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Re: Hi Marla

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Marla, Have they ever tried Lyrica for your head pain. I use it for trigeminal neuralgia (lightening in the head) and it works really well. The other great side affect is that it stops the stinging or controls it to a tolerable point in my legs.

Connie FN-GP

I just wanted to leave you all know my headache finally is back under control, after a week, I got my oxycontin precription on Saturday but it took till today to finally get the pain under control.

it was the first day I woke up without that brain squezzing pain.

I am sorry I have not kept up with emails for the past week but between school work and the pain, grrrrr

Happy birthday to all that I missed, and I hope all is having a pain free day if possible :)

I think I saw someone asking questions about the liver ? I was dxd with autoimmune hepititis, with a liver biopsy. now the Dr said it was not caused by drugs, that I never did or catch from having sex its was due to the sarcoid. But I have to admit, I was put on the steroid thing at first and it didn't get my liver function under control, but when sherif, started bringing me home the mike thistle from GNC and I take it 2 times a day my liver function started to even out and is not high anymore.

so I hope all has a wonderful fall day and is feeling as good as you can.

many love and hugs and blessings

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer

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Marla, what do they say the "on fire head pain" is? Is it a headache inside the skull, or nerve pain that lays just below the surface? I know for me, it seems that the nerve pain just below the surface that makes air touching the skin seem like fire-- is helped by me making sure I'm well hydrated. It is also related to my high blood sugars.

I know I "harp" on this one, but those two clues for me, have made me so much more able to control my nerve pain throughout my whole body.

Love to you,


NS Co-owner/moderator

Re: Hi Marla

Marla, Have they ever tried Lyrica for your head pain. I use it for trigeminal neuralgia (lightening in the head) and it works really well. The other great side affect is that it stops the stinging or controls it to a tolerable point in my legs.

Connie FN-GP

I just wanted to leave you all know my headache finally is back under control, after a week, I got my oxycontin precription on Saturday but it took till today to finally get the pain under control.

it was the first day I woke up without that brain squezzing pain.

I am sorry I have not kept up with emails for the past week but between school work and the pain, grrrrr

Happy birthday to all that I missed, and I hope all is having a pain free day if possible :)

I think I saw someone asking questions about the liver ? I was dxd with autoimmune hepititis, with a liver biopsy. now the Dr said it was not caused by drugs, that I never did or catch from having sex its was due to the sarcoid. But I have to admit, I was put on the steroid thing at first and it didn't get my liver function under control, but when sherif, started bringing me home the mike thistle from GNC and I take it 2 times a day my liver function started to even out and is not high anymore.

so I hope all has a wonderful fall day and is feeling as good as you can.

many love and hugs and blessings

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

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Hi Connie, I am on Lyrica, have been for about a year, and it does help a lot, just not when I get the real burning pain in my head, I wish it did, I have a new medication Tramadol anyone every tried this one, I'm almost afraid to try it. Let me know if anyone has ever tried it. I just don't do well with narcotics.


Marla, Have they ever tried Lyrica for your head pain. I use it for trigeminal neuralgia (lightening in the head) and it works really well. The other great side affect is that it stops the stinging or controls it to a tolerable point in my legs.

Connie FN-GP

I just wanted to leave you all know my headache finally is back under control, after a week, I got my oxycontin precription on Saturday but it took till today to finally get the pain under control.

it was the first day I woke up without that brain squezzing pain.

I am sorry I have not kept up with emails for the past week but between school work and the pain, grrrrr

Happy birthday to all that I missed, and I hope all is having a pain free day if possible :)

I think I saw someone asking questions about the liver ? I was dxd with autoimmune hepititis, with a liver biopsy. now the Dr said it was not caused by drugs, that I never did or catch from having sex its was due to the sarcoid. But I have to admit, I was put on the steroid thing at first and it didn't get my liver function under control, but when sherif, started bringing me home the mike thistle from GNC and I take it 2 times a day my liver function started to even out and is not high anymore.

so I hope all has a wonderful fall day and is feeling as good as you can.

many love and hugs and blessings

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) com

www.marykay. com/mbramer

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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Marla, Tramadol isn't a narcotic. I have been on it for many years adjusting the dosage to the amount of pain i am in and adding a narcotic pain pill for flareups. It's just a very strong pain pill. It's the generic name for Ultram. 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself" ( 16:24 NIV).

I just wanted to leave you all know my headache finally is back under control, after a week, I got my oxycontin precription on Saturday but it took till today to finally get the pain under control.

it was the first day I woke up without that brain squezzing pain.

I am sorry I have not kept up with emails for the past week but between school work and the pain, grrrrr

Happy birthday to all that I missed, and I hope all is having a pain free day if possible :)

I think I saw someone asking questions about the liver ? I was dxd with autoimmune hepititis, with a liver biopsy. now the Dr said it was not caused by drugs, that I never did or catch from having sex its was due to the sarcoid. But I have to admit, I was put on the steroid thing at first and it didn't get my liver function under control, but when sherif, started bringing me home the mike thistle from GNC and I take it 2 times a day my liver function started to even out and is not high anymore.

so I hope all has a wonderful fall day and is feeling as good as you can.

many love and hugs and blessings

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) com

www.marykay. com/mbramer

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer


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I've heard of it, but can't remember in what context, go figure. I have never been prescribed tramadol. I hope you find something soon that makes you feel better, people with headaches all the time have my utmost sympathy; I don't know you stand it.

Take care, your in my thoughts and prayers....Connie

I just wanted to leave you all know my headache finally is back under control, after a week, I got my oxycontin precription on Saturday but it took till today to finally get the pain under control.

it was the first day I woke up without that brain squezzing pain.

I am sorry I have not kept up with emails for the past week but between school work and the pain, grrrrr

Happy birthday to all that I missed, and I hope all is having a pain free day if possible :)

I think I saw someone asking questions about the liver ? I was dxd with autoimmune hepititis, with a liver biopsy. now the Dr said it was not caused by drugs, that I never did or catch from having sex its was due to the sarcoid. But I have to admit, I was put on the steroid thing at first and it didn't get my liver function under control, but when sherif, started bringing me home the mike thistle from GNC and I take it 2 times a day my liver function started to even out and is not high anymore.

so I hope all has a wonderful fall day and is feeling as good as you can.

many love and hugs and blessings

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer __________________________________________________

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Tramadal is non-narcotic. I have a fractured spine and I sometimes use it in place of percocet. It works pretty well and isn't habit forming.


I just wanted to leave you all know my headache finally is back under control, after a week, I got my oxycontin precription on Saturday but it took till today to finally get the pain under control.

it was the first day I woke up without that brain squezzing pain.

I am sorry I have not kept up with emails for the past week but between school work and the pain, grrrrr

Happy birthday to all that I missed, and I hope all is having a pain free day if possible :)

I think I saw someone asking questions about the liver ? I was dxd with autoimmune hepititis, with a liver biopsy. now the Dr said it was not caused by drugs, that I never did or catch from having sex its was due to the sarcoid. But I have to admit, I was put on the steroid thing at first and it didn't get my liver function under control, but when sherif, started bringing me home the mike thistle from GNC and I take it 2 times a day my liver function started to even out and is not high anymore.

so I hope all has a wonderful fall day and is feeling as good as you can.

many love and hugs and blessings

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer

McCain or Obama? Stay updated on coverage of the Presidential race while you browse - Download Now!-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) comwww.marykay. com/mbramer __________________________________________________

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