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Sounds like osteoarthritis in your knees. I have it and have had it for

almost 10 yrs now. It gets worse sitting for long periods of time but

loosens up once you get moving so yes, you should move alot more during the

day when you can. Getting up in the morning seems to be the worst of all...


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kathy, sounds like you probably have some arthritis in your joints?

when i sit for long periods of time at my desk, when i get up i hurt

too. when you sit a while, you just get stiff, and it takes a little

movement to loosen things up a bit. or it could be impaired

circulation in yourlegs too. i have that as well, but that doesn't

cause me pain after sitting tho. if you do have arthritis, taking

anti-inflammatory meds can help. but you also need to keep those

joints mobile. make a point to get up and walk around every hour or

so thru the day. take walks in the early evening at home. if that

hurts too much, take a water aerobics class. you get the movement in

your joints without the stress of body wt. to cause pain. then there

are those glucosamine type supplements that some swear by. anything

is worth a shot if it doesn't hurt, it might help.

mary y st.louis

> Hello everyone. I am three months post op today and have lost 70

lbs. I was wondering.... I have one of those wonderful desk jobs

that you sit all day. When I get up from there sometimes my legs

hurt. My joints mostly. This goes away after walking for a little

bit. I was wondering if anyone might know what is causing this or

what it is just beyond me. And no I have not told my doctor yet.


> Kathy




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I'm pre-op and have the knee pain that Kathy was talking about. It's gotten

worse this last year. I, too, have a " sit-down " job.


> I quit walking because I thought that would agrivate my joints. Should I walk

more? Anybody know about this?


> ~~ShirleyAnn in Arcata, CA

I am no Doctor, but if you have arthritus, moving does loosen up the joints.

Also have you tried applying Emu Oil on the effected parts, there was a write up

on it in my MS magazine and I tried it. For me it seems to help.

Love and Hugs Penny Kittson

Consultation in Saskatoon

Saskatchewan with Dr. Calqhoun

Nov29 Bilio Pancreatic Diversion

Age 48 BMI 43 5' 2 "

weight now 238 / weight was 120 1987

Langley British Columbia

ICQ # 127794783



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  • 4 years later...

any advice for us. just got dbb yesterday and our 2 month old cried all

nite. he is small, a 7 lb former preemie with bilateral clubfeet. the

shoes are tight but toes look good, but the bar looks a bit long. We

are using tylenol but our hearts are breaking with the crying. Help!

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


Thanks for the info. I don't know my wbc right now - all I know is it

is really low. I don't like the fact that I am bruising pretty badly

right now. The vitamin D issues have been going on for a long time. We

cannot keep it in a normal range. I hope to have my numbers tomorrow.

I was actually on methotraxate this time but the white count issue

happened with the imuran also. I just don't know where we are going to

go next. I will be seeing the neuro at the end of the month and will be

talking to my PCP tomorrow. So who knows.

Glad you are back!

terri g


> From: mosaicgirl1 mosaicgirl1@...

> Subject: pain

> To: Neurosarcoidosis

> Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 8:52 AM








> Pain, pain go away - come again some other day. I can't figure out

> whether it is from my Vitamin D deficiency or not. My wbc is pretty


> - can the pain be from this? I know the wbc are made in the marrow and

> since I am on a weekly vitamin d regimen I was wondering if that can


> the cause. Any suggestions?


> Thanks.


> Terri G.


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  • 6 months later...

, This is a amazing, between the Neurontin and Cymbalta how much do your meds run a month? Also do you take them every single day? And does it get rid of all of the pain or X% of the pain. I was just wondering. Thank is a lot of medication. Are you have any side affects from all of these drugs. OR because of all of the pain you just do not know?Bob To: Neurosarcoidosis Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 1:28:26 PMSubject: Re: pain

I am also on Neuronton. I take 800mg 3 times a day. This really helps with the bee sting pain. I am also taking 60mg a day of Cymbalta for my back pain. There are also a bunch more but my hands are stiff today. I have sarc in the brain & spine only so far. I've had 2 brain surgerys for cvp shunts to be installed.

in 'tucky

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From: MITCHELL <mjcv29a (AT) aol (DOT) com>Subject: painTo: Neurosarcoidosis@ yahoogroups. comDate: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 8:21 PM

I've been on so many pain meds over the years. What seems to help all of you the most? Thanks

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