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I understand what this is like. For me, GTF chromium does nothing noticable. Currently, I am using Gymnema Sylvestre (herb). For me there is a CLEAR noticable difference... the stuff creates some "peace" inside... I don't get nearly as as ravenous from eating any kind of carbs (low GI, fruit, whatever). Thing is I don't understand the mechanisms of this herb. If this helps me, why isn't this promoted more? I have read that its safe. I have only been using this for 1 week, so this isn't much testimony. Absent any negative information, I assume I will continue this supplement. I am also using Warren't recent post about drinking a quart of water about half hour before a meal. This has helped me some.


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 2:06 PM

Subject: [ ] question

I can eat 1500 - 1800 calories a day and not lose weight at all. I have toconcentrate on proteins and go low on the carbs or I gain weight. It doesnot seem to matter HOW healthy the carbs are....they make my insulin levelgo nuts, this is what makes me eat more and it seems to be out of mycontrol. When I stick with the proteins I eat like a so called 'normal'person......stop when I am actually full.... and sometimes only want to eatonce a day. If I let myself go on the carbs then it can take me days to getoff the roller coaster. I am on a wild ride right now, lol. I want to trythis diet, but it sounds like it may have too many carbs for me. I know thatto someone who does not have this problem it sounds like I am just a pig,but I have tried it and know that it is real. I also take gtf chromium tohelp stabilize the insulin/sugar levels, but so far the diet is the only wayI can get off the addiction. Any comments on how the CR diet could work withthis??

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Could you tell me more about the herb in question? I too, have carb problems.

There was a time when they comprised nearly my entire diet( and not the

healthy, unrefined sort either!) I thought b/c I was thin I could eat

whatever I wanted, but when I started to eat healthy foods, I felt SO much

better( more mental clarity, less sleepiness, more energy etc) However, I'm

still afflicted w/ ocassional binging of cookies, sweets etc even though I

know that it'll make me feel bad afterwards. Carbs are truly an addiction

for some.(me) I sometimes look at a bag of cookies or crackers and think to

myself, I could eat that ENTIRE bag w/ease. Anything that could help me w/

my cravings, I would truly appreciate. Will this ever go away? get better?

Why do some people not have this problem? Thanks in advance


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I will have to check out this herb, thanks.

I understand what this is like. For me, GTF chromium does nothing noticable. Currently, I am using Gymnema Sylvestre (herb). For me there is a CLEAR noticable difference... the stuff creates some " peace " inside... I don't get nearly as as ravenous from eating any kind of carbs (low GI, fruit, whatever).

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  • 9 months later...
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Dear Deb:

Put a bulk sample of the insulation in a sterile plastic bag and mail it to

Aerotech Laboratories, Inc. They are in Arizona. Their toll free number

is 800-651-4802. Tell them you need testing done on a bulk sample (it was

$30.00 per sample). They should walk you through the process. If you are

not successful, please let me know. I set up an account with them. IH

specialists around here want $3,000.00 to test. If you simply want to know

what is in the sample, do not need expensive air sampling tests, etc. this

will work. I am not an expert, if you take them to court, this most

probably will not work. If you just want to know what is in it for

yourself, you can do this. They can also recommend specialists in your

area if you need court proof. Good Luck!


At 11:38 PM 3/7/02 -0500, you wrote:

>There are many people getting sick at our workplace most likely due to this

>debris that has been coming out of the vents for the past 5 years. The vents

>are very dirty and it has been inspected and was found that a fan broke and

>hit insulation which tore it apart and was coming out of the vents. Several

>people have gotten samples of this debris and my question is does anyone know

>where to turn to get this tested? Does anyone know about insulation? can it

>be dangerous? Please help, any suggestions and comments are greatly

>appreciated......thanks, deb




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  • 5 months later...

Hi Sara,

Just my opinion, but all the cleansing you're doing could be causing the red

bumps; toxins in the body can make their way out of the body through the skin. I

have read in books like Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative, by Dr.

Pagano, that skin problems can be traced to bowel problems, and/or toxins

exiting the body through the skin.

