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Our CF doc told us a different story. He said that as long as the child eats

within 30 min - 1 hr of taking the enzymes that they are o-kay. They prefer

that the kids eat as soon as possible after taking the enzymes. When our

daughter, Piper, was in the hospital and on a continuous pump feed, she took her

enzymes every three hours. One thing that we were told would help the enzymes

in the digestion was to also take an acid reducer like Pepcid or Zantac. They

keep the stomach acid from wearing away the enteric coating of the enzymes too

quickly. Piper takes the Creon 5 enzymes, she takes 4 pills with each feed.

Hope this helps


mom to Austin 4 no CF & Piper 13 months w/CF

micheleb13827 wrote:

I asked the nurse practitioner about this Tuesday as well and she

said that enzymes are only good in the system for 15 minutes. So as

she explained it was if you took it too early before eating they were

ineffective the same as if you took them too late. I was also told

needs to take 2 Ultrase no matter how small the meal or

snack. But not with juice or fruit. So I guess the story changed from

clinic to clinic huh? LOL

Take care - Michele B


The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

be construed as medical advice.



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Angie My son is not even born yet. Due in Nov. My doctor has told me know

matter what signs or not I will start him on enzymes. I don't know whats

right or not as I'm learning and no other family member has cf. Right now

I'm trusting myself and my doctor. It's all I can do.



>Reply-To: cfparents

>To: <cfparents >

>Subject: Enzymes

>Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 22:40:35 -0400


>Just a question for anyone....


>If a child is diagnosed with cf before, at, or shortly after birth, do they

>automatically prescribe enzymes without waiting to see if the child really

>needs them? JC was diagnosed at 4 months. While he was thin, he was on

>the growth charts. The clinic has monitored his weight carefully, but

>because he continues to gain and has " normal " stools, he seems to be

>pancreatic sufficient. I realize that with most cf kids it is painfully

>obvious that they need enzymes, I was just wondering if its not obvious do

>most clinics wait and see or do they give enzymes automatically. Just



>Angie (Ma to JC, 3yo, wcf)



> RE: New to the group



> Hi Kristi,


> As almost everyone has said already, it is incredibly fortunate that you

> found out before he is born. Kate was diagnosed at two months, and I

> was a wreck for that time period. Things were MUCH better after

> diagnosis! She grew fat and rosy and happy (finally)! I've mulled it

> over a little and here's some stuff I wish I had known at the beginning.



> 3) Enzymes will most likely be prescribed for your baby. I fed these to

> Kate in applesauce, but other acidic foods work too. Anybody have

> favorites other than applesauce?







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Angie & Partin wrote:


>If a child is diagnosed with cf before, at, or shortly after birth, do they

automatically prescribe enzymes without waiting to see if the child really needs

them? ...


In my son's case, after diagnosis by sweat tests, a fat analysis was

done on the stool to determine if enzymes were needed. He was still on

the growth charts but had plateaued in his weight and was not gaining

any more. The stool analysis involved collecting all stool for three

days and keeping track of all food intake over the same period for

comparison with the amount of fat lost in the stool. Since he was

breastfed, he was weighed before and after each feed as an estimate of

intake. The fat analysis of the stool confirmed enzymes were needed

(even though the test was compromised by a number of things done

incorrectly). The 7-8 explosive, loose bowel movements per day were a

convincing indicator to me.


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  • 6 months later...

they have to do tests...but you should know whether or not your food

is being digested...not to be gross...but you can tell by your stools.


> How do the doctors know you need enzymes ?

> in Ga.

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