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Re: Bob & Katja-I can't believe I'm on the other side....

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Firstly, I just want to say thank you to Mel and to everyone for all

of your well wishes... you don't know how nice it was to come online

here and find so many of you wishing me well and thinking of me after

getting home today from the hospital. I guess it means a lot when

feeling so pathetic!! So a huge thank you- as huge as my face is

right now!

My surgery was yesterday, while they were catheterizing me, the nurse

said I had perfect veins for getting the IV catheter in. I was so

proud! They let me wear my underwear which I was worried about ( I

have no Idea why I am tell you all that, but I am!). No urinary

catheter, yea! I walked into the OR which I wasn't expecting. I had

crazy high blood pressure. They gave me something to relax, but it

only helped a little. Guess when I'm fidgetty to begin with.... So I

walked myself down the plank.....

As my parents reported to me, apparently the surgeon came out

afterwards exhausted. It was longer than he thought it would be-

ended up being 2 1/2 hours (He originally quoted 1.5). I had one

wisdom tooth removed, lefort 1 with palate sp? split, lower

advanced/rotated, and genio. I don't care how long it took him, glad

he was careful and took his time.

My night after surgery was Horrendous with a capital H. There is

nothing I hate more than vomiting.... after reading through

everyone's posts, I was mentally prepared for once or twice. I spent

the entire night vomiting up blood. My abs ache as much as anywhere

else right now from the full-body convulsions. Thank goodness my face

is pretty numb so that I am not hurting after having my mouth

wrenched open so much. (I am splinted, but will be banded next week-

a good thing because I don't know how I would have breathed otherwise

since my nose was packed). Anyway, I figured out that my nasal

bleeding was contributing by draining back down into my stomach... so

from 4am or something on I " slept " (yea right) hunched over forward

so that the blood would drain forward instead. That 8th time was the

last. Sorry to be so graphic, but I figured you guys could

commiserate. The only good thing about it is that now nothing I have

encountered since has been as bad as that... (well having the packing

pulled out of my nose pretty was really nasty). By having such a

wonderful contrast created for me, I am doing pretty well. Ha ha.

I had 23 hour hospitalization... with that insurance covers a private

room which was really nice. Don't know who would have wanted to

listen to me retch all night anyway. I was right by the nurses

station and my nurse knew to come running when I hit the buzzer. But

I received excellent care, thank goodness. I was worried that they'd

be mean. There is nothing worse than feeling horrible and not getting

any sympathy. But maybe I am just a big baby!!!

If I am totally incoherent, please forgive my ramblings and poor

spelling, I wanted to touch base with everyone, but I am drugged

right now and very woozy- I feel like my entired face is packed with

cotton. So, I have had ups and downs... the ups are after I have my

pain meds and feel SOOOO much better, and when my boyfriend brought

me back a choco milkshake tonight from a wonderful local hamburger

joint we have around here.... that was heaven sent, and getting a

nice hot shower tonight. We are taking pictures everyday, so

eventually I will let you all know when they are posted (once I know

I look ok in my " after " pics!!) I am fading I think, so I'm going to

say good night to everyone and thank you all again, it really meant

alot to me to find your well wishes waiting for me tonight. Ask me

anything you want to know for those of you anticipating your surgery

still, or if anyone wants to compare notes.... Good night all, you

all are great. (I think the meds are making me sentmental and

mushy!! :) katja

PS Bob, I hear you on SWOLLEN! Me TOO! I am worried how much bigger I

am going to get!!! We should take circumfirence measurments of our

heads and compare notes! Keep in touch, and dont worry, we are BOTH

feeling pathetic I think. But can you believe we're on the other side

now!?! And that the surgery is behind us.... and we're on the

downward slope of this whole ordeal... I can scarcely believe it

myself! :)


> Just wanted to say a big good luck to Bob and Katja. I believe Bob

> had his surgery yesterday and Katja's is today. I hope we hear


> them soon.

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wow... what a great post... very engaging and honest- I almost felt

like I was there... thank god I wasn't. And thank god I did not vomit.

Enjoy the extra attention your boyfriend is gonna shower you with... it

only lasts about as long as the swelling. :-) Then it goes back to

normal. He will start examining the wires as soon as he can get close

enough. mine took pictures. ;-)

Keep us posted!





> Firstly, I just want to say thank you to Mel and to everyone for all

> of your well wishes... you don't know how nice it was to come online

> here and find so many of you wishing me well and thinking of me after

> getting home today from the hospital. I guess it means a lot when

> feeling so pathetic!! So a huge thank you- as huge as my face is

> right now!


> My surgery was yesterday, while they were catheterizing me, the nurse

> said I had perfect veins for getting the IV catheter in. I was so

> proud! They let me wear my underwear which I was worried about ( I

> have no Idea why I am tell you all that, but I am!). No urinary

> catheter, yea! I walked into the OR which I wasn't expecting. I had

> crazy high blood pressure. They gave me something to relax, but it

> only helped a little. Guess when I'm fidgetty to begin with.... So I

> walked myself down the plank.....