Several years ago, when my husband wanted to try the Atkin's diet, in order to

help him stay on the diet, I went on it too. It's a diet that severely limits

carbohydrate intake, and you eat mostly fat and protein. After two weeks on the

diet, I broke out in red bumps on the back of my neck, each about the size of a

pimple. But, they were extremely itchy as well. I immediatly went off the

diet, and the bumps were gone within 24 hrs. I state this example to show that

diet does affect the condition of your skin.


lvquilting@... wrote:I have been following Dr. Cabot's liver cleanse diet

and also taking the

Livatone and Livatone Plus. I have started getting bright red bumps

about the size of a small pimple, on my arms and legs and a few on my

torso. Has anyone else experienced getting these when cleaning out your




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I agree with Adrienne. These sound like toxins exiting the body.

Perhaps you could speed it up by taking a sauna! Drink lots of fluid

to speed up the toxins path out of your baody,


>I have started getting bright red bumps

> about the size of a small pimple, on my arms and legs and a few on


> torso. Has anyone else experienced getting these when cleaning out


> system.

> Sara

> Lvquilting@j...

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi aluckower,

Any reason why you don't give a name? Just curious, but not too

worried about it... :)

I had a mini flush one day when I had not had time to eat since

breakfast. Late that same evening a roast that my wife made with

garlic cloves in it tasted so good that I ate quite a bit of the

tender meat. It produced several gallstones in my stool the next

day. It was quite a bonus since I had not gone through the whole

routine and trouble, but still got out several gallstones. I

assumed it was the fat which stimulated the full gallbladder to push

out the stones with the bile when it emptied to digest the fat and



--- In gallstones , " aluckower " <aluckower@n...>


> well i thought i was an expert on flushing until today


> for the past year i've been doing tons of flushes, over 250 now.


> without exception they have always followed the same pattern. by

night time of the second day i always pass the last of the stones.

and often i get them all out in the morning with just one or two

small ones lingering.


> two days ago i did a flush and it was typical like all the other

ones. and i felt more stones move up as usual since i'm not done yet.


> then this morning two days after the flush i passed some huge

stones. this has never happened to me before


> does anyone know how this can start happening? i have heard of

this happening to some people, but not for me


> the only thing i can think of is that i ate a good amount of beef

yesterday and perhaps i got a large dose of magnesium from it which

allowed some big ones to pass. i also had apple juice and tangerne



> i will try to repeat these foods at some point again ont he day

after a flush and see what happens.


> open to ideas. i'm not complaining, just very surprised.

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this is interesting vince

i wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience

i don't think this is just a matter of the fat causing these mini flushes

because i've often eaten alot of fat with stones stuck and it hasn't done

much. but meat with fat on it seems to be different. the thing that comes to

mind is that perhaps it is the magnesium in meat that will dilate the duct

and fat will cause the bile stimulation.

i will definitely do more experimention. so far the things that have worked

are raw meat and very tender meat.

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i am thinking of it. i have thought about it.

look at your own tissue, there are tons of microbes. microbes are part of


there are many cultures who eat raw animal proteins. the masai drink raw


there are many hundreds of testimonials from people who have cured

themselves of illness on the primal diet.

one day hulda clark will realize that parasites don't cause illness.

raw animal protein is the best way i have found to cleanse your intestines.

the whole reason people are afraid of microbes in the first place is because

they are filthy inside. like i said already, i don't get colds anymore as a

result of cleansing with raw animal protein.

parasites exist everywhere. in dust. on vegetables. cooked meat, raw meat.

they are part of nature. you can live the rest of your days in fear and zap,

take antibiotics, and be paranoid about every spec of matter that enters

your system. or you can enlighten yourself and realize that our pasteurized

society is brainwashed.

i've been down both roads. i tried the black walnut and the zapping etc.


didn't do a blessed thing for me.

i know that raw meat is a taboo subject. just like liver cleansing is taboo

to doctors.

my experience speaks for itself. i would never trust any dogma over personal

experience. i have passed stones eating raw meat. and also stewed meat. i

have also passed tons of old parasites from eating raw meat and eggs as a

result of its cleansing properties. i have passed parasites from taking

black walnut as well. the raw meat, eggs and juices is a much better way to


walk into a sushi restaurant and notice all the healthy fit people eating

raw fish rife with parasites.

furthermore, none of this has to detract from your own personal experience

since you did well with dr clark's advice. god bless your success.

my own experience is that people like dr clark have things backward. just

because parasites live in meat doesn't mean anything at all other than

exactly that. dr clark has made certain presumptions with maybes and

speculations. she has not proven causality. if she did, then 100%of her

people would be well, and this is far from the truth. the same as i cannot

prove causality with what i am saying about raw meat and parasites. however,

you and i both have our own subjective experiences. i would rather trust my

own experiences than yours. especially since i have been down both roads.

