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Lectin defined and foods

THE LECTIN REPORT Krispin Sullivan, CN 2/28/2000 While research in lectinology is in its infancy this information is critical to your health and it is important to begin to understand lectins NOW. Read the following report carefully. I'll get specific about how this all applies to you. LECTIN ID: lectin PART OF SPEECH: n SYNONYM: Plant Hemagglutinin TERM ELEMENT: Hemagglutinin DEFINITION Protein or glycoprotein substances, usually of plant origin, of non-immunoglobulin nature, capable of specific recognition of and reversible binding to, carbohydrate moieties of complex glycoconjugates without altering the covalent structure of any of the recognized glycosyl ligands. This group includes monovalent lectins (i.e. bacterial and plant toxins). These lectins bind to sugar moieties in cell walls or membranes and thereby change the physiology of the membrane to cause agglutination, mitosis, or other biochemical changes in the cell. (agglutination- clumping; mitosis-multiplication or division of a cell forming two daughter cells) Lectins were first described in 1888 by Stillmark working with castor bean extracts. Many members of the lectinic protein family agglutinate (clump together) red blood cells. Research done by Ehrlich, considered to be the father of immunology, has shown that feeding small amounts of lectin containing seeds to rabbits caused partial immunity to the toxicity demonstrating lectins are also antigenic (able to induce antigen antibody reactions). High levels of lectins (specialized proteins) may be found in grains (also known as cereals or pulses), legumes (that is 'beans' including peanuts), dairy and plants in the nightshade family. Many other foods contain lectins but are less well studied and the amounts of lectins present are not thought to be as high or as potentially toxic. Lectins purified from the germinating seeds of wheat (Triticumspp.); bind to carbohydrate moieties on cell surface glycoproteins and are used to identify certain cell populations and inhibit or promote some immunological or physiological activities. Lectins purified are used to determine one's blood type (ABO). Lectins from the castor bean are highly toxic and can kill if ingested in even small amounts. Lectins from kidney beans have been implicated as cause in an outbreak of 'food poisoning' with no known pathogen. Think of a lectin as a protein containing a key that fits a certain type of lock. This lock is a specific type of carbohydrate. All life forms, plant and animal, insect and fungus have cell membranes that contain carbohydrates that sit within and project from the membrane. If a lectin with the right key comes in contact with one of these 'locks' on the gut wall or artery or gland or organ it 'opens the lock', that is disrupts the membrane and damages the cell and may initiate a cascade of immune and autoimmune events leading to cell death. Lectins can be inactivated by specific carbohydrates (technically known as mono and oligosaccarides) which can bind the 'key' and prevent the protein from attaching to the carbohydrate 'lock' within the cell membrane. Glucosamine is specific for wheat lectin and it is this specificity that may protect the gut and cartilage from cell inflammation and destruction in wheat (or gluten) responsive arthritis. While various foods and supplements may inactivate some of these toxic lectins it is impossible for such substances to protect the body from them completely. The safest path is avoidance of known toxic lectins. Common foods with known toxic lectins include all soy and wheat products including oils from these substances. I have always promoted adequate protein in all of my dietary programs with moderate 'good' fats and moderate complex carbohydrates and plenty of fruits and vegetables. For some clients consistently eating enough protein was and is difficult. They (and the culture in which we currently reside) tend to diminish protein's important contribution to health, both mental and physical. When protein intake is maximized clients have found this moderate, easy to follow, program has aided them in restoring function of body and mind.. For some of my most difficult clients this simple basic program just hasn't given them the level of health and well being they so very much desire. Very recently I have noted that some of these most difficult clients have reported improvement in health using high protein, low carbohydrate diets. Some of the very best results came when switching to the so-called Paleolithic Diet. These programs included The Zone by Sears (the least effective of the bunch and the highest in lectins); D'Adamo's Blood Type Diet (the second highest in lectins and also not as effective); Eades Protein Power ; Atkins Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution/103-2295700-3327057" href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0380803682/krispinskommento%22%3eDr.%20Atkins'%20New%20Diet%20Revolution/103-2295700-3327057"Diet Revolution ; The Specific Carbohydrate Diet from Breaking the Vicious Cycle by E Gottschall; and Neanderthin by Audette; and the Crook Candida Diet. The commonality is higher protein (and often natural unprocessed fats) and a reduction in carbohydrates, especially carbohydrates high in lectins. Since I have always trusted my clients' instincts I decided to take an intensive look at research that might show a connecting link between these diets and the improvement in health being reported. Some of the symptoms and conditions that have been reported to respond include arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis; allergy; asthma; high cholesterol; atherosclerosis; congestive heart failure; high blood pressure; diabetes; low blood sugar; hyperinsulinemia; chronic fatigue; fibromyalgia; all forms of