> As my parents reported to me, apparently the surgeon came out

> afterwards exhausted. It was longer than he thought it would be-

> ended up being 2 1/2 hours (He originally quoted 1.5). I had one

> wisdom tooth removed, lefort 1 with palate sp? split, lower

> advanced/rotated, and genio. I don't care how long it took him, glad

> he was careful and took his time.


> My night after surgery was Horrendous with a capital H. There is

> nothing I hate more than vomiting.... after reading through

> everyone's posts, I was mentally prepared for once or twice. I spent

> the entire night vomiting up blood. My abs ache as much as anywhere

> else right now from the full-body convulsions. Thank goodness my face

> is pretty numb so that I am not hurting after having my mouth

> wrenched open so much. (I am splinted, but will be banded next week-

> a good thing because I don't know how I would have breathed otherwise

> since my nose was packed). Anyway, I figured out that my nasal

> bleeding was contributing by draining back down into my stomach... so

> from 4am or something on I " slept " (yea right) hunched over forward

> so that the blood would drain forward instead. That 8th time was the

> last. Sorry to be so graphic, but I figured you guys could

> commiserate. The only good thing about it is that now nothing I have

> encountered since has been as bad as that... (well having the packing

> pulled out of my nose pretty was really nasty). By having such a

> wonderful contrast created for me, I am doing pretty well. Ha ha.


> I had 23 hour hospitalization... with that insurance covers a private

> room which was really nice. Don't know who would have wanted to

> listen to me retch all night anyway. I was right by the nurses

> station and my nurse knew to come running when I hit the buzzer. But

> I received excellent care, thank goodness. I was worried that they'd

> be mean. There is nothing worse than feeling horrible and not getting

> any sympathy. But maybe I am just a big baby!!!


> If I am totally incoherent, please forgive my ramblings and poor

> spelling, I wanted to touch base with everyone, but I am drugged

> right now and very woozy- I feel like my entired face is packed with

> cotton. So, I have had ups and downs... the ups are after I have my

> pain meds and feel SOOOO much better, and when my boyfriend brought

> me back a choco milkshake tonight from a wonderful local hamburger

> joint we have around here.... that was heaven sent, and getting a

> nice hot shower tonight. We are taking pictures everyday, so

> eventually I will let you all know when they are posted (once I know

> I look ok in my " after " pics!!) I am fading I think, so I'm going to

> say good night to everyone and thank you all again, it really meant

> alot to me to find your well wishes waiting for me tonight. Ask me

> anything you want to know for those of you anticipating your surgery

> still, or if anyone wants to compare notes.... Good night all, you

> all are great. (I think the meds are making me sentmental and

> mushy!! :) katja


> PS Bob, I hear you on SWOLLEN! Me TOO! I am worried how much bigger I

> am going to get!!! We should take circumfirence measurments of our

> heads and compare notes! Keep in touch, and dont worry, we are BOTH

> feeling pathetic I think. But can you believe we're on the other side

> now!?! And that the surgery is behind us.... and we're on the

> downward slope of this whole ordeal... I can scarcely believe it

> myself! :)




> >

> > Just wanted to say a big good luck to Bob and Katja. I believe Bob

> > had his surgery yesterday and Katja's is today.  I hope we hear

> from

> > them soon.








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I'm glad my drugged writing is engaging... thank you! :) My boyfriend

has already restarted his inspections... as well as he can manage

around my big ol' swollen lips! And he has been taking pictures

too... what else do you think kept him entertaing lastnight at the

hospital watching me passed out on morphine!! Every now and then I'd

be aware of him standing over me and then a flash! lol (he had my

permission because I'm curious to see what hell I looked like! The

resident doctor thought he was a jerk to take the pics... but that's

the same jerk-ass doctor at my pre-op who couldn't take an impression

to save his life... 3 tries for the upper and pulled OFF one of my

bands on the lower just trying to fit the tray. If it doesn't fit

without any gunk in it to the point that you have to jam it down on

there... I dont' think it's going to work for the actual impression,

do you Sherlock!?! Doesn't take a mechanical engineer to figure the

logistics of that one out. He's the same Dr. today that pulled out my

nasal packing... before he did it, I had to ask him if he was better

at that than he was taking impressions! heh heh I couldn't resist...

Keep in touch and thanks for the complement on my writing,I'll take

any compliments I can get these days since chances are they aren't

going to be on my gorgeous appearance... Oh yea, You're lucky you

didn't vomit!! At least at day two I can honestly say I think my

worst is over early. Uhg. Katja :)

> > >

> > > Just wanted to say a big good luck to Bob and Katja. I believe


> > > had his surgery yesterday and Katja's is today.  I hope we hear

> > from

> > > them soon.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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hehehe... I awoke from my drugged up hospital stupor to find a bunch of

digital pictures of myself as well. Man, they must be cut from the same

cloth. I'll bet your boyfriend does something with computers.

I have a great picture of me sleeping in the dark with a red light on

my finger. Somehow this was interesting enough for my boyfriend to take

a picture.




