wasn't going to tell me because she didn't want meto worry, but one of her friends let the cat out of the bag. I toldher she didn't have to worry that I would be upset. Heck I've hadkidney stones twice..First time my left kidney shut down and theyhad to do surgery to remove the stone so I know just how painful itwas for her. She a good actress, I had no idea the poor thing wasin that much pain. She all better now.HugsSharyn

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Sharyn, can I ever relate to the hot flashes! I can and do light up a room, I hate them. Add to that, my ears flash, get really hot and red, so if my ear flashes, it will generate a hot flash - can't win. All I can think of is that "This too shall pass", and it damned well had better! It's so frustrating! This disease is enough to make you nuts! One day you're fine, the next you can be in ICU, who knows. We just have to try to take it one day at a time (or even one hour sometimes), are the foundations brochures ready yet? That should help her. Is she that dumb or does she just WANT to be that dumb, know what I mean? Hang in there! Love, Judy Hi Every one Hi Every oneBeen out of the picture these past few days. Have been very tiredand haven't had much time to do any posting.First, I want to send my deepest sympathy to Amber and her familyfor the loss of her mother. I never met her mother, but she musthave been a wonderful person. I know so much how difficult it is toloose a mother and your post was so touching.Next, I started the methotrxate last Friday and so far no sideaffects, but it's still early. Did some reading on this medicationand wow...wonder how long I will have to take it. Anyone know?I'm still having really bad hot flashes and lots of sweating too.Can be 68 degrees in my house and I feel like I'm buring up. Theringing or buzzing in my ears is loud and still there too.Have a question out there. I have something that really bothersme. It's my hands. They are so dry and they are cracking too.Doesn't matter how much I put cream on them. I've gone as far as todip my entire hands into heavy hand cream and put glove on and sleepwith them on, but it doesn't seem to help. They look as though Ihave been working on engines and the dryness is starting to hurt.Do any of you have this problem?Will be seeing my new primary doctor this coming Tuesday. Sure hopeI like her and she not like the one doctor I had who when I ask aquestion would smile and just act like she didn't know what the heckI was talking about. For the most part Dr. was okay, butbelow my idea of a good doctor. Sure hope this one is better orI'll be looking for another one.Anyway am just about the same...hope this new medication works, butsince it is still early don't know. Just hate feeling like I'mburning up all the time. It's even worse at work since the airconditioner there doesn't cool down my office and the other galsseem to be freezing their fannys off so they keep turning the tempup so my office gets to about 80 degrees. I have two fansgoing..one that blows out of the office..just trying to blow thesmoke from my boss who smokes like a train. It's really starting toget to me, but cannot say anything to her or she'll jump my case.She just cannot understand how I can be fine one day and then havean illness that I could die from...this is just how stupid thiswoman is. I tried to explain about the immune system..but shedoesn't get it. That day I had to go to the ER because my throatwas closing up and my ears too and I couldn't breath she cannotunderstand how after being in the ER I was fine. Doesn't matterthat they had to put me on a breathing maching to clear up mybroncho tubes or put an IV in me forcing antibiotics into me or giveme another steriod shot for the inflamation of my throat...afterthree hours I was 100 percent better. Go figure on that one.Does anyone know exactly how I can explain all of this to her so shewill understand? I just get so frustrated..this is why I lovehaving you all here as support because you all understand.I know I am not as bad as some of you all here...but I feel at lastI can stop pretending that there is nothing wrong with me now. WhenI hurt I don't feel like I have to hide it again. Maybe with me nothiding behind my hurt and illness is confussing to people, but Isure would like to know what I can say or what I can give this womanto make her understand what is going on with me.Well, it's late and I'm loosing ground right now. Again thanks toall of you.Oh..in case you missed it I put some family picture up of me, myhusband (he's really not that unhappy..but he looks like thatin the pictures)and my pride and joy daughter Theresa...we call herTree for short. She just got over being sick by passing some kidneystones. The kid wasn't going to tell me because she didn't want meto worry, but one of her friends let the cat out of the bag. I toldher she didn't have to worry that I would be upset. Heck I've hadkidney stones twice..First time my left kidney shut down and theyhad to do surgery to remove the stone so I know just how painful itwas for her. She a good actress, I had no idea the poor thing wasin that much pain. She all better now.HugsSharyn

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