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----- Forwarded Message ----To: tiodaat2001@...Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 4:30:41 AMSubject: Re: Endo appt.Tracie and all sarc friends, had a great appt. with my endo doc yesteday! The sarc is totally active even in my eyes. The doc does agree I need to see a pulmonologist. She is very pleased that I am in a rehab center or she would put me the hospital? I have already been here a month and it looks like it will be another month. That long in the hospital????? I now feel more comfortable here medically because DR. Camacho sent letters back with me on my specific care. She would prefer I not have O2 until I see the pulmonologist Dr Simpson. All of my doc's are at Loyola Uninversity medical center in Illinois. So my instructions are therapy rest laying flat on my back no pillows until I feel

refreshed. My daughter stephanie and grandd. Arinna arrived yesterday from land. Steph wanted to oversee and help with the management of my care. Here at Manor Care in Hinsdale they welcome family input etc., I live in Riverside and wonder if any of the sarc groupare in the vicinity? My daughter is checking out the schwarzbein protocol! I will keep you posted. One much happier and relieved, and no more diagnosing and than panicking. I have enough to worry about than looking for more worry! Thanks Tracie and all Love and Prayer your sarc fri

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Hey girl

You take care of yourself and get better quick.

I am not in Illinois but I was raised in Oak Lawn. I am in Wisconsin now. But I do go down there some times. I still have family-Brother and niece and nephews. So If I get down there this month like I am planning I will look you up and give you some old fashion BS.

Until then Please take care. You have my prayers with you.


Re: Endo appt.Tracie and all sarc friends, had a great appt. with my endo doc yesteday! The sarc is totally active even in my eyes. The doc does agree I need to see a pulmonologist. She is very pleased that I am in a rehab center or she would put me the hospital? I have already been here a month and it looks like it will be another month. That long in the hospital????? I now feel more comfortable here medically because DR. Camacho sent letters back with me on my specific care. She would prefer I not have O2 until I see the pulmonologist Dr Simpson. All of my doc's are at Loyola Uninversity medical center in Illinois. So my instructions are therapy rest laying flat on my back no pillows until I feel refreshed. My daughter stephanie and grandd. Arinna arrived yesterday from land. Steph wanted to oversee and help with the management of my care. Here at Manor Care in Hinsdale they welcome family input etc., I live in Riverside and wonder if any of the sarc groupare in the vicinity? My daughter is checking out the schwarzbein protocol! I will keep you posted. One much happier and relieved, and no more diagnosing and than panicking. I have enough to worry about than looking for more worry! Thanks Tracie and all Love and Prayer your sarc fri

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