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At first, take it slow and remove the casein first, then the gluten. All

this will seem overwhelming at first, but then it will become a breeze,

and the rewards from the diet (for most), are just worth every penny and

time put into this diet.

As far as mailorder and web order I am a great fan of Miss Robens at

www.missroben.com and you can call them at 1-800-0083 for a catalog. I

like the catalog and to order by phone so that if I have questions they

are very helpful and nice. They have snacks, cake and cookie mixes,

condiments, flours, BOOKS (they have " Special Diets for........... "

too),pastas, soups, cereals, etc..

There are many recipes that get posted on the list here. I print them

all out and keep them in a binder and also have them in my compu in a

folder so if there is any sort of thing you're looking to make, ask, and

me or someonee else on the list here will gladly help you out.

my son has been on this diet for a little over 15 months and doing

great. I advise to first have him allergy tested for foods so that you

are not replacing the gluten and casein with other offending foods.

I had IgE blood tests run. I know there is another kind and I really

don't know what the difference is, sorry. They took vials from a tiny

butterfly into LJ. He got tested for

eggwhite corn


beef pork


tomato barley


chicken codfish


cow milk oat


rye soybean


tuna bakers yeast


cashews chocolate


carob bean rice


sweet potato white potato



He also got tested for some environmental things (dust, mold, duck,

feathers, etc) and he came up allergic to cats and dogs.

My son LJ is on Medicaid. I took him to a regular allergist who wrote a

prescription for me to go across the street to the lab inside the

hospital and they ran the tests and sent the results to the allergist.

I eliminated ALL foods that he showed even the slightest reaction to,

thus allowing for the GFCF diet to work to its fullest potential.

I didn't do any testing with my son

prior to or now other than allergy testing. He gets a complete physical

every year witha complete blood work done and other then that I stay

clear of all, except for a 100% GFCF diet.

Good luck to you and your boys with this diet.

(LJs mom) on Long Island New York




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