> Tova,

> I'm glad my drugged writing is engaging... thank you! :) My boyfriend

> has already restarted his inspections... as well as he can manage

> around my big ol' swollen lips! And he has been taking pictures

> too... what else do you think kept him entertaing lastnight at the

> hospital watching me passed out on morphine!! Every now and then I'd

> be aware of him standing over me and then a flash! lol (he had my

> permission because I'm curious to see what hell I looked like! The

> resident doctor thought he was a jerk to take the pics... but that's

> the same jerk-ass doctor at my pre-op who couldn't take an impression

> to save his life... 3 tries for the upper and pulled OFF one of my

> bands on the lower just trying to fit the tray. If it doesn't fit

> without any gunk in it to the point that you have to jam it down on

> there... I dont' think it's going to work for the actual impression,

> do you Sherlock!?! Doesn't take a mechanical engineer to figure the

> logistics of that one out. He's the same Dr. today that pulled out my

> nasal packing... before he did it, I had to ask him if he was better

> at that than he was taking impressions! heh heh I couldn't resist... 

> Keep in touch and thanks for the complement on my writing,I'll take

> any compliments I can get these days since chances are they aren't

> going to be on my gorgeous appearance... Oh yea, You're lucky you

> didn't vomit!! At least at day two I can honestly say I think my

> worst is over early. Uhg.  Katja :)



> > >  >

> > >  > Just wanted to say a big good luck to Bob and Katja. I believe

> Bob

> > >  > had his surgery yesterday and Katja's is today.  I hope we hear

> > >  from

> > >  > them soon.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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It must be something about these perfect-teeth men! He used to have

his own computer business.... he still does a lot with computers, but

not as aliving now. Good guess!!! I'm assuming that is what yours

does- something with computers/engineering? Same cloth definitely-

same freakin roll, weight, pattern, serial number.... you name it-

lol. He has created an online index where he is amassing all the

pics, oh! And not only pictures, why stop at that when " movie-mode "

is a button away!?!? Come to find out there are short movie clips

too... I was looking at my pics from yesterday and they are gruesome

with all the blood all over my face! Yikes! -K

> > > >  >

> > > >  > Just wanted to say a big good luck to Bob and Katja. I


> > Bob

> > > >  > had his surgery yesterday and Katja's is today.  I hope

we hear

> > > >  from

> > > >  > them soon.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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hehehe... I knew it! Mine also has his own computer business-- I think

thier behavior it has to do with the need to find a logical answer to

things and then analyzing the data. My boyfriend also does a whole

series of macintosh computer themed cartoons online and has a cult

following of mac geek fans. He didn't make any movies but if he had

time would make a flash cartoon animation about it. There is also an

online index of me in my finest moments.... Sheesh!


> It must be something about these perfect-teeth men! He used to have

> his own computer business.... he still does a lot with computers, but

> not as aliving now. Good guess!!! I'm assuming that is what yours

> does- something with computers/engineering? Same cloth definitely-

> same freakin roll, weight, pattern, serial number.... you name it-

> lol.  He has created an online index where he is amassing all the

> pics, oh! And not only pictures, why stop at that when " movie-mode "

> is a button away!?!? Come to find out there are short movie clips

> too... I was looking at my pics from yesterday and they are gruesome

> with all the blood all over my face! Yikes! -K



> > >  > >  >

> > >  > >  > Just wanted to say a big good luck to Bob and Katja. I

> believe

> > >  Bob

> > >  > >  > had his surgery yesterday and Katja's is today.  I hope

> we hear

> > >  > >  from

> > >  > >  > them soon.

> > >  > >

> > >  > >

> > >  > >

> > >  > >

> > >  > >

> > >  > >

> > >  > >

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Glad to hear you made it through! Sorry to hear about all the

vomiting though, must of been rough. I only hope I don't vomit

myself when I go in (10 days and counting) for my surgery.

I can't believe you were only in the hospital for a day, my oral

surgeon said I'd be in for 3 to 4 days. I am in Canada, but we're

still hard up for bed space in hospitals so I would think they would

want to get me out as soon as they could! (Truth me told, if I'm up

to the fight I'm going to insist on leaving the next day just

because I'd rather be at home.)

Anyway, hope you're feeling much better and keep us updated as to

your progress.

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I understand the yen to go home, and I did go home about 1 p.m. on

Wednesday after Tuesday morning lower only surgery. But wait and see

how you fare. Most people do fine. A few have reactions to the pain

meds or the anesthesia, and a few just have a rough time of it.

Believe me, if I never see the inside of another hospital, it will be

too soon. Still, if you need them, you need them; if you're sick

enough to be there, they can be a real blessing, particularly if

they're well run.



> Katja,


> Glad to hear you made it through! Sorry to hear about all the

> vomiting though, must of been rough. I only hope I don't vomit

> myself when I go in (10 days and counting) for my surgery.


> I can't believe you were only in the hospital for a day, my oral

> surgeon said I'd be in for 3 to 4 days. I am in Canada, but we're

> still hard up for bed space in hospitals so I would think they


> want to get me out as soon as they could! (Truth me told, if I'm


> to the fight I'm going to insist on leaving the next day just

> because I'd rather be at home.)


> Anyway, hope you're feeling much better and keep us updated as to

> your progress.

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