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Hi, i am a new member. Without boring you with

details, those of you who are of celtic descent,

having liver and other organ problems, please do

a search on hemochromatosis. It is a genetic

defect, poorly diagnosed in this country, where

your body stores up too much iron, which

eventually damages your organs, liver first


I am currently battling dimwit doctors who know

nothing of it, but after a year of fighting, i

might be making some headway. Maybe. Have your

ferritin levels checked, but first, do the

searches and become familiarized. jan

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Keep us posted, aluckower :) I've heard from other sources that raw

meat, if properly raised and processed is good for the body. Other

people on the list reported the mini-flush effect of a several hour

fast and then a lot of meat with it's fat. Could be the meat helps

the flush. I think the fat works like the olive oil in a more

conventional flush, and it doesn't have meat with it. Any way,

thanks for your point of view.


--- In gallstones , " aluckower " <aluckower@n...>


> this is interesting vince


> i wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience


> i don't think this is just a matter of the fat causing these mini


> because i've often eaten alot of fat with stones stuck and it

hasn't done

> much. but meat with fat on it seems to be different. the thing

that comes to

> mind is that perhaps it is the magnesium in meat that will dilate

the duct

> and fat will cause the bile stimulation.


> i will definitely do more experimention. so far the things that

have worked

> are raw meat and very tender meat.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

Or, should I take them all back- and order via internet to get the dried

herbs? I'd prefer not to have to wait for that if possible.Anyone out

there know of where to find this??? Below is a list of what Dr.

suggested for the Cleanse- and what I purchased instead. How can it be


Here is what I would do. I would go to curezone.com and ask the whole team

about this. Someone will help you, I'm sure. I need to do a kidney cleanse

too when I get a chance. Let us know if you've found help.


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There is a really awesome store where I live (minneapolis). They sell alot

of dried herbs. You can order over the phone or from there website

www.presentmoment.com. They also have herbalists and naturopath on staff

that you can talk to if you have any questions.

>From: hallelujahtreasures@...



>Subject: question

>Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 15:52:26 -0500


>I went yesterday to look for the herbs to do the kidney cleanse and liver

>flush that Dr. suggests. I am currently doing the parasite

>cleanse/zapper. I am now in the 4th week I think.

>Anyway- after searching through all the stores in my area (phone too) I

>never found the dry herbs. I finally went to Whole Foods. They lady there

>told me just to purchase the tinctures of the same herb and they would

>work. She told me there was a website (never found it) that told me how

>to convert all the herbs to the proper amount of tincture I need to use.

>Or, should I take them all back- and order via internet to get the dried

>herbs? I'd prefer not to have to wait for that if possible.Anyone out

>there know of where to find this??? Below is a list of what Dr.

>suggested for the Cleanse- and what I purchased instead. How can it be



>Kidney Cleanse


>suggested purchased

>1/2 cup dried hydrangea root hydrangea root tincture

>1/2 cup gravel root gravel root tincture

>1/2 cup marshmallow root marshmallow root tincture

>black cherry concentrate (same)

>vitamin B2 powder- pinch (capsule- 100 mg)

>fresh parsley (not purchased yet but


>goldenrod tincture (same)

>ginger capsule tincture

>ulva Ursi capsure tincture

>Vitamin B6 250 mg caps 100 mg capsule

>magnesium oxide 300 mg caps (same)

>HCI Drops (capsule- 648 mg)

>sweetening ( not sure what I'll



>Liver Cleanse


>1/2 cup olive oil - (same)

>2 drops HCI (capsule)

>fresh grapefruit will get later

>ornithine l-ornithine 500 mg


>black walnut tincture (have the wormwood,


> black walnut

>tincture combo- will this

> work)?????


>Any help you can give me on this would be greatly appreciate. I plan on

>finishing up the 11 weeks of parasite cleanse- then go straight to the

>other two cleanses. Hopefully I'll be able to use the products I have

>now. What do you think?????



