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sort of frustrated!

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I am due Dec. 18 but may be a week early due to a c-section if baby doesn't

change position. I wanted to sort of find out what drs will be available so

I felt like I had a bit of a gameplan going forward. I called Dr. Pirani

(Vancouver) today to see what his schedule is like for December and January.

Apparently he does casts on Tuesdays and will likely be closed on Tuesday

Dec. 27 and then is away for three weeks in January.

Both of the drs that are certified here in Calgary are away from Dec. 21-Jan

5 so I had been hoping to start sooner with Dr. Pirani. I asked him what

would happen if you casted the foot and then the drs were all away for a

couple of weeks and he said that b/c the baby grows so fast at that point,

it isn't a good idea.

Anyway, I feel a bit frustrated b/c now we must wait until the baby is at

least three weeks old to get started and my number one choice, Dr. Pirani,

will be, for all intensive purposes, unavailable unless we wanted to wait

until Feb to start with him.

I actually go see Dr. Kiefer here in Calgary tomorrow morning so I am hoping

we get really good feed back from him. Dr. Pirani also said you shouldn't

really have one or two casts with one dr and the rest with another dr so I

am really hoping that once Dr. Kiefer is back on Jan. 5 he has no plans to

go anywhere else! Gee, if only she wasn't due for another month or so, this

would work so much more smoothly :)

I think I'll still take her to Dr. Pirani for tenotomy though so he can make

sure the drs here actualy fully corrected the foot before that step.

Anyway, I just needed to vent, I guess. I just had a different idea about

how this would all play out but as long as the baby is healthy and her foot

gets the proper treatment, all of this worrying about who and when and where

won't matter in the end.

I hope you are all doing well!


p.s. Baby is still lying the wrong way, transverse, so I am going to try the

chiropractor tomorrow for the Webster technique and see if that helps. I

have heard that when you have lots of babies close together that they are

more likely to be breech or transverse so I am praying that is the only


I'll keep trying the ironing board idea too and see if that works! Thanks

for all of your input and feedback. You are the best group of people!!

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Completely understand where you are coming from. I wanted to do the

same before my son was born. We ended up getting started with him on

the Ponseti method 2 weeks after he was born. was born by

C-section on 10 Dec in Huntingdon UK and we travelled to Cambridge in

between Christmas and New Year 2003.

Look at it this way. Those weeks do not matter one jot. Babies bones

are like plastercene and this delay will not affect your baby at all.

I wish I'd make more of the time we had. I really missed not being

able to give a bath and all that normal bedtime routine

stuff. Don't get me wrong we had a fab time anyway. I wish now that

I had bathed him every day that I could have bathed him. Instead I

was too busy worrying about bathing him too much. So my suggestion is

ENJOY. Believe you me, trudging to the hospital and back is tiring.

So chill out, listen to your babe gurgle and have a wonderful Xtra

Special time.

Very best of luck with everything.


> Hello,


> I am due Dec. 18 but may be a week early due to a c-section if baby


> change position. I wanted to sort of find out what drs will be

available so

> I felt like I had a bit of a gameplan going forward. I called Dr.


> (Vancouver) today to see what his schedule is like for December and


> Apparently he does casts on Tuesdays and will likely be closed on


> Dec. 27 and then is away for three weeks in January.


> Both of the drs that are certified here in Calgary are away from

Dec. 21-Jan

> 5 so I had been hoping to start sooner with Dr. Pirani. I asked him


> would happen if you casted the foot and then the drs were all away

for a

> couple of weeks and he said that b/c the baby grows so fast at that


> it isn't a good idea.


> Anyway, I feel a bit frustrated b/c now we must wait until the baby

is at

> least three weeks old to get started and my number one choice, Dr.


> will be, for all intensive purposes, unavailable unless we wanted to


> until Feb to start with him.


> I actually go see Dr. Kiefer here in Calgary tomorrow morning so I

am hoping

> we get really good feed back from him. Dr. Pirani also said you


> really have one or two casts with one dr and the rest with another

dr so I

> am really hoping that once Dr. Kiefer is back on Jan. 5 he has no

plans to

> go anywhere else! Gee, if only she wasn't due for another month or

so, this

> would work so much more smoothly :)


> I think I'll still take her to Dr. Pirani for tenotomy though so he

can make

> sure the drs here actualy fully corrected the foot before that step.


> Anyway, I just needed to vent, I guess. I just had a different idea


> how this would all play out but as long as the baby is healthy and

her foot

> gets the proper treatment, all of this worrying about who and when

and where

> won't matter in the end.


> I hope you are all doing well!


> Halley



> p.s. Baby is still lying the wrong way, transverse, so I am going to

try the

> chiropractor tomorrow for the Webster technique and see if that

helps. I

> have heard that when you have lots of babies close together that

they are

> more likely to be breech or transverse so I am praying that is the only

> reason!

> I'll keep trying the ironing board idea too and see if that works!


> for all of your input and feedback. You are the best group of people!!


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