IBS, Crohn's, colitis, celiac; chronic candida, repeated gut pathogen infections; malabsorption syndromes; failure to thrive; autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis, lupus, MS, Parkinson's; dementia, Alzheimer's; autism; ADD/ADHD; Schizophrenia; osteoporosis; cancer, several types including breast; hypercortisolemia and hypocortisolemia; adrenal insufficiency; post viral syndrome; post traumatic stress syndrome; post polio syndrome; obesity; hormonal imbalances including low testosterone, low DHEA, PMS, and peri-menopausal symptoms and PCOS. Higher protein has been shown clinically to improve many of these conditions but not all and it did not seem a wide enough connecting link. In the 1970s research on lectins, lectinology, began increasing worldwide. For a more scientific overview see the end of this report. Take a moment and visit the link below before continuing, to see Dr. Freed's concept of the lectin problem. BMJ 1999;318:1023-1024 ( 17 April ) Editorials Do dietary lectins cause disease? Now my explanation of the problem-. In Plain English Lectins are found in foods, certain foods more than others, and the same food may contain varying amounts of lectins depending on processing, when and where the plant was grown, and species. The major known potentially 'toxic' lectin containing food groups are grains, especially wheat and wheat germ but also quinoa, rice, buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, millet and corn. legumes (all dried beans, including soy and peanuts), dairy (perhaps more so when cows are feed grains instead of grass, a speculation based on research showing transference of lectins into breast milk and dairy and potentially more harmful in pasteurized, processed milk because of the reduction of SIgA, an immunoglobulin that binds dangerous lectins , Biol Neonate 1991;59(3):121-5 Davin JC et al The high lectin-binding capacity of human secretory IgA protects nonspecifically mucosae against environmental antigens.), NOTE: Only breast milk is good for babies. nightshade (includes potato, tomato, eggplant and pepper). Please note that each of these groups has a history of being implicated as allergenic. Also note that we are including all foods made from these substances, (these substances in all forms, milled grains, flours, oils, vinegars), peanut butter, cereal or legume oils (soy, canola, corn), additives, thickeners, grain vinegar and products containing grain vinegar, grain alcohol including grain based vodka, and all beers and ales. The only non-grain based alcohol is 100% Agave tequila. Grape based alcoholic beverages are probably allowed if you know you tolerate them. There has been some information that lectins may be inactivated by soaking, sprouting, cooking or fermenting. Soaking legumes over night, draining the water, rinsing and draining again does seem to remove or inactivate many of the lectins. Heating seems to remove others in some foods but not all. There is little data to prove that any of these methods remove lectins completely as few foods have been tested and of those that have lectins many seem to remain after processing. Excerpt from Plant Lectins, Pusztai A, Cambridge University Press 1991 pg.108 Nachbar and Oppenheim (1980) found 30% of fresh and PROCESSED foods contained active lectins. Lectins from green salads, fruits, spices, seeds, dry cereals and nuts (even after roasting) showed activity of toxic lectin. Some of these lectins interact with serum or salivary components and bacteria from the oral cavity (Gibbons & Dankers, 1981). Another example of the hardiness of lectins is the study by Klurfeld DM and Kritchevsky D Lipids 1987 Sep:22(9):667-8, Isolation and quantitation of lectins from vegetable oils. Results-Unrefined soy oils contained 858-2983 mcg/kg. After refining oils contained 24-55 mcg/kg. Both refined and unrefined soy oil contained lectins. From Plant Lectins A Pusztai 1991 Table 6.9 page 179 Common features of toxic (non-nutritive) effects in lectin-gut interactions. High degree of resistance to gut proteolysis. Binding to brush border cells; damage to microvillus membrane; shedding of cells; reduction in the absorptive capacity of the small intestine. Increased endocytosis; induction of hyperplastic grwoth of the small intestine; increased turnover of epithelial cells. Interference with the immune system; hypersensitivity reactions. Interference with the microbial ecology of the gut; selective overgrowth. Direct and indirect effects (hormones, etc.) on systemic metabolism.Especially note #5. The popular Candida Diet is essentially a high protein, low carbohydrate diet which limits starches and sugars and thereby limits lectins. If lectins are a problem for this person (the so-called 'candida' patient) lectin ingestion may be associated with overgrowth of various gut pathogens that may include yeasts and removal of lectins would restore the gut ecology and the gut immune system. If this is true, the diet does not get rid of yeast but relieves the person from symptoms and pathogenic consequences caused by ingestion of lectins to which he or she is intolerant.. Lectins are hardy proteins that do not break down easily. They are resistant to stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Lectins may bind to the gut wall and damage the gut lining, are not altered by digestive enzymes, and may alter gut permeability and pass through the gut into general circulation. Lectins can cause alterations in gut function that may be related to colitis, Crohn's Disease, Celiac-Sprue, IBS and gut permeability. Lectin damage to the gut wall may allow other non-lectin proteins to cross undigested into general circulation and cause allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Having gained access to general circulation various lectins may bind to surface cell membranes in arteries and vessels, organs and