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MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Dr. Amy Holmes and Dr. Cave seminar!!!

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Mark your calendars for a wonderful one day seminar featuring Dr. Amy Holmes and

Dr. Cave!!! On Saturday, November 3rd, 2001 in Mississippi-

The Mississippi Unlocking Autism team will be sponsoring a seminar where the

doctors will be discussing vaccination safety and issues, mercury and the autism

connection and other important items. Dr. Cave's new book , " What

your Doctor may not tell you about Children's Vaccinations " will be available

and she will be doing a book signing! We will also have a luncheon to honor

these remarkable women for their hard work and dedication to helping solve the

puzzle of Autism.

The place and times will all be announced soon- we are still working on

details... just wanted to be sure you all get those calendars marked!!!

Please email one of the UA reps from Mississippi if you think you are coming, so

we can get an idea of what to plan for!

Maranie maranie@...

Ann Brasher anagramy@...

Pam Dollar PKDollar@...

Patty Gautier pattygautier@...

We will send out more info as it becomes available!

Thanks, and see you there!!


Mom to : ( Dean 5, heavy metal toxicity; 10 , Zack 13)

Unlocking Autism State rep for Mississippi


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