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If only we could all be like Ruth! Love, Judy Story >> > > Ruth went to her mail box> > >> > > and there was only one> > >> > > letter. She picked it up> > >> > > and looked at it before> > >> > > opening, but then she> > >> > > looked at the envelope> > >> > > again.> > >> > >> > > There was no stamp, no> > >> > > postmark, only her name> > >> > > and address. She read the> > >> > > letter:> > >> > >> > > Dear Ruth:> > >> > >> > > I`m going to be in your> > >> > > neighborhood Saturday> > >> > > afternoon and I'd like to> > >> > > stop by for a visit.> > >> > >> > > Love Always,> > >> > > Jesus> > >> > >> > > Her hands were shaking as> > >> > > she placed the letter> > >> > > on the table. "Why would> > >> > > the Lord want to visit> > >> > > me?> > >> > >> > > I'm nobody special. I> > >> > > don't have anything to> > >> > > offer."> > >> > >> > > With that thought, Ruth> > >> > > remembered her empty> > >> > > kitchen cabinets. "Oh my> > >> > > goodness, I really don't have> > >> > > anything to offer. I'll> > >> > > have to run down to the> > >> > > store and buy something> > >> > > for dinner." She reached> > >> > > for her purse and counted out> > >> > > its contents. Five> > >> > > dollars and forty cents. "Well, I> > >> > > can get some bread and> > >> > > cold cuts, at least."> > >> > >> > > She threw on her coat and> > >> > > hurried out the door.> > >> > >> > > A loaf of French bread, a> > >> > > half-pound of sliced> > >> > > turkey, and a carton of> > >> > > milk...leaving Ruth with> > >> > > grand total twelve cents to> > >> > > last her until Monday.> > >> > >> > > Nonetheless, she felt> > >> > > good as she headed home,> > >> > > her meager offerings> > >> > > tucked under her arm.> > >> > >> > > "Hey lady, can you help us,> > >> > > lady?"> > >> > >> > > Ruth had been so absorbed> > >> > > in her dinner plans,> > >> > > she hadn't even noticed> > >> > > two figures huddled in> > >> > > the alleyway. A man and a> > >> > > woman, both of them> > >> > > dressed in little more than rags> > >> > >> > > "Look lady, I ain't got> > >> > > a job, ya know, and my wife> > >> > > and I have been living> > >> > > out here on the street, and,> > >> > > well, now it's getting> > >> > > cold and we're getting kinda> > >> > > hungry and, well, if you> > >> > > could help us. Lady, we'd really> > >> > > appreciate it."> > >> > >> > > Ruth looked at them both.> > >> > > They were dirty, they> > >> > > smelled bad and frankly,> > >> > > she was certain that> > >> > > they could get some kind> > >> > > of work if they really> > >> > > wanted to.> > >> > >> > > "Sir, I'd like to help you,> > >> > > but I'm a poor woman> > >> > > myself. All I have is a> > >> > > few cold cuts and some> > >> > > bread, and I'm having an> > >> > > important guest for> > >> > > dinner tonight and I was> > >> > > planning on serving that to> > >> > > Him."> > >> > >> > > "Yeah, well, okay lady, I> > >> > > understand. Thanks> > >> > > anyway."> > >> > >> > > The man put his arm> > >> > > around the woman's> > >> > > shoulders, turned and> > >> > > headed back into the alley.> > >> > > As she watched them leave,> > >> > > Ruth felt a familiar twinge> > >> > > in her heart.> > >> > >> > > "Sir, wait!" The couple> > >> > > stopped and turned as> > >> > > she ran down the alley> > >> > > after them. "Look, why> > >> > > don't you take this food. I'll> > >> > > figure out something else> > >> > > to serve my guest."> > >> > >> > > She handed the man her grocery> > >> > > bag.> > >> > >> > > "Thank you lady. Thank> > >> > > you very much!"> > >> > >> > > "Yes, thank you!" It was> > >> > > the man's wife, and> > >> > > Ruth could see now that> > >> > > she was shivering. "You> > >> > > know, I've got another coat at> > >> > > home. Here, why don't> > >> > > you take this one." Ruth> > >> > > unbuttoned her jacket and> > >> > > slipped it over the woman's> > >> > > shoulders. Then smiling, she> > >> > >> > > turned and walked back to> > >> > > the street...without> > >> > > her coat and with nothing> > >> > > to serve her guest.> > >> > >> > > "Thank you lady!> > >> > > Thank you very much!"> > >> > >> > > Ruth was chilled by the> > >> > > time she reached her> > >> > > front door, and worried> > >> > > too. The Lord was coming> > >> > > to visit and she didn't have> > >> > > anything to offer Him.> > >> > >> > > She fumbled through her purse> > >> > > for the door key. But> > >> > > as she did, she noticed another> > >> > > envelope in her mailbox.> > >> > >> > > "That's odd. The mailman> > >> > > doesn't usually come> > >> > > twice in one day." She took the> > >> > > envelope out of the box> > >> > > and opened it.> > >> > >> > > Dear Ruth:> > >> > >> > > It was so good to see you> > >> > > again. Thank you for> > >> > > the lovely meal. And> > >> > > thank you, too, for the> > >> > > beautiful coat.> > >> > >> > > Love Always> > >> > > Jesus> > >> > >> > > The air was still cold,> > >> > > but even without her> > >> > > coat, Ruth no longer> > >> > > noticed.> > >> > >> > > If you love Jesus, send> > >> > > this to ten people. Do> > >> > > not keep this message. The> > >> > > mantra must leave your> > >> > > hands within 96 hours.> > >> > > You will get a very pleasant> > >> > > surprise.> > >> > >> > > This is true, even if you> > >> > > are not superstitious.> > >> > >> > > Very good things will> > >> > > happen to everyone that touches> > >> > > this story.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > >> > >> >>________________________________________________________________GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO!Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.

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