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Hey Ron,

Blog Away!!!

My name is Kathy, and I find the more

I share, the better I feel. Don't feel too bad about the wait for information

about the saec

monster or your treatment. I learned long ago that we fell into the most

confusing illness to

ever grace this planet!!! ?There is no known cause or cure for the monster, and

it effects

everyone differently. The best we can hope for is to find the right combanation

of treatments

to allow us to live as normal a life as we can. I know this sounds a little sad,

but you will

survive it,belive me. you are a lot stronger than you know.


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Hi Ron and group,

I used to write in journals quite a bit when I first was diagnosed with NS. I sometimes felt that people just wouldn't understand and didn't want to burden other people with my problems of how I was feeling all the time. For me, my journals where some place I could express all my feelings and nobody would judge me. I could just say exactly what I was feeling good or bad. I always was a journaler though. It does help to get your feelings out and I felt a little better afterwards. So I still journal from time to time when I just want to release some thoughts. People don't always understand what you are going through. So many times I keep things in. Then when I finally let them know what I am thinking everyone seems so surprised.

With the meds, I found myself very emotional, blowing people out one minute and crying the next. I find that I cry much more and sometime I hate that I cry so easily. Everyone thinks you are weak when you cry. But sometimes you just get overwhelmed. I can sympathize with people much more now.

I know I was chosen for some reason and feel that my life is challenged with the condition but on the days I am feeling pretty good I can enjoy things I didn't even used to hardly notice. The pretty sunsets, the cardinals flying around the park, the beautiful leaves in the fall on the trees, and most of all I get to spend time with my family, niece and nephew that were born last year and one this year. I get to go home in the summer time and spend time with my mom and granddad who is ailing from cancer. But I find that I have much more time than I used to when I worked all the time. I have a lot less income but I feel somewhat happier being able to do most of the things I want still.

I have really been blessed through it all. When I am feeling pretty good I guess it is worth it all. So if I become really emotional i realize it is the meds or how I am feeling and it will pass sooner or later.

Let me stop babbling!

Shauna in Atl.

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