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update Pomy

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i want to thank all those who answered , inquired about myself and my wife.

As of Monday, my wife received a clean bill of health, and the cancer did not go to other parts of her body. She has to be monitored every 3 months for 2 years, but that's preferable over the other options.

As for me, I went to the liver dr and she confirmed that I don't have hep C! Sge wrote the dr that a sarc suffer has high numbers in blood tests that might show as hep. She said I can live with the stones and the dull pain is caused by an infection that is suppose to go away. I guessit's part of the sarc.

The only real thing I know is that every few months, I get flare ups due to the ns and I guess I have to live with it and take it easy during those times.Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger  Get it now!

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Milk Thistle, Milk Thistle and more Milk Thistle. Get that Liver detoxified, and keep the fluids going. You will feel better all the way around. Health food stores will have the Milk Thistle, and you can take capsules-- with all the drugs we're on-- we need to be a friend to our livers.

Give you wife a hug, and let her know that so many of us are keeping and holding the both of you in our hearts.



NS Co-owner/moderator

To: neurosarcoidosis ; sarcoidconnection@...Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1:50:27 AMSubject: update Pomy

Hi,i want to thank all those who answered , inquired about myself and my wife. As of Monday, my wife received a clean bill of health, and the cancer did not go to other parts of her body. She has to be monitored every 3 months for 2 years, but that's preferable over the other options. As for me, I went to the liver dr and she confirmed that I don't have hep C! Sge wrote the dr that a sarc suffer has high numbers in blood tests that might show as hep. She said I can live with the stones and the dull pain is caused by an infection that is suppose to go away. I guessit's part of the sarc. The only real thing I know is that every few months, I get flare ups due to the ns and I guess I have to live with it and take it easy during those times.

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