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  • 2 months later...

I know you can because to get of my narcotic based drug Dr. Bihari told

me to use Neurontine.

Yes Dr. Bihari will prescribe it for you if you call him and he thinks

you have a good case. You may need to fax some of your results to him.

But for the other questions I am not sure.

I am foreign and don't get much help with drug plans. But people's

prescription plan gives me a percentage of all my drugs and this was

one of them.


On Thursday, Aug 14, 2003, at 13:50 US/Central, Copland wrote:

> Hello


> I am going to ask my Neuro for LDN when I see him again in October,

> but In

> the mean time I am getting ready to put together my case to convince

> him.


> I have some questions for you old timers....


> Can you still take Neurontine with LDN?????


> What is the best Pharmacy to order from?


> Does your drug plan cover any of it?


> How much is it??


> If he won't prescribe it...will this doctor B ????


> That's it for now...I am sure I will come up with more.






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Hi Bren.

I went to your site posted below and you quoted my post on Dr.

and the Prescription center word for word....lol

For ...Dr is an MD and not a Neurologist.....just an open

minded Dr., who believes " out of the box " medicine as well as



you CAN use Neurontin with LDN.


> Here's a link to a doctor that's much cheaper on the phone

consultation than Dr. Bihari. Some people here get their script

from Dr. . Click on the link below.



> http://www.voy.com/156761/82.html

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  • 2 months later...

Hi IIene,

I went from rrms to spms, about 6 yrs ago and I love what ldn is doing for me.

While it is true that the RRmsers go into remissions more often.......which means that they heal better and so it seems that they get better symptom relief from ldn. Sp & pp msers get some symptom relief ( I do) and we are stopping the progression. It took about 6 mos. for me to really feel that this was happening for me, but happen it did and still is.....After many years of progression on the abcr drugs, my progression has stopped on LDN....Praise the Lord.

Love, Sally

P.S. Don't believe anything you read and only half of what you see....lol

----- Original Message -----

From: aliyalex


Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:21 PM

Subject: Question

Hi Sally,I was messaging, but haven't for awhile. I have been on LDN for 2 months and previously seemed to be progressing at an alarming rate. Since I began taking it, I have noticed no new progression. I think about 6 months ago I might have gone from RRMS to SPMS. Do you know if others with a more progressive form are helped with LDN? A friend who I met in this group has told me it hasn't worked with people with progressive forms and I became afraid and am questioning. Just need some reassurance. Thank you. Ilene


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Hi Sally.....great post! Thanks!


> Hi IIene,


> I went from rrms to spms, about 6 yrs ago and I love what ldn is

doing for me.


> While it is true that the RRmsers go into remissions more

often.......which means that they heal better and so it seems that

they get better symptom relief from ldn. Sp & pp msers get some

symptom relief ( I do) and we are stopping the progression. It took

about 6 mos. for me to really feel that this was happening for me,

but happen it did and still is.....After many years of progression on

the abcr drugs, my progression has stopped on LDN....Praise the Lord.


> Love, Sally


> P.S. Don't believe anything you read and only half of what you




> ----- Original Message -----

> From: aliyalex

> salpal@d...

> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:21 PM

> Subject: Question



> Hi Sally,


> I was messaging, but haven't for awhile. I have been on LDN for

> 2 months and previously seemed to be progressing at an

> alarming rate. Since I began taking it, I have noticed no new

> progression. I think about 6 months ago I might have gone from

> RRMS to SPMS. Do you know if others with a more progressive

> form are helped with LDN?


> A friend who I met in this group has told me it hasn't worked


> people with progressive forms and I became afraid and am

> questioning. Just need some reassurance. Thank you. Ilene




> **************************************************************


> This message was scanned by the Avast Anti-Virus Gateway


> **************************************************************

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  • 11 months later...

nkbaker2001 wrote:


> Hey guys,

> Give me some good idea's of some great immune boosters that you can

> use while your pregnant. So many of the herbs you can't use,

> especially when your in your 1st trimester. I assume that you can

> use colostrum?? This is info for my DD.