glands, including the thyroid, pancreas, kidney and adrenals, in susceptible animals and humans. This binding may begin antigen antibody reactions leading to autoimmune disorders and so-called degenerative diseases. Different lectins have been implicated in different diseases. Dairy lectins have been implicated in juvenile onset type I diabetes. Wheat lectins have been implicated in juvenile nephropathy. Type or types of lectin and one's susceptibility (genetic susceptibility) cannot be determined by blood type. D'Adamo tested lectins with blood cells. Lectin intolerance reactions occur in the gut, general circulation (artery walls and the like), brain, gland or organ as well as red blood cells. Sensitivity of one type of cell does not necessarily determine whether another type cell will or will not react. SIgA, and other immune factors may, if sufficient in quantity, help protect against some exposure to toxic lectins. See abstract at end of report. GM (genetically modified foods) are modified by splicing 'lectins' from one plant family to another. This is extremely problematic. If you know you react to a particular plant family but that lectin has been put in a plant not of that family you may consume the 'toxic to you' lectin, have the reaction/response and not know the cause. We are or become lectin sensitive because of genetics, our ancestors just didn't evolve eating this type of food and our immune system can't handle it; a failure of SIgA barrier protection, genetic or environmentally induced; bacterial or virus infection, certain bacteria and virus, including the influenza virus, can damage our cells making them susceptible to lectin antibody/antigen reactions or by the use of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) or other drugs which increase gut permeability and allow lectins to enter general circulation. Historically diagnosis and treatment of Celiac-Sprue related to 'gliadin' (also known as gluten) sensitivity. Gliadin is found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat and foods containing these grains (including beer, grain based alcohols, mayonnaise, grain vinegar, etc). Some Celiacs did not respond to elimination of gluten/gliadin. In 1951 Drs. Sidney V. and Merrill P. Haas published Management of Celiac Disease documenting treatment and cure of celiac and cystic fibrosis of the pancreas with a carbohydrate limiting diet introduced as the 'Specific Carbohydrate Diet'. More information about this diet can be gotten from Breaking the Vicious Cycle E Gottschall, BA, MSc. Kirkton Press Ltd. Baltimore, Ontario, Canada 1998. In many cases cited in the book, elimination of certain carbohydrates 'cured' diagnosed Celiacs after one year and they were able to return to eating gluten containing foods. In hindsight many of the foods eliminated in this plan are high lectin foods known to be associated with gut and systemic inflammatory reactions. If all cases of lectin intolerance were genetically based reversal of intolerance would not be possible. There must therefore be a subgroup of IBS, Crohn's, Celiac, colitis that is related to sensitization to food lectins that can be reversed by avoidance of these lectins and a restoration of gut function including SIgA and other immune protectors. Bacteria, virus, or other conditions, drugs or injurious substances acting directly on the gut wall may cause sensitization. Tests are available to determine SIgA levels, and gut immune reactions to soy, dairy, wheat and egg. These tests do not cover the entire family of lectins, nor would blood or skin tests necessarily show subclinical sensitivity reactions. Most of the conditions associated with subclinical lectin intolerance appear to be degenerative, often taking extended periods of time to appear and longer to reach life threatening or painful (such as arthritis) stages. Many lectin related conditions may be considered to be 'autoimmune'. Awareness of genetically based intolerance to one or more lectin groups is important family information. If you or another family member has such an intolerance other family members need to be aware and test themselves to prevent problems before they begin. Infectious or drug related food intolerance responses need to be prevented or reversed. These antigen/antibody responses may be reversible but avoidance of offending lectins should be considered for a minimum of one year before reintroduction to test. Lectins and their possible involvement in degenerative and autoimmune disease is a relatively new science. This report, as presented, is hypothesis, not yet fully supported by clinical trials and not yet at a stage where we have any idea of how to connect 'family' with lectin response. What facts can be supported include- Proteins institute most allergic and antigenic responses. Lectins are proteins found in large amounts in the foods as above. Lectins are not easily removed from foods or rendered harmless to animals and humans. Lectins from soy, peanut and other beans, wheat germ and wheat, milk, peanut oil (and perhaps other seed oils including soy oil) and nightshades, in a variety of clinical studies have shown various damage to gut lining, joints, kidney, pancreas and brain (even able to cross the blood-brain barrier). Lectins found in peanut oil have been implicated in atherosclerosis. Leaving open the possibility that other seed oils contain damaging lectins and that polyunsaturation and free radicals may not be the full picture on the dangers of polyunsaturated fats. You may react to lectin toxicity due to genetics, intensity of exposure, failure of immune factors to protect you, viral infection, bacterial infection or gut permeability induced by medication or infection. Lectin toxicity (antigen-antibody response) can be 'sub-clinical' not showing obvious symptoms for many years.

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