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Re: Lets Talk Antibotics

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Hi Jane,

Hang in there ... I know it is a challenging recovery. One that

most people do not understand. You can start looking normal and

talking normally, however, until you are eating as you used to and

until you are fully healed, it can be difficult both emotionally and


8 weeks is a long time for a splint. I had one but it came out on

week 3. You are almost there ... again, hang in there. You won't

believe it now, but there will come a time when this will all be a

distant memory.

Hm ... how long before I could open enough to eat normal food. You

are testing my memory ... I don't really remember. What I do

remember is when I was finally given the go-ahead from the surgeon

to eat anything ... I do remember going to Burger King, ordering a

cheeseburger only to find out that I couldn't open my mouth wide

enough to fit it in. I found that surprising and amusing. Didn't

take me long to squish it flat and get going. I also remember it is

all gradual. Once I got the go-ahead, it didn't mean it was easy.

All of those facial muscles you haven't used need to be re-worked.

I remember foods like salads were really tough to chew and eat for a

really long time and I still haven't figured out why. I wish I could

remember at which week I could do what, but what you will find is

that even though it will be ok'd by the doctor, it will take a good

bit of time before you feel like you are eating as you used to and

without thinking about it. But emotionally, once you are given the

go ahead for real food, it is freeing to know that it's under your

control now and you can start into that phase.

It may take months before you are comfortable chewing a steak. You

may find things like a grilled fish like salmon will be easier to

manage, while giving you the texture you are probably craving. I

never thought I'd crave something like salmon but it was my first

real meal and I'll never forget how wonderful it was. Just know

that it will most likely take longer than you may have intended. I

do know that I wasn't prepared for that.

After-affects for me ... I still have lingering numbness in my

bottom lip and middle of my chin, unfortunately. More than I had

hoped. I don't post this to scare anyone but I have to be honest.

My bottom lip feels like it does when novacaine is wearing off. 2.5

years of that feeling may seem unbearable, yet you'd be surprised

how one can get used to it. I do wish and hope the rest of the

feeling will return but don't know for sure at this point.

How was my recovery as far as pain ... pain was not as bad as I

thought it would be. I never took a prescribed pain reliever ...

just Motrin. It never took the pain completely away but it was

certainly manageable. Can't remember when I became pain-free.

Eating? Challenging and frustrating at first, things get easier

once the surgeon says to try more things, patience. Emotions? Ups

and downs are so expected. I found that once I started looking more

like myself, everyone around me thought I should be fully healed and

back to normal. That was difficult because everyone around you

expects you to be 100% (because you look it!) yet you continue to

tire easily. That was frustrating because very few people know how

much energy you need to heal from this surgery, while having a

limited diet. Be kind to yourself because those around you just

don't have the ability to know ~exactly~ what you are going

through. It's not their fault, they just haven't gone through it.

Ok, this post is getting way too long. I hope something in here was

helpful. If you can mentally get to a place that reminds you that

this is temporary (although it seems like time is really dragging

now!!!), it will be helpful for you.

Best of luck and continued good healing!



> Irish,


> How was your recovery as far as pain, emotions, eating?? I am

> wondering about timeframes here. I am 6 weeks postop. I thought


> would be eating by now but found out my splint comes off in 2 more

> weeks. So that's 8 weeks. I can only open a cm wide (not even


> enough to get my baby toothbrush in) Do you remember how long it


> before you could get your mouth wide enough to eat regular food.

> When was your jaw strong enough to eat steak? It's not that I


> steak, I just am wondering about the timeframes of healing, I have


> idea. You are 2.5 post op. Do you have any after affects that


> still deal with? Thanks if you can answer any of this!


> Jane

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It helps to know things DO get back to normal. I just am realizing

the key word is gradual. I think I can take numbness if I can eat

without pain and discomfort. I just want to prepare myself if

recovery is going to take 3,4,5 more months. I know it will, I just

don't know what that entails. Your post is helpful. It gives me an

idea of what to expect. Thanks,


> >

> > Irish,

> >

> > How was your recovery as far as pain, emotions, eating?? I am

> > wondering about timeframes here. I am 6 weeks postop. I thought

> I

> > would be eating by now but found out my splint comes off in 2


> > weeks. So that's 8 weeks. I can only open a cm wide (not even

> wide

> > enough to get my baby toothbrush in) Do you remember how long it

> was

> > before you could get your mouth wide enough to eat regular food.

> > When was your jaw strong enough to eat steak? It's not that I

> want

> > steak, I just am wondering about the timeframes of healing, I


> no

> > idea. You are 2.5 post op. Do you have any after affects that

> you

> > still deal with? Thanks if you can answer any of this!

> >

> > Jane

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