> Thanks,

> Kathe


How about super tonic. Perfectly safe and nothing more natural.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Dear Kathy- Remember that MTX modifies the disease but does not halt the progression of the disease. A biologic should be started to ease your symptoms and stop the progression. You could try a low dose steroid and Ibuprofen as well. I found that Remicade alone worked in the beginning without MTX but should be used in low doses to keep it working effectively. Its hazy hot and humid here as well and being on the coast of maine means there are fronts coming in and out every day. You are not alone. Remember that taking an opiate for pain like vicoden may not always work and the more you take the more you need. I have been on low dose prednisone, plaquenil and ibuprofen for 12 years. I take 5 mg in the Am when I really need it and 1mg at night. It really helps. Take one mg of prednisone a day for a week, letting your body metabolize it and then increase by 1mg a week until you feel relief without using High doses and then tapering. Discuss this with your doctor. Using Ibuprofen in prescription strength of 600-800 mg three times a day works for me. Use cold or heat packs as needed for additional relief. Often people go off prednisone because they hate the side effects which include weight gain. Doctors often start at high doses initially because of crisis flaring. I found out over many years that using a small amount and gradually building will reduce or eliminate the problem. Try www.arthritisfoundation.org for more info. Hugs, Deborah

On 7/6/06, Kathy <lart12798@...> wrote:

I need some advice. I take Methotrexate 17.5mg a week and take Vicoden for the pain. I have been on this since March. Is there any other medicine or anything available to take in addition to what I am taking

to relieve the stiffness and pain? I have been in such terrible pain for the last couple of weeks, I guess it is because the Monsoon season just started. Any help will be greatfully appreciated.Kathy

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Hi Kathy,

I hope you're getting your liver function tested. Remember, Vocodin

contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), which is bad for your liver, and so

is methotrexate. My liver tests were fine for the 15+ years I've used

mexthotrexate until last year, when I added a small dose of Vicodin in

the evening. If you need pain medicine, it's a good idea to find

something without Tylenol, such as generic oxycodone (not Percocet).

And yes, if you have insurance to cover it, definitely get on

something like Enbrel, Remicade, Humira or Orencia. The cost of those

drugs is outrageous, but they can make a really big difference and

(hopefully) prevent damage to your joints. For stiffness and pain, an

NSAID will help. (Many different ones available; I don't know why you

haven't been prescribed one already.) But these are hard on your

stomach, and I've read that they, like Vioxx, might increase the risk

of heart attack and stroke. But at least on a short-term basis, it's

better than suffering.

If it were me, I'd use Prednisone as a last resort. I've been on it

for 20 years, and I'm stuck on it. If you do use it, try to keep the

dose low. This drug can cause many kinds of nasty damage, and it'll

make you fat.

If you're not seeing a good rheumatologist, please get in to see

one. Good luck.


P.S.: By the way, I've been on Orencia infusions since early May.

I've seen nothing online from people taking this drug -- am I the only

one? I took Enbrel for a long time, but it wasn't working as well, so

the doctor switched me. So far, I think it's an improvement.

>>>>>>>I need some advice. I take Methotrexate 17.5mg a week and take


> for the pain. I have been on this since March. Is there any other

> medicine or anything available to take in addition to what I am


> to relieve the stiffness and pain? I have been in such terrible pain

> for the last couple of weeks, I guess it is because the Monsoon


> just started. Any help will be greatfully appreciated.


> Kathy <<<<<<<<<


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Ask about a nsaid such as mobic or celebrex, are two that come to mind , there are many of them. They are anti-inflammatory drugs to help with the stiffness. I had a lot of relief with mobic myself. in WIKathy <lart12798@...> wrote: I need some advice. I take Methotrexate 17.5mg a week and take Vicoden for the pain. I have been on this since March. Is there any other medicine or anything available to take in addition to what I am taking to relieve the stiffness and pain? I have been in such terrible pain for the

last couple of weeks, I guess it is because the Monsoon season just started. Any help will be greatfully appreciated.Kathy

Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically different. Just radically better.

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  • 1 year later...


EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (or another office there with

which they would be familiar) developed extensive material including Spanish

language posters, etc. concerning the dangers of heat stress. I would suggest

contacting them.

Alice Larson


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Josh


Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 2:39 PM

Subject: [ ] Question

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know of any programs or curricula that have been developed

specifically for farmworkers that address sun safety related to either

heat stress or skin cancer?

Josh Shepherd

National Center For Farmworker Health

Resource Center Manager

(512) 312-5463

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