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Good Morning Everyone !!!!

Well today we said good bye to Don's Prednison !!!!!!! Now we see how it is going.

He was on the darn stuff for oops I think 7 years.It took 1 year now to get him off. We

been degreasing 1 mg a month.But for some reason once he got down to 5 mg a day it just would not work going down 1mg a month. So we did tried it about every 6 weeks or so. Well

we finally got to Zero. He sure has a smile on his pale Face !!! LOL I think he is doing some better already with the stress since he knows he only has to sign all the darn Papers. Plus

we found out Uncle Sam can not hold us responsible for anything from the battle ax stuff.The only can take what is left in the estate

LOL Boy there aint much left. LOL So my message to you all is today.Hang in there you will get there too.I know how hard it is at times.

But please don't never give up. OK The Dr. did tell Don yesterday he thinks because Don always took his Medicine ON TIME everyday

that it helped him.Now our next goal is in June to lower the Ibuprofen from 800mg to 600mg.

Now to all your Posts here.

Patty are you sure you want Mr. Ornery as you poster child ??? LOL He is spoiled rotten to the bone. LOL Boy if I ever find out who done it I will kick some fanny !!!! So far the only Identity I got is " Not Me " LOL

if you ever find out who sold you the ticket let me know.The only good thing about Don getting RP was I lost 55 lb. LOL Yup, as you can see I do NOT handle RP very well either.

it was so nice to hear from you. I hope you are better this morning. I admirer your

Courage.Be careful the Phone Bandit will get you soon again LOL

Judee and Judy O. I thank you for all the smiles you always sending to us here. Yes a Laugh a day does wonders for all of us. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart.

Dawn and Thanks for your post about all the stress. Yes I would like to take a survey

on stress later on. Right now I am still waiting

on part 1 and 2 from the RP survey.There is a part 3 to coming up soon. So if any of you have not done so here are the ? once more.

Part 1 was :How long have you had RP??

When where you finally Diagnosed with it ??

Part 2 was : How have you dealed with it since ??And what is the worst part of it ??

So please everyone try to do it that is how we all learn so much more about RP.One thing

I ask of you and Dawn do remind me

to do the stress later. Remember I am a blond with a little pity brain LOL Ok I hush for now and go clean House here. LOL Just Remember please do take your Vitamins and Medicine ON TIME everyday like you supposed too. So you also can get the RP back in a sleeping mood.

Love you all


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