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basic description of my lower jaw surgery-3 days post op.

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Hey there everyone. I have been reading these posts off and on for

the last few weeks before i had my lower jaw surgery and figured i

should contribute my story as well cause they have been rather

helpful to me. Sorry if i dont make total sense, cause im on some

pretty chill pain killer called liquid percocet or somethin. okay,

to begin with, i was really nervice bout the surgery. I am 24 and I

have been thinkin bout it in the back of my mind for like the last 2

years. I dont really have that bad of a bite, and that made the

decision that much harder. But i decided i wanted my face to be

stragiht and my jaw to be lined up right. (mine was kinda off to the

side).the three days before i got it done were pretty stressful. i

didnt get good sleep and was pretty tired of the whole thing before

it even began. the night before i had dinner with some of my friends

and we were joking bout it being the " last supper " and stuff and i

ate some good food. THat night i got like no sleep and i had to be

at the surgical center at 630 am...mad early. I got there and the

people were all very nice and calm and told me what was going on.

They said somethin like i had a higher risk on the ride here in my

car than the entire proceedure which made me feel better. i was

still nervice and they gave me somthin that chilled me out totally.

Not like i dont remember what happened after...cause i do, just that

i was not worried at all anymore. it was kinda nice. they put the

mask over my face and i was out. the next thing that happend was

like waking up from being asleep. my dad was there lookin at me and

smiling and my doc told me everything went fine. The pain wasnt that

bad either. The morphine was very chill and is a sweet pain killer.

it just lets u sleep and lay there in peace. My jaw is wired shut

too but it didnt really matter that much. I got hooked up because i

have extremely little loss of feeling in my jaw on either side and

that is nice. they told me i would be numbfor months and i really am

not at all. Im sure this varies tho. I spent the night in the

hospital and didnt get that good of sleep but my bro was there and

the nurses were all very nice and helpful...tho they did make fun of

my efforts to speak hehe. in the end, it was worth it. i mean, im

swelled up pretty big even right now and havent been eating really,

but its not all that bad. been watchin movies and just on the DL. My

advice, dont sweat it. yea, its surgery and it takes time to heal.

but dont become overwhelmed. I did and im realizing it was all for

something that is not that bad. email at tannerhock@... if u

have any questions. Good luck all!

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Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll be doing lower in about a

year, and it helps to hear other people's stories. Luna


> Hey there everyone. I have been reading these posts off and on for

> the last few weeks before i had my lower jaw surgery and figured i

> should contribute my story as well cause they have been rather

> helpful to me. Sorry if i dont make total sense, cause im on some

> pretty chill pain killer called liquid percocet or somethin. okay,

> to begin with, i was really nervice bout the surgery. I am 24 and I

> have been thinkin bout it in the back of my mind for like the last 2

> years. I dont really have that bad of a bite, and that made the

> decision that much harder. But i decided i wanted my face to be

> stragiht and my jaw to be lined up right. (mine was kinda off to the

> side).the three days before i got it done were pretty stressful. i

> didnt get good sleep and was pretty tired of the whole thing before

> it even began. the night before i had dinner with some of my friends

> and we were joking bout it being the " last supper " and stuff and i

> ate some good food. THat night i got like no sleep and i had to be

> at the surgical center at 630 am...mad early. I got there and the

> people were all very nice and calm and told me what was going on.

> They said somethin like i had a higher risk on the ride here in my

> car than the entire proceedure which made me feel better. i was

> still nervice and they gave me somthin that chilled me out totally.

> Not like i dont remember what happened after...cause i do, just that

> i was not worried at all anymore. it was kinda nice. they put the

> mask over my face and i was out. the next thing that happend was

> like waking up from being asleep. my dad was there lookin at me and

> smiling and my doc told me everything went fine. The pain wasnt that

> bad either. The morphine was very chill and is a sweet pain killer.

> it just lets u sleep and lay there in peace. My jaw is wired shut

> too but it didnt really matter that much. I got hooked up because i

> have extremely little loss of feeling in my jaw on either side and

> that is nice. they told me i would be numbfor months and i really am

> not at all. Im sure this varies tho. I spent the night in the

> hospital and didnt get that good of sleep but my bro was there and

> the nurses were all very nice and helpful...tho they did make fun of

> my efforts to speak hehe. in the end, it was worth it. i mean, im

> swelled up pretty big even right now and havent been eating really,

> but its not all that bad. been watchin movies and just on the DL. My

> advice, dont sweat it. yea, its surgery and it takes time to heal.

> but dont become overwhelmed. I did and im realizing it was all for

> something that is not that bad. email at tannerhock@h... if u

> have any questions. Good luck all!

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