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Re: First Day In A Sweaty Helmet

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Hi Amy,

the holes should be in the part of the band where there is lots of

room - not the part touching the head. My daughter had brachy (flat in

back) and had holes across the whole back. You don't want the baby's

head pushing against the holes. So long as that is not happening you

are fine. Don't worry, if you find there is a problem then they'll

make you a new band for free (they almost always do if they have made

a mistake). Just ask your ortho about it when you go for your next visit.

When our ortho first drilled the holes I asked about this and he

assured me that her head would not grow all to touch the part of the

band where the holes were. He even showed me how with a pencil eraser

you could poke the hole and see there was a lot of room before you got

to her head.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad

> > >

> > > Well yesterday was the big day, we got our STARband! Dylan did

> > really

> > > great. He wore the band on the drive home and was able to fall

> > asleep

> > > in it :-) I was very worried that he would hate it but I don't

> > think he

> > > knows it is even there. I noticed at first that he had a little

> > trouble

> > > holding his head up, but by the end of the night he was fine. It

> > was

> > > harder on my husband and I than him, he just kept playing and

> > chatting

> > > up a storm.

> > > I know the sweating is suppose to be bad but I could actually

> see

> > the

> > > sweat dripping down his face. I am hoping someeone had the same

> > > experience and can tell me it gets better. He was dressed in a

> > tank top

> > > romper and still sweating. I am just worried because we are in

> San

> > > Diego and it was 80 degrees yesterday. I know it is only going

> to

> > get

> > > hotter and I want him to be comfortable. We are going to get his

> > hair

> > > cut today in hopes that it will help too.

> > >

> >


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