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Re: yeast diet, -natural healing

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LeAnne, Would you please e-mail me privately? kens-love@... I am very

interested in your advice. I'm a chronic yeast sufferer. Thank-you

yeast diet, -natural healing


> I am being a little slow to answer this email because

> on one list serv I got hate mail from it. So don't

> yell at me just kindly correct any errors.

> 13 years ago when we did the Yeast diet from Dr.

> Crook's book the yeast connection there wasn't a lot

> of help out there nor support. We were told to go the

> psych. if we thought we had candida. So we were on our

> own. This is what was recommended then. I am sure the

> recommendations have changed.

> We went on a two week diet of using only meat and

> vegetables except for the obvious starchy ones like

> potatoes, corn, peas ect. Yeast needs sugars and heat

> to grow. So get rid of sugars which includes carbs.

> Bread yeast is not the same yeast as colon yeast nor

> does it turn in to it nor stick around in the colon

> growing. Unless you have a bread yeast allergy you can

> have it later on in the diet. We were told to stay

> away from mold. Cantalopes and honey dews have mold on

> the rind so we couldn't eat them when we added fruits.

> I will tell about the yeast killers we used after the

> diet. After 2 weeks we could add grains. We could only

> add a new food every four days as we waited for any

> reactions to the food. Someone on this list serv

> suggested that it might take longer then that to react

> to grains. We started with pop corn then slowly added

> the non gluten grains first. Then we added the gluten

> grains. We found we didn't react except for wheat. So

> our family stayed wheat free a long time. Then we

> added fruits. Some of us couldn't have apples or

> bananas. Then we added dairy. We found out that all of

> us reacted to dairy. We are still dairy free. However,

> after 10 years on the diet, we found we could tolerate

> goats milk so now we have a farm and lots of goats. It

> didn't make my chldren hyper the way cows milk did. We

> are also sugar free. I used fruit juice sweeteners and

> stevia until we were sure our yeast was gone. Now we

> use honey.

> We added wheat back in about 18 months later without a

> problem except for my oldest one still had problems

> with it. She will go wheat free for a long time then

> slips up. But she no longer lives here and is on her

> own so someday she will figure it out.

> Yeast Killers: At the time we started this I was

> experiencing liver and kidney failure due to years of

> over the counter drug abuse. IE taking anything I

> wanted to help the symptoms of constant sinus

> infections, kidney infections and migraines. SO I had

> to do it without drugs since nystatin can cause liver

> damage.

> Back then the herb of choice for yeast was garlic. The

> adult doasage was 15 pills a day with 15 acidolphulus

> (a word I will never spell right.) ONce a week we

> would drop it 5 pills to ten, then to five, then stay

> on 5 pills a day for 3 months. We could also take

> caprilic acid, pau de arco tea, which is a great

> detoxer, yellow dock tea, red clover tea. I won't tell

> you how absolutely sick we were as we were detoxing.

> If I had to do it again I would use a colon cleanse

> with it.

> It was said to take 1 year of every 10 years you are

> old to heal from yeast with that regime. I believe it

> did.

> Now, as a chiropractor when I have someone come in

> with a yeast problem, I put them on the diet. I put

> them on Melrose Capsules 5 drops 3 x a day, 6

> Royaldolhulus pills. 3 drops of stevia extract 3 times

> a day. The cleansing trio and juvatone. People heal a

> lot faster probably within 3 months following this.

> These are all YOung Living Oil products. The

> acidolplus is grown on milk so you may not want to use

> it though but a milk free kind. I have my own opinion

> about that if you want a private email. I have asked

> the research dept to give me a GFCF list of their

> products. You can find out more about essential oils

> by visiting my friends web page:

> http://my.youngliving.com/quinstringham

> (note no www.)

> To speed the healing process instead of capsules we

> will put 15 drops of Melrose in a small amout of olive

> oil and squirt it up the rectum. The overgrowth is

> there so that is where we put the Melrose. Young

> Living oils are therapeutic grade oils. Melrose is Two

> types of meleleuca oils and rosemary oil. I am a

> chiropractor not an MD. I still don't do drugs. I do

> oils. LeAnne



> __________________________________________________


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